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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. The D is missing half a dozen starters and forced two goal line stands. The D did enough to win.
  2. Well that's great. Josh went from throwing a red zone int every two years, to throwing 2 a game.
  3. What the hell is "recreational abortion"? I dont know anybody who goes to the doctor because they're bored.
  4. Agreed. There is no party of limited government. Just a party of big government, and a party that hopes I'm dumb enough to think small government and limited government are the same thing.
  5. Seems like the Russian withdrawal in Kherson is underway. Ukraine is snapping up a lot of territory very quickly, without much reported fighting. Edit: Now there's lots of chatter from sources on both sides that, somehow, Russian forces weren't ready to pull out. Russian troops are jamming up the crossing points along the Dnipro River and that panic is taking hold. Ukrainian forces are smashing crossing points with artillery, rockets and drones as they come into range to help things along. We'll know what's what in the next couple of days.
  6. The GOP has to keep ignoring Ron DeSantis because he's a threat to Trump. If they embrace him, Trump will go nuclear on the GOP. DeSantis' politics are the carefully polished, broadly palatable version of MAGA that the GOP needs to sweep national elections. But they don't dare use DeSantis because elevating him means DeSantis vs. Trump in a fight to the finish. Fox News looks like they're jumping hard on the DeSantis train following last night.
  7. They'd better be careful. Russia is fortifying the hell out of the right bank of the Dnipro River. Defense lines in triplicate if the open source guys are to be believed. You can bet they've got ever blade of grass zeroed, dialed in, bore-sighted, whatever that's within arty range of their defenses. That includes all of Kherson the city too. Ukraine is rightly being *very*cautious with their advance in Kherson. That and Russia has a ton of real-deal professional soldiers there from its paratrooper and Marine units. And unfortunately theyre fighting hard and well.
  8. Well, our aid to Ukraine has been incredibly effective in stopping Russian operations, blowing up Russian gear and killing Russian soldiers. In my book, this gives us leverage over Russia and Ukraine. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants us to give away leverage in this crisis for nothing. Zero concessions from anyone. Just stop it flat out. That incredibly stupid. Especially when we have leverage that we can use to work events to our advantage. Suppose you're MTG. Why not tell Russia we'll stop our aid to Ukraine when Russia pays for and completes the border wall. And a second wall right behind it. That's an easy win right?
  9. The Doom! posting is pretty wild today. You'd think we'd lost a Superbowl by 40 or something.
  10. On the way to 5-1 and a third consecutive division title. But that's the bear minimum nowadays.
  11. Zing! Good one B! But seriously, this is a Brazilian problem, if it's even a problem. Life is too short.
  12. A former talk radio host retweets a substack author. Because a substack author retweeted a random screencap. That was posted on a Portuguese language twitter account based in Florida, operated by a graphic designer. Yeaaaaaah, I'm not going to be outraged by this. And whoever is president of Brazil dosen't affect me in any meaningful way. So I'm not going to bother screaming at my countrymen or pointing fingers at my own government about it. They had an election, a guy lost and a guy won and maybe? it wasn't 100% above board but who ***** cares? Democracy is the worst system of government on the planet, except for all the other ones.
  13. Me too bud. Global warming didn't kill winter for us, but it's messing up what months go with what seasons.
  14. Yeah it is. It's just going to start in January and last until April.
  15. Matriculate the ball down the field, I always say.
  16. Dorsey wants a Cook/Hines two back set, so he can motion them both to the slot.
  17. Why are all these great players heading to Miami? Do they hate January football?
  18. He's a smart, self made media personality who also has a *****ton of access to players. He fired a shot across the NFL's bow, so they know he's not going to curl up like a little B word.
  19. The phrase "pick your battles" comes to mind. This sounds like a really short sighted flex thats in danger of turning a profitable relationship into a liability.
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