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Sammy Watkins' Rib

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Everything posted by Sammy Watkins' Rib

  1. In today's NFL if you don't have very good to elite mobility at the QB position you better be very special in the pocket. Nobody will confuse Jimmy G with being a very special player in the pocket.
  2. Just let them heal. I have a good feeling our offense turned a corner this year and they'll be able to hold their own when called upon to do so this year more often than not.
  3. I'm curious how Burrow and Lawence's athletic ability will look in future years compared to Allen's. All three very similar size and athletic. Allen is getting very good at making that first defender miss and then take off for a first down. Allen is also the only QB i can think of that can both take off for a 40+ yard run and haul in a 20 air yards TD reception on the same play.
  4. It was always only a matter of time till the league really started to lean this way. Eventually a player will come along that has the arm skill of Mahomes, the elusiveness of Jackson and Murray, and the size of Allen. It's game over when that player arrives. In the meantime these dual threat QBs will rule the league. They clearly are not just running backs playing the QB position anymore.
  5. He loves playing against the Colts I guess. He had a big game against them to finish the year last year. Like Miami to Josh Allen. Oh, and look who is up next on the schedule.
  6. Does he need to clean up the fumbles? I think that is also the question. Look, we know he's not going to fumble the ball 32 times this year. So we know there will be game where yes, he cleans up the fumbles. But they will also rear their ugly head at some point of the season. What is becoming clear to me is that we can still win if Josh does fumble multiple times in a game. This is a credit to Josh because 1. He's totally cut back on the INT's compared to the first 16 games of his career. 2. He's just so good in other areas that the good out weighs the bad when it comes to the occasional fumbles. What is his TD to interception ratio since the New England game last year? I'm thinking it is quite good.
  7. I've been looking forward to the 2020 version of this thread. Will this be the year Josh goes over 60%? Good start so far. Especially with the career high attempts today. Another thing I noticed about Allen today to, especially in the first half I think, he looks absolutely gassed sometimes after a big run but then somehow finds the energy to rifle in a pass with ease. To be as good of a passer as he was today while also expending so much energy being our leading rusher is pretty amazing.
  8. The Green one was definitely legit. I don't get why fans don't want to see these offensive PI's? DB's constantly get called for ticky tack game changing calls. If a receiver wants to push off call it. Especially if they are dumb enough to do it in the end zone.
  9. Darnold is very much like Allen, he'll make one or two totally boneheaded plays a game that typically ends in turnover. The one that Milano threw should never have been thrown. We've seen Allen make the same mistake with the same result many times. Today he got away with one that he shouldn't have thrown to the goal line when he was flushed from the pocket. That said, Darnold's real problem is that he does not bring anything special in addition that allows for his overall game to be greater than those boneheaded mistakes. I mean heck Allen probably leads the league in boneheaded plays but he also probably leads the league in WOW plays or is just behind guys like Mahomes and Jackson. The good outweighs the bad will Allen. It does not for Darnold. Darnold has to clean up his sloppy play to be good. Allen on the other hand can continue to be sloppy at times because he is so good in other areas. The Jets truly are a mess. QB's aren't supposed to demand trades but honestly unless things improve drastically over the course of this seasons I think both sides would benefit from a mutual split. Jets might be able to still get a 2nd round pick for Darnold if a team out there thinks he's been completely mishandled and still has coachable skill.
  10. Dominating game by the offense. Two first half turnovers in the red zone and two missed FG's UNDER 40 YARDS in length and you still put 27 on the scoreboard. That's a great offensive day despite some really bad mishaps.
  11. We have not running game other than Allen. Hopefully this is just due to the head to head match up and not something that will be a common problem throughout the season.
  12. Heck he might not last after today if he misses another.
  13. I don't think our hearts will be ripped out today. For sure at some point in the season. But that's Allen.
  14. True. But he's had plenty of games against good teams where the fumbles did not cost us. And some where it did. I could be wrong but I don't think he'll fumble it 32 times on the season. 16 is certainly a possibility. And I'm sure we will lose a game maybe even two because of them. But how many will we win because of Allen's fearless play and overall athletic ability?
  15. Seriously. I don't mind Allen running but it should be like one run per series. Not three straight on one series.
  16. You can bet the Patriots will be blasting 150 decibel speakers from just OUTSIDE the stadium to get it 76-77 decibels on the field.
  17. I wonder how often the Jets have been blitzed on average the last couple of seasons. Maybe the thought process for opposing defenses has been that their o-line is so bad, we can get their with just 4 guys consistently so leave the extra guys in coverage. As for their new o-line, the positive IMO for the Jets is that they really can't get any worse than they were last year. They might be just as bad as last year, but very unlikely they are worse by an meaningful measure. So that leaves the chance that they are actually quite a bit improved. I recall the Bills were in a similar situation a season or two ago with almost all knew starters after having a pretty dismal unit the season prior. I'm expecting the opposite of what most would think would unfold today. I'd like to see us put 30 on the scoreboard but I think the Jets offense might also put up 20+.
  18. I'm with you. Everyone is expecting a 24 - 10 type win. I actually think our defense has problems in this one more than we would hope. But I think our offense gets rolling. I'm thinking a final score more along the lines of 30-24.
  19. I like the Dolphins this year. But I don't see them making that big of a jump.
  20. Diggs, Brown, Beasley & Gabe Davis o/u 3,000 receiving yards? UNDER Allen o/u 30 total TDs? OVER Diggs o/u 1,200 receiving yards? UNDER Tre o/u 4.5 INTs? UNDER Motor o/u 1,000 rushing yards? UNDER Moss o/u 6.5 TDs? UNDER Addison o/u 8 sacks? UNDER Allen o/u 60% completion? OVER Gabe Davis o/u 400 receiving yards? UNDER Bills o/u 10.5 wins? OVER Except for Allen and wins I'm a bit of a buzz kill on these.
  21. I'll admit, that game he had against Texas A&M was one for the ages. Unfortunately that was the pinnacle of his football career.
  22. Yes. He probably can be. And that's strictly on the field. He's probably without a doubt much worse than Barkely in the locker room and film room. Agreed. He's had more than enough opportunities to somehow end up in New England by now too. You would think if he had any kind of potential in this league BB would have brought him in by now.
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