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Everything posted by LI_Bills

  1. Holy flashback to New Years Day, 2006. Jets-Bills at the Meadowlands. Neither team had anything to play for, but the Jets had more to gain from the loss than the Bills. Sound familiar? Reggie Bush was the presumed target for the Jets. I was at the game with the same ambivalent feeling I'll have tomorrow...I can't actually root against the Bills but I hope they lose for the higher draft pick. Bills go up on a FG mid 4th quarter...and I could be wrong but I think the drive started with a kickoff return for a TD by McGee that was called back on a penalty. Regardless, Jets return the ensuing kickoff for a TD and the Jets fans are pissed This is messed up: Mario Williams goes first in the draft, Bush goes second, Vince Young goes third and finally the Jets take D'Brickashaw...which probably was the best pick. Moral of the story: play your balls off and draft well! Suck for Luck is a rarity. Happy new year to all!
  2. As a fan I hope they lose for the draft position. But no way do I want players that think that way.
  3. Last off season the Giants went on a spending spree on defense because their 2015 defense sucked and they know the window is closing on Eli. Remarkably they turned it around in one year. Whether they go deep into the post-season this year or not there is no way they'll cut ties with Eli.
  4. Start drinking this early and you may not make it to midnight.
  5. And while you're at it bring Payton with him.
  6. Gotta crawl before you can walk. And we've been laying on our back staring at the ceiling for far too long. I just look at making the playoffs as a necessary first step towards becoming a perennial contender.
  7. So we had a back and forth where I acknowledged your point of view...wtf does that have to do with "those kids" being heart-broken?
  8. Good point. It made me realize that I am biased to the notion that college is for academics not athletics.
  9. I always associated Fisher with the Eddie George/Steve McNair teams that were tough as nails. Regardless, the fact that he was the opposing head coach for the debacle in 1999 should stop the any conversation regarding coaching the Bills in its tracks.
  10. It's fascinating to me that college athletics are willing to admit that their coaches are professionals but their players aren't. I guess they hide behind professor/student. But what professor is getting paid like Saban?
  11. Cuz I was getting bored reading the same re-tread posts about Rex/Tyrod/Whaley/Lynn/Russ...and I saw two football-related articles that piqued my interest ...and I appreciate thoughts from posters on this site on all matters football. If my posts go nowhere so be it.
  12. Part II in my attempt to generate non-Rex/Tyrod/Whaley conversation. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/12/30/as-mccaffrey-sits-stanfords-quarterback-carted-off-with-knee-injury/ These decisions by college football players to sit out bowl games to protect their futures makes all the sense in the world to me and helps to shine a light on the fact that college football is a business and not an off-shoot of "higher education". I'm amazed at what top college coaches get paid. Makes me wonder how the need to pay these coaches and fund these programs influences overall tuition costs for non-athletes.
  13. The past few days on this site have been dominated by the obvious - Rex, Tyrod, Whaley,... And while I appreciate everyones opinions which either challenge or reinforce my own thoughts, I'm getting kind of tired of every thread covering the same old ground. I came across the following, got incensed at the attitude and thought it might be a distraction from the Bills woes: hhttp://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/darrelle-revis-complaining-the-jets-should-treat-him-with-more-class/ WTF!?! Revis was an elite HOF-caliber player and made every effort to maximize his payday every step of the way. I don't begrudge him of that in any way, shape or form. He even managed to get a ring along the way. Good for him. But then he gets his one last payday, goes straight into the tank, plays on a defense that absolutely quit on the season...and wants to be treated with "class". What a (insert your own noun)!
  14. It's really not that simple. As others have said, if it were then Tyrod would be playing Sunday. I don't pretend to know what Whaley is thinking wrt Tyrod, maybe it will play out as you predict, but right now I think he's making sure he has options at both QB and HC.
  15. If this is an audition for EJ, it's not for the Bills. He's starting to ensure Tyrod's injury clause isn't invoked. I have to assume that they don't think Cardale is ready, otherwise they'd take him out for a test drive on Sunday.
  16. Maybe I missed the OP's point, but what exactly is the path to being a head coach if it's not being an Offensive/Defensive Coordinator first? Some guys are able to step up, loosen the reins on their attachment to offense/defense and become real leaders, some can't. Personally, I love the OC/DC that didn't work out as a HC and is willing to take a step back. I don't think Rex fits that mold, but look at guys like Schwartz and Wade.
  17. Funny. The other part of my story is when I was young for some unknown reason I became a fan of the Super Bowl winner every year until my father set me straight.
  18. Born and raised on Long island, Dad from Chicago, Mom from Boston so no allegiance to Jets/Giants. Jets/Giants had no real superstars (Namath's knees were shot). Bills were the only team from New York with a true superstar (OJ) and thus a lifetime of misery began. Worst part is that I've passed it along to my two boys. Funny line from my youngest who called Rob Ryan Santa Claus for obvious reasons. "It makes sense that they fired Santa Claus...Christmas is over!"
  19. Just cuz QB's are taken in the first round doesn't make them good picks (EJ!). I think we've seen a number of QB's succeed that were drafted after the first round (Russel Wilson, Derek Carr) and I think the idea that QB's taken after the first round are scraps is the big lie.
  20. WRT playoffs, feels like one win away (worse yet another teams loss)
  21. By and large the draft IS luck (see Manning/Leaf for starters). Everyone knew Mack was highly rated so the Raiders took him early. Picking Carr early would have been high risk (umm, EJ) and the Raiders would not have had ended up with both Mack and Carr. Lucky? Yes and no.
  22. I'd probably be making excuses for Sherman if he was a Bill, so I get your point. But that's a classic hockey scenario, and I think every good hockey team needs that guy on the ice. The good ones are able to instigate without taking the cheap shot and usually its not a high skill player. Plus this was an off-field situation with Sherman so not quite apples to apples (maybe if you brought up Sean Avery!)
  23. I always liked the quote from Parcells: "Your are what your record is". Point is it doesn't really matter how you got there.
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