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Everything posted by LI_Bills

  1. Personally, I appreciate all the posts ridiculing the notion that the Bills blew it by letting Hogan "get away".
  2. This morning I saw a post where someone had Luck as a top 5 and my immediate thought was he was a step down from there. I tried to do the mental exercise, but life got in the way. Thanks for doing the legwork. By and large you nailed it IMO.
  3. Buffalo or Miami...hope it doesn't come down to the weather. Can't imagine this would happen, but could the Panthers still block a move?
  4. In another post someone suggested that McD couldn't hire offensive coaches unless they knew who the OC would be. That made sense to me and now it appears that Dorsey could be the missing puzzle piece. But why so long for the interview? Maybe he was on vacation?
  5. No thanks. He can be as good as it gets at WR but he dropped a ton of passes this year and more to the point I'm pretty sure he's never been to the playoffs. Not a good fit for a team with a playoff drought.
  6. This is nothing against Anthony Lynn, I wish him no ill will (except when they play the Bills), but remember when he mistakenly announced Cardale Jones as the starter instead of EJ? Well, he was at it again nearly calling his new team the San Diego Chargers. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/anthony-lynn-wait-coach-san-di-uh-chargers-article-1.2948868 Both minor mistakes, probably nerves, I just found it interesting.
  7. And you were, I appreciate both...I think we're cut from the same cloth.
  8. Only the effing Patriots could think a ball that travels 10 yards from a QB's hand could be a fumble.
  9. A better game than I expected. To me its a reminder of the importance of defense in the post season.
  10. Downsize? Did you say downsize? I can't imagine that's been given much if any thought by the NFL or NFLPA. On the contrary it's all about expansion...outside of the U.S. Has any of the major sports ever contracted? Can't think of one, maybe hockey? I think it's all been relocations, no?
  11. Saw the topic, noticed the poster, ignored the original post and went straight to the post replies. Great stuff.
  12. Not sure if this has already been posted but at least one disgruntled Charger took out his frustration an old-fashioned way: http://www.boltsfromtheblue.com/2017/1/12/14251254/man-eggs-chargers-hq
  13. I hear ya and no doubt we would not want to hold Lynn hostage, but the flip side is that he started the season as RB coach, was elevated to OC and considered for HC. If he doesn't get a HC offer I could see him staying. The career path to HC in the NFL is not always from the org that you got your start in. OK, but does it happen? I can't recall a OC/DC going to a new city based on $$ Maybe Garret waiting his turn in Dallas.
  14. I never gave this much thought until today. Are there bidding wars for OC/DC coordinators?
  15. Totally agree that the loss of Carr weakened the playoffs. Even if they didn't win the division they would have beaten the Texans. Pats-Raiders for the first time since the Raiders got ripped off by the "tuck rule" would've been must see.
  16. The under current to this post is that making the playoffs is good enough. That's not where I'm at. I see it as a progression. You need to make the playoffs first. Then shoot for a win...if it's in the same year great, otherwise shore up the weaknesses and look for continual improvement and becoming a contender every year. The Lions seem to be stuck in neutral. The Dolphins haven't found consistency. Another example is the Texans. That's not what I want. I thought the worst part of the Derek Carr injury was the Raiders got robbed of a productive playoff experience. They would have been competitive with Carr and maybe won a game, but the defense would've been exposed at some point.
  17. So in this post you say the Bills WILL be a disaster, and then 15 minutes later you post "Bills SHOULD let Tyrod go and sign EJ to a one year deal." with the premise of tanking for a top pick. I am anxiously awaiting the COULD be a disaster post.
  18. To the mods: there should be a statue of limitations for how long this thread is allowed to go on.
  19. None of those guys are getting hired...it's a mute point.
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