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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Take a deep breath and back away from the keyboard. You can't defend Trump with word salad like this.
  2. I've never actually seen someone claim the Nazis weren't fascists. Who's your source for this claim? Fascists and socialists are pretty easy to seperate too. Fascists believe a specific people or group have a special destiny, which is their birthright, that they can chase regardless of the cost to others. Socialists believe nationality, race,religion, etc are all barriers thrown up to prevent the unification of the global working class. Fascists think history ends when their nation or people achieves its destiny. Socialists think history ends when a raceless, religionless, stateless worker's paradise. You can't reconcile those sets of ideas, so socialists and fascists are different. Not that you'd want to live under either government at all. It also seems weird that people would trace totalitarianism to socialism. You'd think Sparta would be the first example of totalitarianism. Everyone thought they were free, it's just that their government told them how to live, what to worship, when to get married, when to have kids, and what they'd spend their lives doing from the day they were born. Not to mention the eugenics/infanticide they practiced.
  3. Sadly, I'll believe it when I see it. Most Ukraine's attacks so far have been contained or beaten back. Which is a shame, but but doesn't take away from the fact that when Russia decides to take something, they usually do, even if it costs weeks and thousands of lives. At least since Russia un*****ed themselves in April. Ukraine cant win the war by digging a hole and hoping to wait the Russians out. Thats a hell of a gamble.
  4. So you were bringing up Hillary Clinton...5 years after she became irrelevant instead of 6...
  5. Yeah. Social media is a cancer. Twitter in specific. Get off of social media if you want to keep a clear head. The twitterverse, and the instant-gratification addicted, validation-obsessed echo chambers it spawns are whats actually wrong with this country. No wonder Musk dropped them like a hot potato. Seperating the useful accounts from the bots, trolls, and propaganda is like picking corn out of a dump truck full of *****. And this is just one more example of how too much power is accumulated in the executive branch. I'll start reading my Constitution for where it outlines the duties and privileges of the Office of the Ex-President. I'll let y'all know when I find them.
  6. The FBI served a search warrant on a private citizen. What's everyone bent out of shape about?
  7. I hope so, but I wouldn't bet on it. There's a lot more to North Korea's state ideology and the Kims' personality cult than just communism. North Korean defectors are strange because they frequently miss it there, and return voluntarily. In a nutshell, it's because they're raised to believe tha North Koreans are the gentlest, most generous, most innocent and most moral people on the planet. So they have to obey the Kims without question and live in an armed camp, or they'll all be conquered and murdered. Check this talk out. Its a long talk. The Cleanest Race by BR Myers
  8. Fox news is the most popular media outlet in the country, and its not even close. Has been for years if not decades. So what does it matter if "The Media" skews left, but the overwhelming majority of media consumers chose to consume media that skews right? How can they be victims of this vast liberal media complex if they dont watch it, ever?
  9. Oh come on. Your posts in this subforum are 95% embeds from the Q twittersphere. You spam out tweets from Jack Posobiec, as if he didn't have his security clearance yanked by the Air Force for cause. Give me a break.
  10. DR sees the world entirely in Red vs. Blue glasses. His "side" happens to be Red. You can compare and contrast him to say, Sherpa, who supports Ukraine and wants them to win, but sees clear practical limits to the amount of support we can provide. The limits are based on our military readiness, possible enemies (read, China), and obligations around the globe.
  11. It wouldn't. NATO's mutual defense clause only applies to an attack on a member in North America or Europe. NATO has no obligation to back us up if China attacked Guam or Hawaii. It's also the reason why the UK had to take on Argentina by itself over the Falklands. However, if for whatever reason those North Koreans attacked say Poland or the Baltics, yeah, then the balloon goes up.
  12. Its got to be an equipment thing. We're not at war, and we train pilots for our allies all the time. The Ukrainians dont have to qualify top gun, the just have to be better than the Russians flying against Ukraine.
  13. If the choice is between gradually losing their airforce, or learning to fly planes their benefactors can actually replace...then its a pretty easy choice.
  14. Eh, I wouldn't go that far. But this is the same China who we practically begged to help stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine and avert this war. Which would have been the ideal solution for everyone. And its the same China that pretty much laughed in our face, told the Russians we were on to them, and cheered Russia on from the sidelines. When China thought Russia was going to conquer the country in four days, of course.
  15. He doesn't need to. The quoted article is an op-ed, not a news story. The big red "Opinion" caption gives it away.
  16. So China would threaten to kill someone they think is harmless to them? That's your argument? As Irv would say, what a mess.
  17. Thad provides the sort of sports coverage thats great for killing time during the weekend or on a break. I'm sure he's got a ton of insider knowledge, he just cant share it with us or he'll lose his access. Cover 1 is great for explaining how the game of football works from the Bills PoV. Some of the guys in their podcast network are lame, but that's what the next button is for.
  18. China was supposedly coordinating with Russian last winter. Russia was going to take Ukraine in February- March, then China was going to take Taiwan in June-July. It was going to be their big coming out party as New World Order. Woops. But right now, China can't assume that they'll bowl over the Taiwanese in a week. Instead they have to prepare for months of war, tens of thousands of casualties, and an insurgency. At a time when the legitimacy of the CCP is in doubt and their country is wracked with scandal and crisis. I'm going to assume they've read Sun Tzu and determined this is a horrible, horrible time to fight. Their country is divided, their enemy, Taiwan is united and prepared, and China doesn't know how good their military actually is. I dont know if China thinks they can take Taiwan right now. But its a one party state ruled by a dictator, so they may try anyway?
  19. Of course she should go. Xi is neck deep in a ***** pile of his own making. Whats he gonna do?
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