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Everything posted by LeGOATski

  1. Oh, that's the juxtaposition they were going for.... Ugly people getting attention.
  2. Camera phone pictures of a party... This is not interesting at all and there's nothing surreal about it. Not sure what they mean by that. Is it because they're wearing semi-nice clothes to the party?
  3. Yeah, he was great. He established Arya's foundation as a fighter. His death scene was fantastic. His last words to Arya were about the god of death. Awesome scene.
  4. Here here! I'm voting for the quickest route to the AI apocalypse! Of course not!
  5. He just has one of those faces. "Effortlessly menacing..." said one headline.
  6. People show their true colors when behind the wheel.
  7. I think defensive driving causes as many accidents as offensive driving. The best drivers are decisive and deliberate. It requires a mix of offensive and defensive driving.
  8. I was just on my weekly Arby's run. Of course, I have a big Bills logo on the back of my car, but I'm not in Buffalo. Some old guy in a car behind me yelled "Let's go Buffalo!" It was a wonderful moment of combined Bills& Arby's fandom.
  9. This is the movie America needs right now! You gonna see it?? Me too!!
  10. 'The most important thing you can do right now is give us money! That way we can fight this capitalistic organization!' Guys....corporations rule America. They're tactics will be less covert as time goes on. Eventually our elections will be Google vs Amazon instead of douchebag politician vs scumbag politician. Are you gonna fight it? What are you fighting for?
  11. Disney+ is gonna be so ***** great. I can't wait. I've gone through Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Starz... Netflix has been the best in terms of content and usability. The others have good shows, but not as money, and their UIs are not as good. I'm all about the Mouse House, though. The Mandalorian's gonna kick ass. I loved em. Great acting and good stories. Much better quality than you'd find on a lot of other services/networks.
  12. Oh, I misread that. Cancer's a B word.
  13. She was rid of it and then suddenly died from it within a few months??
  14. I eat Arby's once a week. My blood pressure is 94/55. ***** you. ?
  15. Dipping pizza in ranch is a new phenomena that I've encountered. I've had bacon ranch pizza, which is delicious.
  16. He's the guy who burned it down, lol. I doubt he misinterpreted anything when the negotiations were going on. I understand that he's just trying to get everything he can out of the deal. Business is business.
  17. She's got plenty to work with. This is an obvious one.
  18. Self righteousness rears its ugly head again. Kevin Kietzman isn't funny or good looking enough to say this type of thing.
  19. They must be planning another two movies. Forky is already getting a spin-off on Disney+.
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