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Everything posted by msw2112

  1. Seeing all of the success that many others were having, I decided to call again. I got a rep in India and politely asked to be transferred to the Loyalty Department. They transferred me and I got an experienced rep on the line - you can always tell within the 30 seconds. She worked her magic and got me an additional $75 (or so) off of Sunday Ticket, plus a free upgrade to Max. So my final cost for the full Max package was less than $75. She REMOVED my $15 off for 12 months and said that I should be getting something in the range of $55 per month, but that the system had not yet generated the offer for me. She said she would give me a one-time $55 credit to take care of this month and to call back after the close of my next billing cycle, when the $55 off per month for a year should be available. It appears that she still gave me the $15 off for the first month, but removed the last 11 months of the deal, as my acceptance of this could potentially negate a larger offer that is coming soon. She said that I had large discounts from last year that just rolled off of my account and it can take a full billing cycle (or 2) for them to "regenerate." I took her word for it, took the additional savings for now and will call back in a month. I am much happier than I was yesterday. So yes, they broke me, but not completely. Persistence definitely pays off with these folks.
  2. I don't understand whey the Vikes didn't hang on to him. He may well end up being better than Cousins (who I like) and won't cost $84 million, or whatever ridiculous fully guaranteed money they gave him. I guess they were not confident that he could fully recover from the injury. Nice play by the Jests to pick him up for $10 M. Good insurance for Darnold/McCown (and they didn't have Darnold at the time of the signing) or they can flip him for a draft pick. I was hoping the Bills would pick him up, but Allen is looking good, so I am happy with how it is playing out for us.
  3. Some variety of this approach has been stated above, but I will let you know a fairly easy way that I would recommend to get the games for your Dad: 1) YOU sign up for DirecTV and Sunday Ticket. 2) Buy a Chromecast dongle and hook it up to your Dad's TV through an HDMI port. (I think these run about $35.) 3) Download the "Sunday Ticket" app to an Android or Apple Phone (or Android or Apple Tablet) at your Dad's house. (Free) 4) When you are watching the game on TV at home, your Dad can open the Sunday Ticket App on his phone or tablet, logging in with YOUR DirecTV username and password. 5) He can then watch the game on the phone/tablet OR he can click the "Cast" icon and it will cast onto the TV with the Chromecast attached. I had not thought about this in the past, but I think I am going to do this very thing for MY Dad this season! (Or my brother - they can fight over it or first come, first served!)
  4. The more I read these posts of success, the more frustrated I am about the deal I accepted yesterday. It was my 3rd or 4th call, so they broke me. I just couldn't take another call!
  5. I just wrapped up my annual call. Big downgrade from last year. Last year: $55 off per month on service ADDITIONAL $20 off per month (from a 2nd call) Free NFL Ticket, Free MAX upgrade One year contract ME: Thrilled! This year: $15 off per month on service NFL Ticket (regular, not MAX) at 50% off One time $50 credit No contract ME: Not so happy, but at least I got something.... Not great, but they wore me down. It took 3 calls to get this far and I ran out of time and patience. I am actually fine with the NFL at 50% off. They paid billions to be the exclusive provider and they have shareholders to think about, so they are entitled to make money off of their investment. Where I am pissed off is the small monthly discount on the service. They are charging a lot of $$$ for a service that can be had elsewhere for less. They mark it up and should then counter that with discounts for good customers who ask. I'm still willing to pay a fair price for their service, but for what I get, I don't think that what I will be paying is a fair price. At least I got something for my time and I will call back in a month or two to see what else I can do.
  6. When this story first broke, I thought that McCoy could have been responsible The more this unfolds, and the way it is unfolding, the more I think it is a crock and an attempted money grab.
  7. I agree that the scheme will help and also having the QBs get the ball out more quickly. I have read that this is weakness of McCarron in camp, but I have not seen last night's game yet (out of market and recorded the NFL Network broadcast this morning) to see whether that's the case.
  8. I'm one of those sick individuals (and there are many like me on this board) that loves watching Bills pre-season games. I don't care much about the score or who wins, but I really enjoy seeing how some of the unknowns develop. QB, OL and WR are big question marks to watch. I also want to see Edmonds in his first NFL action. Finally, I love watching the 4th quarter when the long shot guys get a chance to show their skills and make some plays. Who is going to be this year's Landon Cohen? This year's Eddie Yarborough? This year's UDFA WR that nobody has ever heard up who is going to look great (and probably still not make the team)? When watching other teams in preseason, I only have interest in the big names, but when it's the Bills, I take great interest in 54-90.
  9. I can't stand Spiro Dedes and Beth Mowins. I'm not sure if Mowins is even with CBS. I like Nance/Romo/Wolfson and Gumbel/Green and am optimistic about Arians. Eagle and crew are OK, certainly not a favorite of mine. Did I mention that I cannot stand Spiro Dedes? He is really annoying and makes numerous errors throughout each and every game. It boggles my mind that the networks can't find enough competent announcers to fill all of their slots.
  10. My annual contract runs out on August 16. I have called a couple of times to see what offers are out there for next year and so far, there hasn't been much. $5 off per month and some free Cinemax. My current agreement has me with $75 off per month and I got free Ticket Max last year. Last year, I had already gotten $55 off per month for 12 months and free Ticket, and an unrelated call to an inexperienced rep last year netted me an additional $20 off per month for 12 months. I'm not realistically expecting to do as well as that this year, but if I can get something in the range of $50 off per month and some kind of decent discount on the Ticket, I will be happy. So far, I am not happy. Will try again. I'll keep checking back here to see how others have done, as that is an indicator of what is available.
  11. Marv is a great guy. When I lived in Chicago, he lived in my neighborhood. I once saw him in the grocery store and had a conversation with him. I told him that I used to go to most of the Bills home games during the late 80's/early 90's and told him I was at the Greatest Comeback Houston playoff game. Still witty at his advanced age (and that was several years ago), he said, "funny, I was there too!" When his autobiography came out, I was out of town, but my girlfriend (now wife) stopped by the book signing at the neighborhood sports bar where she met him and he signed it. I also watched several Bills games with his wife and stepdaughter at the Bills bar in Chicago. This was during the Jauron era and Dick's daughters showed up from time to time as well. I was never a big Jauron fan, but I will never forget leading the "We love Dick" chant at the bar when his Bills team got off to the 4-1 start one year. Getting back to the point of the original post, Happy Birthday Marv!
  12. I also agree that there's not much point in kicking the tires on LaFell. He hasn't done much on multiple teams in recent years (and maybe not much ever). I'd rather see if any of the young guys have some upside. Plus, we already have Holmes. Streeter and Kerley, so we have enough veteran middle-of-the-road WR's already.
  13. I find it interesting that EVERY YEAR, there is at least one (and often 2 or more) UDFA WR's making noise in camp and pre-season. This goes back for many years. Rarely do the make the team and rarely are they ever heard from again. You don't see this at other positions very often. The only recent ones that come to mind are the DT Cohen a couple of years ago, who didn't make the team, and Eddie Yarborough, who (blowing my theory) did.
  14. You'd be surprised. I travel to Indy for business on occasion and they have a really built-up downtown with tons of bars, restaurants, museums, etc. There's also some good bike and running trails in and near downtown. They have a lot of convention space, plus the Pacers Fieldhouse, plus Lucas Oil field, so they have lots of visitors in town all the time. They got high marks when they hosted the Super Bowl a few years ago and they also have hosted numerous Big 10 Football Championship games, Big 10 Basketball tournaments and Final Fours. So, I would actually recommend Indy highly. Oakland is pretty bad, but near SF and other good parts of the Bay Area. Green Bay is amazing for football Sundays (I have been to one game there and am going to the Bills game again there this year), but other than that, not much to see other than an old industrial town. I have never been to Charlotte, but it doesn't inspire me. Truth be told, I can have fun in any city.
  15. Rex was a blowhard as a coach and is also a blowhard as a commentator. He won't be missed. I agree with all of the above negative comments about Beth Mowins. I just can't stand the sound of her voice. I say this without gender bias (at least I like to think that). There are other women in the booth who are just fine and some are quite good. For example, I think that Jessica Mendoza on ESPN, who did Sunday Night Baseball (not sure if she still does) is very knowledgeable and has a pleasant voice and good delivery. As for Mowins, I agree with the earlier post that her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. It just makes me cringe every time I hear it. It is almost unbearable. I am not speaking to her knowledge of the game or her delivery style, I truly just cannot stand the sound of her voice. To balance out the gender thing, I also can't stand Spiro Dedes on CBS, who, unfortunately, calls a number of Bills games. His voice and delivery style are irritating and he makes numerous incorrect statements during every broadcast. I am usually really excited when the telecast starts every Sunday, then I see/hear Dedes and some of the air comes out of my balloon. As to Brian Greise - he's OK. Solid, but not spectacular - just like his play as a QB, as another poster noted earlier in the thread.
  16. I love Biscuit and he was a good player, but not HOF caliber.
  17. I have never heard of Lauren Hall before reading this thread right now, so I did a Google images search. She is definitely an attractive woman! I'm not a Brandon fan, but credit him if this is what he's been up to. He could do a whole lot worse. I saw some of the comments above about the quality of talent in different cities. I have to agree that there are attractive people everywhere, but there are more of them in bigger cities and warmer climates. Hall would be deemed attractive in any market, in my humble opinion, but there are more like her in the bigger cities/warmer climates. Nice thread topic for a Friday afternoon. I am on West Coast time, so it is almost Miller Time! Or should I say, time for an ice cold Blue!
  18. I am not a fan of Cowherd. I think he's a blowhard and I don't value his opinion any more than the opinion of most posters on this board (or anyone else). As to his preseason predictions, they are meaningless. Nobody knows how things will shake out. I do respect his business sense in that he has somehow made millions off of his obnoxious, annoying personality. I guess some people find it entertaining.
  19. I agree with some of this post and disagree with other parts. I agree that there is no proof (yet) that McCoy is guilty of anything. He may well be absolved of any guilt related to this unfortunate incident and suit up for the Bills as planned. That said, the Bills management appear to be competent and on top of things, so I am sure they are evaluating all options at this point, in case things go South and McCoy is not available to the team. Regarding the OP, I think that we stay far away from Eddie Lacy. He has now flamed out with not 1, but 2 top franchises who gave him the opportunity to be their back. If nothing else, he's not the type of player that the current Bills management would be interested in.
  20. Not a great list, but Morris had some good years with the Redskins (not too productive in Dallas, though), West had some success and is still relatively young, and Murray has had some past success. Sims was once considered to be a guy with a lot of potential in Tampa, but I don't think he ever realized that potential.
  21. If this is true, McCoy is despicable and should be cut from the Bills, banned from the NFL and put in jail. That said, I don't know whether it's true. Just because something has been posted on the internet/through social media doesn't mean it's true. I feel horrible for this woman, as she's obviously in bad shape, but I am withholding judgment on McCoy until more information is known.
  22. Being behind the Bills bench, but back a few rows, we could see everything. After every pick, Peterman came back to the bench and sat there with Dennison (I think, unless it was the QB coach) and calmly went over plays on a tablet. The bench was pretty empty, except for those 2 at the end. All the while, Taylor was pacing around, helmet in hand. I think Tyrod knew that Nate was having a rough go and respectfully stayed out of the way. As this situation played itself out over and over, we, as fans, got more and more upset. We were screaming for the hook. It was surreal (or maybe we just had a few too many Blues or California IPAs). The sky was falling and nobody was doing anything about it. I am a big McD fan, but this was not his finest hour. We couldn't see McD's face too much, as his back was to us, but he could hear the jeers from the crowd and his body language though the entire 1st half suggested that he was resolute in his stance and not going to bend and yank Peterman.
  23. I think the jury is still out on Peterman. I think it's safe to say that he's not the second coming of Tom Brady, but he still may have some untapped potential and could end up being a competent backup or lower end starter in the league someday. He may also be out of the league by 2020. We just don't have enough of a sample size to know, which this article mentions. For what it's worth, I was at the fateful Chargers game last year, so I had a first-hand view of the debacle. We were sitting behind the Bills bench and were screaming at the coaches to pull Nate from the game. Not all of the picks were his fault. He had very poor pass protection on a couple of them and at least one of the balls bounced off of the receiver's hands (may have been the first one, a pass to DiMarco in the flat, but I'm only going on memory, so don't quote me on this). I supported the decision to give him a shot, given Tyrod's terrible play the previous 3 weeks, but when it became clear that it was not his day and that he was in over his head in that circumstance (rookie QB making his first start on the road against a very strong pass rush), I wanted him on the bench. Unfortunately, McD was stubborn and waited until halftime to pull the trigger. By that time, the Bills were already out of the game.
  24. We will also need help at LB. Edmunds and Milano look to be two solid starters, but Lorax is aging and there isn't too much after that.
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