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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Alright Seattle, let's matriculate the ball down the field!
  2. They're having some success playing small ball. Have yourself a day Geno Smith!
  3. OT, but how easy is it to get around in Vietnam?
  4. Have no fear. The more he puts on tape, the better off we are.
  5. This is his GF. https://www.instagram.com/veronicabielik/
  6. We've got a football game! DE reeaaaaalllyyy blew the edge contain on that one
  7. God, I feel like I should bet $5 on every longshot every playoff weekend.
  8. Agree 100%. If anything, maybe they add a bruiser type RB to help out in pass protection, and help punish Nickel and Dime defenses.
  9. Those are all good points, but how are they relevant? Putin was the only person who could order the invasion, and he ordered the invasion. Before February 24th, 2022, Putin was an adult in the room. He could have rolled up his sleeves, pulled in the other adults, and done the hard work of diplomacy to hammer out a compromise on Ukraine that would have humiliated the us, difused the crisis, strengthened China, sown deeper divsions in NATO, and kept Russia's enormous petrochemical leverage over European economics intact. Instead, he decided to go off on some hair brained imperial adventure that he can't get out of. At the end of the day, it's not out job to be Team America: World Cop, and it's not our job to help Russia out of the mess it's gotten itself into. And there's nothing bad about supporting the Ukrainians with what they need until the country that attacked them stops attacking them. In fact, it might even disincentivize future aggression, for those of us who still believe in incentivizing good behavior and disincentivizing bad behavior. Russia is NOT in fact, too big to fail, and we ZERO interest in bailing them out. And if the Ukrainians want to keep fighting, by all means and with our support. It's not my place to tell a people when and how they can defend hearth and home, especially when the people doing the attacking hate my guts and want to turn Ukraine into the next closest thing to an Indian Reservation at best.
  10. They're hoping Teddy will be healthy enough. Otherwise Mike Glennon. Yes, that Mike Glennon.
  11. Isn't it obvious that Putin started the war, and he doesn't care about Russia's economic outlook?
  12. The people spoke. We got divided government, based on a razor thin GOP majority in the house. We now have a speaker who let the most radical elements of his party order off the menu to secure his job. That doesn't bode well to say the least.
  13. Alright, I'm really interested to know what the Pre-Gingrich rules were. Thanks Newtster! 🙄
  14. The 2022 Elections proved one thing to Matt Gaetz and supporters. That Trumpism doesn't need Trump anymore. Trump stepped in and tried to be the kingmaker. Instead he proved the point beyond all doubt when Gaetz told him to kick rocks without any consequences. Gaetz is after as much power as he can get.
  15. I take umbrage, Sir! I agree with people on this forum all the time. But this little tiff has gone on long enough. It's time for the adults in the room to come together and make a deal.
  16. The GOP needs to roll up its sleeves and put in the hard work of COMPROMISE. It's time to end this. Get the grown-ups in a room and work this out.
  17. Man, I used to like Cinci before this week. Andy Dalton did us a solid and the Bungles years were so bad you could you hate them? Now?
  18. How Ukraine's 1st Tank Brigade for a Russian Force 10 Times It's Size- And Won I mean, EVERYONE knows if you outnumber your enemy 10-1, you attack because they've got no chance. You'd have to be a special type of stupid to ***** that up!
  19. What a terrible take from someone who should know better based on their credentials. None of these pseudo-intellectual op eds begins their argument with the most persuasive point they could make. Which is how Russia is better off now politically, economically, socially and militarily, than it was on February 23, 2022. They don't because it's an impossible case to make. Instead, we get a lot of SAT word salad about how we should interrupt Russia while it's making a mistake. Also about how it's a terrible diplomatic, moral and economic blunder to disincentivize pointless wars of conquest. What nonsense.
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