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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Here's a gif of how the front lines have changed. It goes from February 24 to October 4th. The Ukrainians are doing pretty well for being taken basically by surprise by a country that outnumbers them 5 to 1. The summer was very rough on them before they got a hold of MLRS/HIMARS, but they've been doing pretty well ever since. There's a great article on the defense of Kyiv early in the war here: Battle for Kyiv: Ukrainian valor, Russian blunders combined to save the capital by WaPo. It's a great read for anybody who's interested in what good leadership, a motivated, armed citizenry and a motivated, skillful army can do against a dumb, arrogant opponent. The language is a little breathless, so keep an even keel.
  2. Exactly. @B-Man posted a great article on how wars end, which a bunch of people in this thread didn't bother to read. It makes this point. Ukraine is winning right now, so they're not going to bother negotiating, because they aren't stupid . Russia is losing right now, and negotiating would only compound how weak they look. All of Putin's foreign policy leverage comes from intimidation. So negotiating is a no-go. So here we are, 8 months into a 4 day war. Which makes me sad, because even the Tsar knew when to take his L and try and see the big picture. But that was in 1905, and nobody predicted that Japan would sink the whole Russian navy and smash every Russian army they fought. Russia was the 2nd greatest land power in the world at the time, and it was supposed to be a walkover. Eerily familiar.
  3. You know it's bad when they're relying on Fitzmagic's cleavage to draw an audience. Not to show my age, but the NFL should replace the announcers with Statler & Waldorf.
  4. Yeahhhhhh. Fortunately for Ukraine, Joe Biden cultivated alliances across Europe and Asia to help foot the bill, and there's some heavy hitting economies in North America, Europe and Asia.
  5. It really isn't. For some reason the hard right/alt right thinks we should appease Russia because reasons. The hard left/far left thinks Imperialism is only bad when America does it, so they support Russia. Reasonable people in both parties tend to support Ukraine, because its a really, really easy issue to be right about.
  6. Cam, Stidham, McCorkle... bring on the Zappe Era! QB purgatory is a wonderful thing to watch.
  7. Given how wrong you are about the events running up to the war, I think the replies to you have been charitable. They certainly don't merit this whiny crap.
  8. Yeah, you really need to go back and read up on our actions prior to the invasion. I loved the part where Macron fired his chief of intelligence when Russia invaded. Because his chief of intelligence told him there was no way America could have penetrated Russian security so completely.
  9. Better late than never. Pompeo was another one in a long, long list of politicians who couldn't see through Putin's BS.
  10. Nah, it's not. Nobody's won yet. And if nobody's won, you're either talking about "peacekeepers", or the peace treaty is just an ceasefire while everybody gears up for round two.
  11. How does somebody who coached in NE for forever look at 3rd and 1 and call anything but a qb sneak?
  12. Jesus. I read the last to pages of this thread and had to remind myself we're up 28 heading into the 4th...
  13. Good call. We've had lots of company around recently, and I can't find any mulling spices. Try throwing some orange zest in there, and let me know how that works!
  14. Sweet jesus. Anybody ever noticed that on the internet, everyone's got a PhD on the Nazi party? Especially when it's time to pont fingers at the other guys?
  15. I'm gonna laugh if the next season of Deadliest Catch is just the skippers saving Russian draft dodgers.
  16. Simple solution. 1. Russia gives back all the land they've captured, including Crimea. 2. Ukraine pledges perpetual neutrality. No EU, no NATO, no foreign troops, no foreign bases. 3. Ukraine gets their nukes back, or gets to make new ones. That should keep them independent. If they want to be dumb thats on them. Russia's proven that having tons of nukes doesn't save you from your own stupidity. I thought they'd learn from us, but their national inferiority complex is so huge they really do have to be better than us at everything.
  17. Thanks for posting. Saw some odd stuff today cross-posted from the Russian Twitterverse. Take or discard as you want, but it speaks towards Russia's ability to negotiate a peace. Apparently, the so-called "referendums" passed by Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhia don't really take effect until 2026. So they remain "independent" but Russia-aligned states until 2026, when they are formally annexed into Russia. Meaning that Russia can cut them loose at any point until then, without legally handing over sovereign Russia territory. Again, just some twitter stuff, so we'll see.
  18. We got a hold of them, dragged them into the deep water and drowned them.
  19. Cut Moss, and draft Kromer whoever he wants and whatever round. I don't care about value. Get. Josh. A. Running. Game.
  20. Great question. The best answer we've got right now is you beat the crazy person so badly they come to their senses. Because you're gambling they arent actually crazy, theyre just pretending to be crazy in order to scare people into concessions. Otherwise, youre just engaging in appeasement. The problem with socialism is that eventually, you run out of other people's money. The problem with appeasement is that eventually, you run out of other people's land.
  21. The Ukrainians have taken Lyman. Looks like the Russian garrison in Lyman were mostly veteran DPR/LPR units and soldiers of the Regular Russian army. They held out for about month, so much tougher customers than the Russian forces that were smashed in Kharkiv. Anyway, Ukraine mostly encircled the city, and the garrison tried to break out toward Russian lines. The Ukrainians controlled the only road out though, and literally blasted them to pieces. You can find the pictures and videos on your own if you want, but they are nightmare type stuff.
  22. But you can't provoke a war that's already going on, and was started by another country... Listen. I'm an american and a nationalist. Once you start diving into this conspiracy ***** though, you're left with one option. That Joe Biden is the single most ruthless, most brilliant, most 5D chess playing president we've ever had. Because all he apparently had to do was stick Cynthia Nuland back in Ukraine, and that provoked a murderous proxy war with Russia. In this proxy war, Vladimir Putin's reputation was destroyed, his country was humiliated, and his military has been ground down to useless nub using Enemy At The Gates tactics. To achieve all this, he has successfully threatened, manipulated and coerced 40ish countries into supporting his plans. All for the price of running the printing presses at the national mint and funding our Military-Industrial complex. And to top it all off, he simply goes ahead and blows up Russia's pipelines. Which destroys all their economic leverage over Europe and forces Europe to source its gas from anywhere else. It also completely guts the negotiating position of anybody that wants a peaceful settlement and a return to the status quo. Because there is no more status quo to return to. So basically, do you think Joe Biden is an evil genius who effortlessly made Vladimir Putin his B word?
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