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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. I'm absolutely horrified of Frazier trying to run back the exact same style of D, just without Edmunds and Poyer in it.
  2. Russia made many, many blunders to get where it is now. But near the top of the list is attacking the only country in Europe that had the sheer size, number of soldiers, and amount of gear to conduct an old fashioned conventional war for more than a few months. Any other European country, including the first tier European powers, would have been ground into burger or forced to resort to nuclear blackmail months ago. Poland just learned that lesson very, very quickly. And of course there's the lesson they learned in WWII, where 1/3 of their population was murdered in combined Nazi/Soviet occupations... after Western Europe guaranteed their security, then hung them out to dry. A little bit of self reliance when it comes to defense fits the bill. They also gave pretty much their whole Soviet era tank inventory to Ukraine.
  3. Honest question here. What killed the blitz happy 34/46 hybrid style defense that Rex used to run?
  4. Whaaaaaaat? Dude, you've posted or reacted to something on this forum 30+ times in the last 9 hours. Retirement must be dull!
  5. Still in awe of the Eagle's offensive line play. They scored on a QB sneak from the three against a stacked box. Unbelievable. ... alot like the officiating.
  6. The Eagles O-Line is unreal. Absolutely unreal. The Chiefs know exactly what's coming, they're ready for it, and it doesn't ***** matter because they get blown the ***** off the line every time.
  7. It does not say Boris Johnson threatened to kill Zelensky if he made peace. It does say Naftali Benett got a promise from Putin that he would stop trying to assassinate Zelensky. Sounds like wires got crossed?
  8. I really want to talk to Jack's elementary school teachers. His listening comprehension is a nightmare.
  9. Which was a big deal then, because captive balloons carried observers with telegraphs. Telegraphs hooked to batteries of German artillery. Frank Luke was doing the lord's work for the doughboys.
  10. Eh, that's a big ask. At least F-16s are a proven design with working assembly lines. But if their air defense network is running short on missiles, then they need anti-aircraft assets that can be acquired maintained and replaced reliably. If they can get F-16s up and running, more power to them. Ukraine's been very adaptable and creative. But again that's a tall order.
  11. China had legitimate security concerns that involve Montana. We should respect their need to spy on the Midwest instead of boosting General Dynamic's stock price.
  12. I feel like someone should get the adults in the room, roll up their sleeves, and do the hard work of diplomacy to offer China a reasonable compromise. All they did was violate our sovereignty without provocation. We shouldn't have to see violence like this day after day.
  13. The Pats have an OC and McCorkle. Who knows what they'll do. The Jets have a great team but no QB. So they don't have a great team. Miami built a team with twice as much talent as Brian Flores' teams but the same number of wins. Yeah I think we're good. We still have Frazier though so the Division Round/AFCCG is our ceiling.
  14. Allen and Dabol destroyed Vic Fangio. Chuck n Duck Dorsey has a lot to prove.
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