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Everything posted by AlCowlingsTaxiService

  1. You do understand how a game day immediate reaction thread works, don’t you?
  2. Great. Now we’re all going to have to endure all the “Where’s all the Davis haterz now” posts
  3. Absolutely gutless performance thus far … merry fuggin Christmas Bills fans 🤮
  4. Idk … the Lions are good, but they’re not “I’ve got to hire Ben Johnson at any cost” good …
  5. Honestly, I never bought into the “emotionally drained” narrative, but at the time you were labeled an insensitive, uncaring dolt for even suggesting that … I may very well be all those things, but it’s not why the Bills were a no show against Cincinnati…
  6. Go out to a local watering hole man …. Have an adult beverage, bond with like minded fans … enjoy life my friend
  7. I so wish I could flame you, but I think in many long time fan’s minds, that very thought is lurking somewhere deep in their souls 😂
  8. Cmon now … that morning clown on WGR told us all that running backs just don’t matter
  9. In my mind, they could possibly lose this game …. To Herbert. To some dude named after a hockey stick? It’s just not happening. If I’m wrong? I’m sure this board will be on 🔥
  10. Is there such a thing as a chargers fan? Big deal. Both my kids had Easton Sticks when they played hockey
  11. I’d end up at the Elbo Room … it might not be a Bills backer bar, but after a couple hours there, I usually don’t remember my name anyway 😂
  12. Meh … he loves Buffalo because he made his rep here as a true WR1 and one of the best at his craft. However, I’m sure when his Bills career is over, he’ll move on to a burg that better fits his apparent lifestyle and not look back. Just doesn’t seem to be a shot and a beer and a snow shovel kind of guy. Nothing wrong with that.
  13. Back in the day, my ex and I were addicted. It really was the only show of it’s kind that I know of that gave several mega stars and some lesser lights their break in the biz. That local crooner even got his 15 minutes. Show fell apart once Simon became a nice guy 😂
  14. He’s a “break glass in case of emergency” guy at this point if healthy. He’ll get one more chance to show what he’s got in next seasons camp. If that fails, he’ll forever be enshrined in the Bills “Busts of Honor” gallery
  15. Most corporate entities preach “family” but they are anything but. The Bills are no different.
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