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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. In my best Rodney Dangerfield impression: "No Offense"
  2. Wouldn't this qualify for an Off the Wall "would Ya"?
  3. Here in Central Florida, they're very popular and extremely busy. I drive by several daily and the drive thru lines are wrapped around the building and the lots are full all day long. The one closest to my house is so busy, I bet they are pulling down $1 mil a week in sales. It's just off the interstate and is packed open to close 6 days a week.
  4. Why was he released? Cap? attitude? sucks? Considering KC is fairly thin at WR, this release seems odd. Besides Hill, who is a multi purpose player, the next WR on the roster is........Chris Conley? I get that the cap hit was a tough one to swallow but there is nobody else there. I love the move though, the more depleted the Chefs are, the better chance they suck, the better the draft pick for us.
  5. Brittany Powell is really hot in that movie, in a simple girl kinda way. Favorites: Dazed and Confused Breakfast Club Sixteen Candles (no more yanky my wanky, the donger need food)
  6. And he's not putting down carpet
  7. Kitty Foreman, with props to Midge for just being the hot neighbor. Homer Simpson or Peter Griffin. Funniest dads of all time, imo.
  8. 1. Just WIN 2. Continue to WIN year after year 3. STOP SUCKING
  9. Nice spin off!Does Tyrod even have a house in WNY?? If so, is he only renting and is his permanent residence in Virginia? Does he have Blue Cheese in his refrigerator or is it only Ranch? These are the things that are important.
  10. I'm in roughly the same situation here in a small town just north of Orlando. $250,000+, 4/3 house and taxes are less than $1800/year along with no state income tax. I was paying more in taxes on a $40,000 house when I lived in NY than I do now. New York State is absolutely raping the home owning taxpayers. Side note, I'm in Windermere/winter garden a couple times a week. Are there any decent bars close to Windermere Prep school?
  11. Don't forget a GM that knows how to get those extra comp picks in the bottom of the 5th, 6th and 7th rounds. God knows every successful team was built on late round comp picks not on players drafted in the first 2 rounds.
  12. RIP Referring to him as a great American is a huge understatement of who he was and what he did. Senator McCain could only wish he had half patriotism as Col. Leo Thorsness.
  13. Wawa isn't a horrible place. They are popping up all over Centrsl Florida and every one I go into is always busy. It's not sit down but the food is good and prices are decent. My daughter loves their Panini's, almost always gets one before her softball practice. Another nice feature is you can pay via their app on your phone so you don't have to expose a bank/credit card.
  14. This pretty much says it all. Rex greatly influenced the last couple of drafts, same as he did in NY and that didn't work out well there either. Overall Whaley has done a good job, he just hasn't hit on the franchise QB yet. Once that happens, he will be loved like Polian was for getting Kelly to sign after the USFL folded.
  15. Where is Buffalo Joe? I think that's his name. He's always good for "what not to do" advice on relationships.
  16. That's hilarious! A bit more descriptive than my "dirt and water" flavor, lmao! I did have a bottle of Oban Scotch not to long ago that was extremely tasty and not peaty. I could get a couple bottles of Jefferson Reserve for what I paid for it. I'm sipping the Jefferson right now and I would take this over Scotch almost anytime. Cheers!
  17. I will generally drink any bourbon, though some are reserved for different occasions/settings. Relaxing on the patio listening to music: Woodford Reserve Jeffersons Reserve Angels Envy Tin Cup Blantons Then when I'm in more of a social setting: Makers/Makers 46 Jim Beam Wild Turkey 101 Jack Daniels Regular or Gentleman I'm not a snob by any means but I find that Bourbon is similar across the board no matter the price point. There are some that are some that aren't worth $75+/bottle and there are some grossly underpriced at $20. It just depends on what you think tastes good to you. Scotch on the other hand has way to many variations to get into which deserves another thread. Plus Scotch can range from $20-$10,000 and some of the high end Peats taste like you're drinking soil and water mixed. I'm thirsty now
  18. I agree, that might be the best of them all. Pretty bad a$$ looking.
  19. Anything on the "major" networks. It's all BS and politically corrected or motivated. I personally watch sports, cartoon series, i.e. Family guy, American Dad, History Channel or DiscoveryID. Disc ID is a must watch because there is a lot of info on there if you ever get worried that your wife wants to "off" you for insurance money or something. If you Watch some shows on there before bed, you'll sleep with one eye open, lol.
  20. Tyrod I doubt it but if they draft a QB early, it's possible that he shows better in camp and could be better than TT in preseason and could win the job. Nobody on this coaching staff is tied to TT and if they feel they could win with somebody other than him, they aren't obligated to "give" him the job.
  21. Damn!! Hell Yes! So, there weren't any guys over 18 that couldn't wrangle her in. What is wrong with the guys in Texas? (sarcasm) Oh, and that poor kid, must have been traumatized. (sarcasm again)
  22. I heard Trump is personally traveling to your grandparents house and taking their money and oat bran out of their cupboards.
  23. Why didn't they just look under Walt Coleman's bed. I'm sure it just got misplaced during an innocent night of "I owe you one Walt".
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