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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Odd game to see live. GB fans were classy and a little fatalistic. Good sports all around. Never thought we would lose even with the picks. The Packers make... bizarre decisions. That team is not well coached at all.
  2. That's amazing. Hopefully security forces and military units start defecting to the protesters soon.
  3. Back in the day, teams got a lot more practice time in the off-season. Successive CBAs have chopped back the number of practices and the number of padded practices. There arent many workforces that get better with less training and less experience. I think Olines and QBs should get an extended training camp. Like pitchers and catchers. That should help.
  4. First pick of the Zappe era! Frank Reich is already calling about McCorkle.
  5. It was a travesty. Jacksonville arent there to build a successful NFL franchise. They're there so people pay the NFL to watch their team beat the ***** out of Jacksonville.
  6. What a shame, he was having a hell of a year.
  7. Are there any Jacksonville fans in Jacksonville? Honest question. Stadiums loudest when the Giants make a play.
  8. Had to look that guy up. Isaiah Pacheco is a name Chiefs fans have been throwing around a lot this year. Mostly because they're furious about his limited snaps. He's more strong and fast than quick and elusive. They're pretty high on him
  9. The results, demonstrated over time. Again, if it's not broke, don't fix it.
  10. My answer is the central point of my argument. I repeated it to see if you'd actually argue against me. You didn't, you argued against what you wanted to argue against, rather than what I argued (ain't broke, we're getting awesome results, don't change anything). Is my point unreasonable? Ah, so you were making a "Gotcha!" post so you could try and mikedrop on me with your knowledge. That's dishonest debating. Is there any reason why I should believe have the expertise you claim to have? Can you prove it? No, I argued that all of what we're doing is working just fine to support Ukraine and we shouldn't change it. I supported my argument with evidence that anybody anywhere can look at for themselves. So they can see if it supports my conclusion. What part of my conclusion is wrong? So the CIA lets you in on their operations? And your posting about it here, where anybody can read about it? That's not very responsible of the CIA. Good! I'm looking forward to your reply. We're both honest guys so this should be a constructive conversation.
  11. Right. And I'm saying the current level of oversight is just fine, given the results. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
  12. The whole "Ukraine is corrupt! We should give them less, or nothing at all!" argument would be persuasive. Except: 1. Ukraine is currently winning the war. 2. Russia's lost about 7,300 tanks, trucks, APCs, jeeps and artillery pieces in 8 months. See for yourself. 3. Russian propaganda is bitching non stop about how good NATO gear is. 4. Russian propaganda is bitching non stop about how well the Ukrainians are using NATO gear. So I think the RoI on our support is pretty decent. We're also entering month 9 of a war that was supposed to end in a week. And end in the bloodless conquest of Ukraine by Russia, followed by the very bloody forced assimilation of Ukrainians to Russian culture. As part of Russia's plan to reshape the world order to it's advantage. Which currently isnt working out exactly as they'd hoped, to say the least. Now the rise or fall of Ukraine may not matter much to a lot of us Americans, given the troubles we've got ourselves. But it matters a great deal to a country that does not like us, and in fact wants to see us humbled, humiliated, and reduced in power. Balancing these issues is tricky business, but they both need to be resolved in our favor.
  13. Iron Maiden picked a good night to play a show in Worcester MA. Otherwise I'd jave to watch the Broncos.
  14. I'm all for a ceasefire, assuming the Ukrainians are holding the whip hand going into the negotiations. Otherwise, Putin's dick is in a sausage maker and his hand is on the crank. He can stop cranking whenever he wants to. Also, did we secretly deploy actual NATO units to the war, and nobody's said anything? I'm still trying to figure out how we're fighting in this war without our military actually, you know, fighting in it.
  15. What a game. Stack wins. Stack conference wins. Play post season home games. And Miami ***** the bed too, so *chef's kiss*.
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