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Everything posted by LI_Bills

  1. Couldn't have said it any better....well, maybe "sometimes" was an understatement.
  2. Who cares if they were soundly beating people? Luck runs out, 20 out of 24 is a trend, not luck.
  3. Did you see the stat about winning 20 of 24? I personally wouldn't chalk that up to luck. If you want to argue they aren't built for a deep playoff run, different story.
  4. Disagree. What if they win next week and get eliminated anyway? I think that's possible, not sure. My take is that he is getting canned unless they make the playoffs.
  5. Not sure exactly how it works, but I don't see Payton accepting being traded to the Bills...or any other team he's not interested in coaching. The Colts I could see.
  6. Yup. OP touched on it, but one of my favorite quotes is: "Statistics are for losers".
  7. Yeah, not so much. Lets hope we're more pleased with our Rex replacement!
  8. I get smirks from my bro-in-laws who are Jets fans that are happy to be rid of Rex.
  9. At the risk of getting torched, the Raiders are my second team. It's been that way since the 70's for me. The 51-3 playoff game was awesome/torture. Two weeks ago was rough. The Raiders had more to gain, but my heart was with the Bills. What's crazy is how bad the Raiders have been since their last SB. The Bills have been a 6-8 win team. The Raiders were more like a 3-5 win team. Forget continuity, tanking for a draft choice, blah blah blah. It's about the QB (Carr was not a first rounder) and more to the point good drafts (Khalil Mack anyone?)
  10. Agreed part 2. TT may not be the long term answer but at a reasonable price he's worth keeping around until we strike QB gold.
  11. I totally get your question and in my mind you missed the poster child: Wade Phillips. I think the difference is that Rex has too big of an ego/personality to take the step backwards.
  12. To all those that mocked the OP: thanks for the laughs, outstanding! If by vision and plan you mean QB, then I agree.
  13. Great (hypothetical) question. I'd say yes, if we don't make the playoffs and no if we do. I get that most (myself included) want Rex gone, but I think he gets a stay of execution if we miraculously make the playoffs. And as much as I agree that making the playoffs would be a step backwards, I want it anyway. In the same vein, firing a coach before you're eliminated from the post season makes no sense at all to me.
  14. In spite of the TBD poster who is trying to convince us that Luck sucks, if Pagano gets canned Payton would appear to be a great fit for the Colts. I don't see any way he comes to Buffalo.
  15. We mock what we don't understand. It's a quote from Animal House.
  16. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? It ain't over and as much as I agree that Rex needs to go and Tyrod isn't the answer, we are not out, I still want a playoff game, and rooting for the Bille to lose (even for the perceived greater good) just isn't in me.
  17. This game wasn't on my radar but I was fortunate to tune in just after Army's go ahead drive and witness the emotional ending. Since I never served, rooting for Army over Navy (or vice versa) would be like trying to pick which twin son to root for if they played against each other. Gotta put attending an Army/Navy game on the bucket list and since I'm close I gotta put a West Point home game on the short list.
  18. So our path to a new coach is promoting a failure to a position he's never held? I'm usually a "stay the course" guy, but my minimum expectation for Rex was a strong defense. Two years in and we are anything but that, and we all know where the D was at before he arrived. Rex is a natural fit for broadcasting. Dump Collinsworth and bring in Rex. It would probably be highly entertaining for a year or so.
  19. +1 Am I really the first with the +1? Can I make it a +47?
  20. I disagree that Brady is the rare breed with regard to wanting to play, he's the rare breed because the skills haven't faded. There are plenty of examples of superstars that hang on too long after the skills have faded. I think its their drive to compete/play that made them a cut above the rest to begin with. And I never begrudge the superstar that wants to play as long as he can when everyone thinks he should hang up the cleats, I admire the love of game and will to compete.
  21. Unconfirmed but my 10 year old claims to have gotten the Bills to the top seed.
  22. While I like the idea, the problem is they're trying to make it easier on the officials, not harder. That's one reason a face mask is a 15 yarder, the refs no longer have to decide on whether it's flagrant. As for the college rule, forget it. The receivers will get mugged on every long pass.
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