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Everything posted by Augie

  1. These are the stories I was fearing, but knew were inevitable. It’s not even “simply” the extra cost right now, you get to marinate in a dark sense of unknown before they ever show you the sticker. Nobody likes the unknown. I get it. Good luck to all of you.
  2. It sounds like that math is about to change, but nobody will be going hungry. That is for sure! Good for both of them!
  3. Yes, I would recommend that too. I guess giving away BILLIONS of dollars does not get you forgiven for having billions of dollars….in your mind at least. I don’t get the hate for people you have never been in a room with. Being successful and wealthy does not make you evil, despite what you might think. It sounds angry and jealous, tbh. Do you hate everyone, or just billionaires. Where do you draw the line? How do you feel about your neighbors? You've probably met them. (This is the flip side of an argument made earlier, fyi. 😊) OK, let’s just draft somebody already………
  4. You may have heard of some of these people. https://givingpledge.org/about “In August 2010, 40 of America’s wealthiest people made a commitment to give the majority of their wealth to address some of society’s most pressing problems. Created by Warren Buffett, Melinda French Gates, and Bill Gates, the Giving Pledge came to life following a series of conversations with philanthropists about how they could set a new standard of generosity among the ultra-wealthy. While originally focused on the United States, the Giving Pledge quickly saw interest from philanthropists around the world.” But please feel free to continue to lump people together by a single trait and judge them (incorrectly, I might add). They have a word for that. .
  5. I think we could own the market with 2 Minute Abs!!!
  6. Augie


    Well, congrats!
  7. Did you ever replace your ashtray? I might kick in if you start a Go Fund Me.
  8. I’m watching the Purdue game and Zach Eddy looks like Kramer at Karate class!!! 😂
  9. So you think labeling and classifying and judging people due to a certain trait is a good idea? Really? I don’t know any billionaires, but we know several people who are family office size of $100mil or more. We have traveled with them and seen them with all types of people. I don’t feel like I should have to defend them when you have never even set eyes on them. This is coming off as juvenile at this point. .
  10. I couldn’t let the bold pass. Classifying and lumping people together like that is a bad idea. There are all kinds of people in the Billionaires Club. My wife is in Wealth Management and they do annual retreats with top clients, including several billionaires. Like non-billionaires, some are A-holes while others are absolutely delightful.
  11. I remember that game well. Not fondly, but well. We were in Boston on a work/pleasure trip and we met an old friend for lunch downtown at Ye Old Union Oyster House (est. 1826). I had a fried clam sandwich, and it seems the clams had been hanging around since the grand opening. A few hours later I had a rumbling in my tummy, but my wife’s co-worker was going to treat us to his favorite restaurant in Boston, on the bank, so I kept going. It was in a beautiful old white house away from the city. I remember going in and ordering ginger ale. It’s all I could handle, and just barely. I remember laying on the floor in the bathroom, and that is never good. I wanted them to enjoy the evening, so the maitre de got a taxi to get me back to the hotel. The driver realized how sick I was and tried to drop me off at a different hotel, ANY hotel, to get me out of his car before something terrible happened. 🤢 🤮 or worse I refused to get out, he got me to my hotel, and I listened to that basketball game from the cool tile of the bathroom floor of my hotel room. What a night! Good times! 😂
  12. Are you watching ESPN? That might be the problem.
  13. I only get poked if I choose to get poked. I don’t see this as changing my habits at all. I’m not emotional about it, but it will just be a bit more expensive.
  14. Held them to 52 points. That’s pretty crazy stuff. I thought we got them in the BE Tournament too, but regardless I can now bluff a bunch of drunk college girls. If only…….
  15. We were out to dinner with friends and got home early second half. I’ve been wanting to tap the brakes on UConn, but it’s hard to do seeing this. But as we know, they play the games for a reason!
  16. OK, I’m not trying to jinx anything, but TODAY does not look like the day that UConn will be beat. WOW! And I watch BE hoops. Last May we flew into Florence, Italy on a small plane filled mostly with college girls. Popular destination for college girls for some reason. 🤷‍♂️ A couple girls are wearing UConn gear so we start talking. I tell them Xavier beat them 3 times that year, but lost in the Sweet 16. UConn won the ones that counted, like our Bills will be doing soon!!!
  17. Let’s not forget the clown of an owner! It starts at the top! They couldn’t do it without him!
  18. That darned forward pass ruined everything! EVERYTHING, I tell you!
  19. This is another big name series I’ve never seen more than a minute of at a time. 🤷‍♂️
  20. That’s what they say…..right before the unbeatable team goes down! 😂 I’m a Big East guy (Xavier grad), so hoping they can maintain the level they are playing at. That’s what is so great about this tournament, anything really can happen!
  21. That’s fine. I prefer looking forward.
  22. ….with a smile on my face. I’m not still stewing over something that took place in a football game years ago.
  23. Oh, I’ve got a pulse! I’ve just got better ways to spend my life.
  24. The only stupidity is remaining emotional about it years later. I’m not dead yet, but I’m over it.
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