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Everything posted by Coffeesforclosers

  1. Come on now. There's quite a bit of difference between Eastern European NATO member actions, and Central European NATO member actions. Eastern Europe is donating it's Soviet era weapons hand over fist, and repairing damaged Ukrainian gear in leftover Soviet factories. The Poles gave Ukraine practically their entire Soviet era tank fleet for free. Your takes are usually solid, but this one is trash.
  2. 1. Can I see a source for this? 2. He should send Robert Lighthizer instead. That guy actually had the skill to sniff out the weaknesses of someone's negotiating position, then mercilessly take advantage of them. Lighthizer was tying the Chinese in knots while Trump was suckered by Russia's bluffs and threats.
  3. Exactly. He's one more cog in the Media Infoganda Complex. But people love him anyway...
  4. The stuff coming out of Russia right now is insane. Widespread draft dodging, attacks on recruiting offices, mass flight to the borders, at least one recruiter murdered. It's like they're speedrunning Vietnam. If you're going to make a conscript army work, you need a just cause, some damn good propaganda, or both. Ukraine has both and Russia has neither.
  5. It's Miami. If the Bills don't find a way to win, Miami will find a way to lose.
  6. Right? They won back-to-back SBs in the 70s and have the NFL's only perfect season. But nobody in Miami cares.
  7. Speedy recovery to Hyde, and next man up. The last thing we need is to end up like the Colts of years passed, trotting out the ghost of Bob Sanders to keep their D viable.
  8. It's Miami. Since everyone in Miami is some kind of salesman or social media personality, going to the game doesn't make sense. Staying home and posting about the game does, you've got to deliver daily content to you followers. It's all about your brand and the number of subscribers. That and they're all secretly terrified that their city is sinking into the Carribean, and they'll have to move somewhere and get actual jobs.
  9. Emphasis on meat for the grinder. The "partial" part of the partial mobilization is pretty much a sham. Russia said they're inducting 300k men, but only men with prior military training and/or combat experience. Their actual goal may be as high as 1.2 million, and they're grabbing anyone. Guys in their 50s and 60s, medical doctors, skilled workers from defense manufacturers, doesn't matter. Check out today's ISW report.
  10. Ukrainian partisans are back at work assassinating collaborating officials. The Russians seem to using lots of husband-and-wife teams as colonial administrators. There's talk of another encirclement of Russia troops, this time in Lyman. That's coming from both Russian and Ukrainian sources. And there's a video floating around purportedly from an induction center for Russia's recent conscripts. An official there yells that theyre going to be enlisted and get two weeks of training. Which I'm hoping is just Russian misinformation, because 2 weeks of training is meaningless. It's enough time to teach people how to put on their gear, load and fire a weapon, and start improving their fitness. Deploying whole units of these guys to an active part of the front is assisted suicide. Who knows what the plan is for these guys, if there even is a plan.
  11. Tucker is low hanging fruit now. So's his fact-free shill, Doug Macgregor. Don't get all echo chambery dunking on them.
  12. I hope so. This war should have never happened, and when it happened it should have been a comprehensive Russian victory. Putin has no one to blame for the current mess than himself and the country he's built over the last 20 years. Taking his L and cutting a deal *should* have happened months ago, when it was obvious his army and his country weren't prepared for a real war. But all he does is double down on mistakes, or try and escalate his way out of the situation. What worries me is what he does when he realizes he's flushed 20 years worth of success down the toilet in 6 months.
  13. A lot of good people making and sharing good food and a lot of booze. You're going to make friends with people next to you. After the game, be ready to fire up your grill again while Abbott road clears out. That usually takes about an hour and a half. Its also a great chance to get rid of leftovers.
  14. Why don't fish fans compare Tua to Dan Marino? Dan's a HoF QB and his game has way more in common with Tua than JA. Oh yeah. And he also played a game or two for Miami.
  15. Normally I'd dismiss it as crazy talk. But there's reports coming out from both Russian and Ukrainian sources that Izyum fell to Ukraine. Along with the supply depots full of artillery and small arms ammunition, dozens of tanks and armored fighting vehicles and thousands of POWs. If this pans out too, the Russian army in the north is in a full fledged rout. I say the north because the Russian army in the south is still fighting hard and maintaining its discipline. But holy *****.
  16. Easy does it. The Ukrainians have done a great job setting up their offensives, it's true. A lot of the elite infantry and tank units that Russia needs to counter-attack in the north were sent south to defend Kherson. That gives the recent breakthrough near Kharkiv a good chance to succeed and a decent window to do it in. But they've got to take Kupyansk if they want to really screw up the Russian position in Luhansk/Donetsk. Kupyansk is the road and rail hub Russia needs to move men and supplies quickly and in large quantities. It also means that Russia will have a much easier time moving supplies and reinforcements into Kupyansk, than the Ukrainians will have moving fresh attacking troops through the hole they opened in the Russian defense and across the 30ish miles of territory they've advanced. Give it time, there's a lot left in play up North, as well as Ukraine is doing right now. In the south, Ukraine's just going to keep grinding away. The Russian defenders there have a river between them and their lines of supply and reinforcement, and Ukraine blows up their bridges they put across it regularly. They're really in a jam, as losing Kherson to the Ukrainians is a Tet-offensive sized political headache for Putin and the rest of his wannabe Neocons. So they're forced to defend a very disadvantageous position with crack troops they need elsewhere. This is still playing out, and the Russians are taking a hell of a beating, but there's a long way to go yet.
  17. No doubt the chickens are coming home to roost. European countries can always choose to continue giving up sovereignty and liberty for comfort and economic growth. They'll have to perform miracles recommissioning old coal and nuclear plants. It will be a near run thing.
  18. I'm not saying Putin's petro politics power play is a *bad* move. It just might be akin to cashing out your 401k to pay for your kid's engineering degree, only to find out he's a coke fiend. Maybe he straightens out and gets rich. Or maybe you both end up *****.
  19. Bill Belichick is a great coach. He used to be a great coach with great assistants (Nick Caserio, Dante Scarnnecchia, Josh McDaniels) and great players (Tom Brady, etc.). Even his shadow and master of the dark arts Ernie Adams is gone. For whatever reason, for all his talent and experience, he can't develop or hire good assistants. His success rate in the draft is abysmal. He coaches the hell out of what he's got, and finds a few gems in rounds 4-7. But the gist of the article is, coaching the hell out of what he's got is the bare minimum, and it's not good enough. I think this is article is decent Boston sports reporters trying to bring spoiled Pats fans down to earth. Much more a piece about how soon, Bill is going to hang them up and the glory days will be well and truly dead. But it might be more a "pull the plug" type exit for Bill rather than riding off into the sunset with a last Lombardi.
  20. Interesting. Russia's hoping that short-term political pressure will get them what they want. Otherwise Europe will take energy from other places and sources. And destroy their demand for Russian energy.
  21. It's not out place to oppose Russia's neocon imperialism unless we actually declare war on Russia and fight them straight up?
  22. So there's no way to support the fight against america hating Russian neocon imperialists without supporting the globalist cabal?
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