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Everything posted by flomoe

  1. I hate to say this, because this organization needs stability, but the coaching staff needs to go. Not because they can't coach but they still apparently think that Taylor is the QB that can lead them to the playoffs. Sure the D sucked but Taylor cannot put the game away. The O had every chance to put the game away against a very, very weak D and Tyrod just can't find or hit anyone open. Once they went 3 and out, it was over. The Offense is not designed to play from behind and Taylor basically sucks in that role. It's time to move on, and if that means to give EJ a shot to see if he can do something the rest of the year, hell, why the f¥ck not. Playoffs are out of the picture AGAIN.
  2. Maybe Dareus just doesn't want to play Nose Tackle in this defense and is coming up with all sorts of injury excuses. Maybe he just got Haynesworth disease and decided it's just not worth working when your bank account is overflowing with free money. Either way it's on the player regardless of who picked him, who signed him or who coached him.
  3. DeBary, FL Awesome seeing the Bills fans on here not just from all over the country but those on the other side of the world. That's some serious dedication.
  4. There's an awful lot to do there. Let's hope he can accomplish that the first week.....kidding but if he can get most of that done the first year or so, this country will have done a complete 180 from the BO crapfest we've dealt with for 8 years.
  5. Or, apparently on here, learning from a bunch of nitwits on how to coach a professional football team.
  6. It all starts and ends at QB. IMO Whaley has put together a pretty deep team considering the injuries but the QB position is consistently leaving the team short. Can't fault Whaley for not getting a top tier QB when there isn't one to be had.
  7. Sounds like it probably was a typical Liberal thug just pushing the everyday working folk out of their way!! Vote Trump!
  8. The ignorance of some people, that believe everything that the "main stream media" spews is gospel, is unbelievable. Just because the New York Times or Washington Post print something that says Trump is a racist, doesn't mean it's true. I would hope that these "educated" athletes, understand and research the truth about the candidates. The fact that Rex openly supported Trump shouldn't affect one person involved with the team in any capacity whatsoever. He is an American with the right and freedom to support whoever he wants, just like players have their right and freedom to stand or sit for the National Anthem. It should not affect what happens on the field and anybody with half a brain should understand that. The freedom for individuals to have their own thoughts without persecution is what makes this country great.
  9. Sorry Dude but you're wrong. If you look back before that draft, most people(fans) believed the Bills were set at QB. At the time, most people thought all EJ needed was a playmaker to pair him with! Also, at the time, most people would have traded up to #1 to get Sammy. He was considered head and shoulders above all of the WR's available that year. Don't let the fact that Marrone basically ruined EJ, and the fact that Sammy has been hampered by multiple injuries that even the best psychic could not have seen coming, cloud that puny nut inside your skull. Sh!t happens and you want someone's head. Tough sh!t! Injuries aren't what get GM's fired, it's piss poor talent, which we had seen from around 2003-2012, that get GM's fired. I'm not thrilled about the current situation but the Bills are finally showing signs of life with some extremely talented ball players and we cannot go through another reset, fire everyone, and start over again. This team needs continuity in the worst way and Whaley brings that and I believe the Pegulas see that too.
  10. Maybe "some" players are softer than players years ago?! Most are trying to play for a bigger and better contract. Why not take it easy and get through the first one??
  11. I hope Wonder Woman has a bigger role in the new one, maybe something involving a beach or shower, lol. I know she's probably pushing 60 but she's a very attractive woman.
  12. Good Lord! She's amazing.......he might be my favorite Bill.
  13. Is it possible that every nfl city will get a crack at hosting the draft? I don't think buffalo would get it anytime soon but it would be pretty cool if some cities were able to host.
  14. If he thinks it's going to get better going to Philly, he might want to ask Santa how he made out there.
  15. Nobody is dumb enough to bring a baseball guy in to run a football team.......oh wait!
  16. I was checking the reviews on this "Filipino Fire Water". This one is pretty funny: I was fortunate enough to get an opportunity to visit the Philippines. While there, I spent my time in the central islands away from the bustle of Manila. As stated by other reviewers, Tanduay Rum is super cheap on the islands and was the go-to liquor for locals. Tanduay Dark, which has a strange hue of reddish orange, is definitely not a smooth sipper. It has a sweetish ethanol smell and could be described as an alcohol flavored rum. Quite harsh all around with a glimmer of sweetness trying to escape the flames of gasoline. The locals created some interesting "cocktails" to cover the burn. One variation that I found enjoyable and memorable was called "Reggae Reggae", a mixture of Nestea Powdered Iced Tea, Calamondin juice (small limes found in Southeast Asia) and an overly generous amount of Tanduay Dark. Although not a top shelf rum, Tanduay will always remind me of that great time when I almost died in the Philippines. Don't drink too much of this stuff, this board needs your optimism around here billsintaiwan.
  17. Is this moron serious? Wtf?? I guess Matt Millen is available, he hasn't destroyed a franchise in a few years so might as well see how quickly he could get us the number one pick for a WR.
  18. I like it.....I guess it wouldn't be Buffalo if the people didn't B word about something positive. Whine on!!
  19. If they give up hundreds of yards per game on the ground like they did when they were getting all those sacks, it will be a long year. Your complete negativity towards Rex is ridiculous. Bring back Pettine, right?
  20. I have the sports package here in Florida too and I'm guessing that the NFL will screw this up somehow so us out-of-staters won't see it unless we subscribe to their $100 money grab package.
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