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Everything posted by BillsShredder83

  1. id trade a 4th to block KC, let alone have him play for us. ughhhhhhh
  2. low risk/high reward for an absolute freak. what better place to rehab a player than the best offense in the league, with a whole locker room of process. i think a 4th or 5th gets it done, but am sending a 3rd without a second thought.
  3. MAKE THIIIIIS HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!! Dudes our Tyreek Hill waiting to happen. Giants were a dumpster fire last year, waited for ever to let him see the field. No serious character concerns. Joe Judge is a crazy disciplinarian, that made him wait forever to hit the field, and he was an instant stud. DDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOO IIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTT
  4. weird because i initially thought this was 100% money... but Schefter was implying he was unhappy with the way he was being used as well. normally WR's cry about not getting the ball, dude had 1400 yds, and a ton of carries. i think hes somewhat acknowledging theyre running his body into the ground. wonder if hes worried about losing his OC to the dolphins to? weird situation to ask for no extension
  5. Huge fan. I can't place what episode this is Also Von can do better. Sharing these photos is frowned upon but let's be real... shes a stripper that chases athletes. This is exactly what she signed up for, and how she makes her living on AND OFF the stage. If you Google Megan Denise, she's got crazy curves, but sooooo trashy... and I like a lil trash. But she's a whole dumpster. Von... find a cute buffalo girl with her head on straight
  6. We do that and barring serious injuries, it's very hard to picture us not winning it all
  7. Sign #1 you're a depth signing.... they give you last year's hat for photo op lol give up 11 (!!!) Sacks, you get a bad hat 😆
  8. Or atleast ask yourself - am I ok with the whole world seeing this- and if you answered yes, I'll show you the secret handshake. All the cool kids are in here
  9. I am enjoying the informative side of this thread almost as much as the random dudes making guesses part lol im still trying to figure out who's who
  10. Health aside, I think in today's NFL he would've been a dangerous weapon
  11. If you turned the clip off halfway you heard that. He gave the same candid response we've heard over n over here. Nobody wants to live in BUFFALO, especially if they didn't grow up here, especially if theyre a multimillionaire. Player begrudgingly comes here... realizes our fan base is rabid... surprised by a fairly friendly community.... some good food.... family vibes.... then they stay. Took Jim Kelly over 2 years to do this. Now he's what outsider think of when they think Buffalo. Von Did said a lot of this, just on warp speed.
  12. Even fluff articles excitement me with Von Miller 17 and 0!!! Lol
  13. Just like Democracy! Limiting our choices between, Chitt and Richard Sandwiches since 1776 😭 (jk virg i like taking McDuffie off the board. Allows us to see much different scenarios play out in rd2 as well)
  14. shows you what i know 🤷‍♂️ lol can we start voting... my F5 is hanging on by a thread lol
  15. I thought this for a long time, but I've arrived at my final draft conclusion. I think we go BPA + weighted values of premier position, of S, CB, MLB, WR, TE (with slight chance of OG/OT) in the 1st... and if we don't find our CB in the 1st Beane goes up in the 2nd or 3rd to make BPA match need. I just think we have too many potential openings next year to NOT handle it like this, and I don't think Beane is giving up a 1st next year on an unproven commodity.
  16. Agreed. There's just no room on a team im building, with a flashy WR who consistently drops the ball. For every 25 yac, there's one drive killing drop. It's like the CJ Spiller of WRs. Box score showing he had 6ypc, but they were at clips of 2, 1, 15 etc the whole game. How many points does that add to the board versus take away.
  17. Thanks for this.... now im the proud new owner of a backwards flag! Worst part is having yo buy a home in the south pole, so it flies right
  18. At what point do we start considering Karlaftis? He's certainly at the very top of BPAs left at this point. I get we dropped 2 picks there last year, but BPA at a premier position... I don't think Beane would think twice about pulling the trigger if he's BPA.
  19. @Virgil is there some type of community vote we can do to trade up. I don't wanna tip my hand to these vulture GMs but there's some moves I'd consider making here... and if beane moves up, a few spots in the 20s is where it'd be
  20. First route that came to mind. Un-f******-stoppable!!!!
  21. I think Deebo has worse wear than Brown. Dude seeks contact HARDDD. I've never seen a more appropriately named player Actually... if I'm SF, I'm shopping him a little as quiet as possible. See if you can get a tyreek type haul. He missed a lot of time his first 2 years, and 2 games last year. His stock could never be higher. He's gunna want a FATTTT payday (and I don't blame him). If I was a SF fan i think my Fandom would cloud my judgement, but I think paying him top 3 would be a mistake for injuries alone.
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