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Everything posted by Billsfan1972

  1. What's frustrating is how open he is on plays inside the 5 yard line. Yesterday couldn't ask for easier TD's. When was the last time Buffalo scored an easy TD pass inside the 7. Every catch seems like it is threading a needle.
  2. That was a tough catch. Could have it been caught? Yes, but would have been a spectacular one.
  3. Of course, the point is that it has been predominantly one-sided while the Bills are 5.5 point favourites, even those picking the Bills it is always with trepidation and at most a 3 point win. Was just an observation and how I've felt listening reading and watching this week.
  4. What everyone wants? Huh? Mahomes vs. Allen indoors on a neutral field I'd say is what the majority would say. I know just win, but if there is a game the Bills need a convincing win it is versus Cincy tomorrow. Otherwise we'll be hearing about January 2nd. But I'm a Bills fan.🤣
  5. This one seems more balanced. Yes both pick the Bills, so some bias, but this was one of the few to acknowledge Cincy struggled vs. Baltimore, which seems to go unnoticed by many. And if the Bills do win, don't worry the complaints afterwards will be the unfair advantage the Bills had being at home, because the 10 minutes on January 2 clearly showed that Cincy was the better team.
  6. So you're here soaking up as much information as possible and I listen, read and watch a lot. The Bills have been just off much of the season and it was a tough week with the national media. Funny watching Around the Horn and NFL Live the majority picked Buffalo, but it was with trepidation. This is a place to share thoughts and the hope is Monday there'll be a 180.
  7. 50 yards in a one score game. Was it mentioned once this week?
  8. #1 along with Grosse Pointe Blank and Something Wild Honorable mention to Martin Scorsese Goodfellas, Casino & The Departed As a Springsteen Fan Blinded by the Light
  9. That first half TB could do no wrong. Second half Cincy started drives at TB's 16, 31, 13 & 39 yard line.... BTW 237 total yards offense the game. How about Huntley too handing them the game? BTW both Baltimore games were in Cincy too.
  10. And if Brown tackles him at the 5, which he should have everything changes. Really we should be talking about what a great game it was and steamrolling the Dolphins😉.
  11. Always excuses when a fan of the team. So Baltimore too then is a bad match up for the Bills, who on their last 5 drives vs. Baltimore scored on 4 of them and walked down the field each time? Remember too that game was rain and not great weather on the road. BTW Bills fan can say the NYJ are a bad matchup for them (yet Burrow threw for 275 & 3 TDs vs them).
  12. I'll read it soon, but again Shakir catches a perfect pass and Brown doesn't break off route (and probably just an incompletion) what happened afterwards doesn't happen and they are lauding perfect deep throws by Allen.
  13. Here is different and we can debate it. The National Press are not watching 16 games a week in their entirety and analyzing the minutiae or knowing everything that went on. Like me who didn't watch the last two Cincy games vs. Baltimore where they were far from dominating at home and Burrow held to under 220 yards passing can say definitively that Burrow is not too good as of late.
  14. When things are really good I'll listen to a lot, search out articles and watch the national media shows. It seems though with all the negativity surrounding an 8 game winning streak that is no longer the case.😉😝😆 But listening to my favourite podcast and seeing 1-2 articles I need to stop as my blood is boiling listening to all the pro Burrow & Cincy talk and how down some are about Allen's erratic play and so much put on the Dolphins game. Of course Burrow's #'s the last two weeks aren't discussed & the pick 6 vs. NE in a game they could've lost too. Add to that, many are gushing over Cincy and the first 10 minutes January 2 (now if Buff scored a TD and not a fg things may have been a little different). Used to spend all Sunday immersed in pre-games and other things, but haven't the last decade. Interesting this weekend, that not just the Buffalo/Cincy game, but the other three too all being talked about using "Recency Bias". Dallas (and Dak) looked great against a lousy fraud in TB. The Giants moved up and down against one of the worst "D's" in football and a team everyone was predicting the clock would strike midnight soon. Finally look at the upstart Jags and what they did. Sunday 3:00 can't come soon enough to get it started (and then get it over with).
  15. Love the 10:00 am start. Though screws up my Sunday golf game. Should make them in November, when the weather starts turning here. Dislike moving a September/October game from Buffalo when better chance at decent weather.
  16. Oops missed it. Lead story on ESPN today. Great stories.
  17. Haven't read, but looks very detailed and different. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/35427940/buffalo-bills-josh-allen-rise-career-journey
  18. I liked how Daniel Jones & Giants utilized the run on the weekend. Have missed that of late. If there is a spy, that means someone should be open.
  19. You ever driven down to Florida and the notorious speed traps where they happily pull you over for 3mph over the speed limit? It's a simple rule and easily enforced. Just do it (and watch how quick teams adapt).
  20. And what were the results of the plays? I know the 4th & 1 was 2 seconds past before the flag was thrown and the Bills blew up the play. Maybe the Defense should just go on 0 and then the play is reviewed from the booth and the penalty assessed?
  21. And that is what they are incapable of doing. Where is the yac? When it happens it seems to happen only by mistake and because Allen has made a great play.
  22. And then let me know why Bills receivers don't have many YAC? Why are they not catching balls on the run and turning an yard pass into 25? Where are the slants or successful screens? It's great to make this post, and there is some truth in it, just that you've made a statement and backed none of it up.
  23. He went up and caught the ball. I see receivers do that every week, but when it's a Bill not named Diggs, it is a circus catch😝. Don't forget too that the play meant nothing (forget they didn't score that drive) as their was a holding penalty on Miami that would have resulted in a first down anyways.
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