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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. Well, cmon now … it’s The Hill! Right up there with the New England Journal of Medicine. Beware!
  2. I knew the kid that threw it … played travel hockey and baseball with my kids years ago. Barstool sports did a feature on it back then
  3. Wondering if he’s still mad that Wade doesn’t wear a headset or that Glenn Parker was fat 😂
  4. Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I couldn’t care less. My singular focus is on a Lombardi, not individual accolades.
  5. Thinking back to the days when he was our only star … 🤮
  6. I’ve been trying to remind myself of this exact thing all week …. But Monday is gonna be a depressing day around these parts if the worst happens
  7. Don’t know much about Pete, but if Harold Carmichael can still play? Git er dun Beane!
  8. Any show featuring firefighters that shows them entering a fully involved structure fire to find little pockets of fire randomly placed along with the ability to see clearly.
  9. West Seneca Community Talk on Facebook is filled with requests for residential snow removal and answers from contractors …
  10. He hopscotched his way to the bank to cash his check?
  11. I’ve been a professional editor for years, but sorry, not enough hours in the day to do pro bono work. Why not take a whack at it yourself. There’s plenty of free/dirt cheap video editing software out there that far exceeds what we could do with the pro equipment of the day 20 years ago.
  12. Put em up at the nearby OP hotels … rent rooms by the hour, bring your own sheets 😂
  13. He got his crew into the post season with a third string quarterback… I’ll give him a pass this year
  14. I’ll be more than fine with Gabe leaving, but I’d really like him as an option against KC, given his history against them in the playoffs
  15. Is that one of your “hot for teachers” new career paths?
  16. He is capable of making the occasional great play … unfortunately, he’s more than capable of breaking your heart with bone headed penalties and poor positioning. I’d rather have a consistent, dependable guy at the position. That said, he’s all we’ve got so cross your fingers and toes and hope for the best
  17. Hey now, I shank 27 yarders into the rough and WNY golf courses still allow me tee times
  18. Man, that dude had a personal vendetta against Glen Parker for sure … and I’m surprised he didn’t glue a headset to Wade Phillips’ dome 😂 I get a chuckle out of Schopp reading that ad copy 😂
  19. Social media police are out of control … I just finished serving a three day ban on Facebook for something I posted … in 2016! 🤬
  20. Post this in one of the west Seneca Facebook groups … you’ll probably have much better response. Good luck!
  21. I am one. Faithful season ticket holder for years, game days started early at tailgates …. Long days, especially when one works early Monday, and as we all got a little older, we no longer considered “embracing the elements” as a badge of honor. Most home games, preparing to deal with the weather became a central focus. I’m quite certain that the younger folk who love sitting in the elements will have a different viewpoint as they approach retirement age.
  22. I very much embraced it from my recliner yesterday!
  23. I thought it odd that Murray was active over Fournette yesterday … probably a culmination of displeasure with his lack of useage and a need to roster another player. As long as Ty Johnson is active, Fournette is not a need.
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