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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. I'm as surprised as you are. Ukraine was supposed to roll over after four days!
  2. There are a half-dozen other punters who had the good judgement to avoid situations like this. Or the decency not to do what Araiza is accused of. Dude's toast. He's gotta go.
  3. Oh no, people in there 20s and 30s will have an easier time building wealth, buying houses, and raising kids. Anything but that.
  4. I'm more worried about private equity firms sucking up single family homes and turning them into rental properties. I don't want a fat quarterly dividend. I want to own a house.
  5. Well, I don't own a home but I'm finally getting close to buying one. So this is great news for me and everyone else that wants to stop setting their money on fire via rent. And if this bothers people, they should have sold during the years of record home prices. Markets go up and markets go down. You waited too long to cash out. Too bad.
  6. I'm pretty much glued to my computer on the day the schedule comes out. We pick a game, get a group together, buy tickets and books hotels within 72 hours of the schedule coming out. If you're very quick in the draw, you can get your rooms locked in in the half hour or so it takes for the hotels to change their prices.
  7. Wow. Any reason you felt like flexing your theological muscles? Especially when the result is, well, this SAT word salad?
  8. Man I should have been a beltway journalist, so I could write "No, really?" stories like this one.
  9. If her goal is to win the White House, yeah she seems like a longshot. To say the least. If her goal is to kneecap Trump and Trump's candidates... She's only got to poll between 3-5% to start flipping red states purple and purple states blue. Everyone thought Ralph Nader was a joke, until he took 3% of the vote from Al Gore in Florida. And I don't think President Gore would have filled his Cabinet with "Project for the New American Century" brainiacs and Neocon imperialists, but that's just a What If. We live in a country where every electoral strategy is based on winning 51-49. That gives here the chance to wield all sorts of influence. But just the chance.
  10. I tried. it took the author until the second sentence of the second paragraph to start the Hillary Clinton Whataboutism. She lost. She is completely defeated. She is a total non-entity in our current politics. She is completely irrelevant in every way. There is no logical or intellectually honest reason to bring her up. In fact, Trumpers should ve beggin her to run. She's lost every competitive political race she's ever been in.
  11. Man, that's exactly what I was looking for, a lot of promising film from the rookie class. I just wish Beane could draft OL like he drafts WRs and the defensive back 7.
  12. The fun thing about a book of strategy is anyone can read it, and anyone can use it. Like how Erwin Rommel wrote Infantry Attacks, and then George Patton read it and used it to beat him. Since you've read Saul Alinsky, and can quote from it, why aren't you telling us how to beat Saul Alinsky's tactics? Wouldn't that actually help the country out?
  13. Aye, and if that McCorkle were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes, and bolts of lightning from his arse!
  14. So even though she votes with the GOP 99% of the time, she's not good enough because she doesn't worship Trump and Trump doesn't like her. That's basically what you're saying, and it's exactly @Jackalope89's point. Liz Cheney fails the Trumper Purity Test, and therefore has to go. Even though she supports 99% of what the GOP does.
  15. You can watch Frank fall in love with Wentz's piety and attitude on Hard Knocks. Frank was gushing about he and Wentz reference the same verses from scripture and it made them close. Then he turned out to be a cack QB. Frank got Peterman'd.
  16. Does this mean we get to start bragging about living in New England's heads? 'cause I think it does.
  17. All I want from this game are healthy starters and solid rookie performances. If Kromer's OL beats some people up, ill take that too.
  18. Maybe he's the guy that gets lost delivering the pizza?
  19. Hillary Clinton. No seriously. We're going back to Hillary Clinton. She's irrelevant, defeated, and still living in Trumper heads rent-free.
  20. So what. Only one of those countries is actually our equal in wealth, capability, and military might. And China has plenty of its own problems to worry about. Russia desperately wants to be seen as our equal, and unfortunately they do have a mountain of soviet nukes and oceans of oil. But Ukraine is giving them all they can handle right now, and their so called "allies" are either ignoring them, or bending them over a table for rock bottom oil prices. Everyone who could take advantage of our weakness, is busy shooting themselves in the foot or reaping what theyve sown. It's pure, dumb luck for us, but it is what it is.
  21. Take a deep breath and back away from the keyboard. You can't defend Trump with word salad like this.
  22. I've never actually seen someone claim the Nazis weren't fascists. Who's your source for this claim? Fascists and socialists are pretty easy to seperate too. Fascists believe a specific people or group have a special destiny, which is their birthright, that they can chase regardless of the cost to others. Socialists believe nationality, race,religion, etc are all barriers thrown up to prevent the unification of the global working class. Fascists think history ends when their nation or people achieves its destiny. Socialists think history ends when a raceless, religionless, stateless worker's paradise. You can't reconcile those sets of ideas, so socialists and fascists are different. Not that you'd want to live under either government at all. It also seems weird that people would trace totalitarianism to socialism. You'd think Sparta would be the first example of totalitarianism. Everyone thought they were free, it's just that their government told them how to live, what to worship, when to get married, when to have kids, and what they'd spend their lives doing from the day they were born. Not to mention the eugenics/infanticide they practiced.
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