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Everything posted by thronethinker

  1. Love holds the ball longer than a teenage boy at a peepshow.
  2. Jim Schwartz is the D coordinator for the Browns, their D will be very tough this season. Wish we never lost him.
  3. Safe to say the Daboll Honeymoon is over in NY. If their season turns into a free fall he may be done after this year.
  4. I was screaming at him saying the same thing.
  5. I’m turning the game off not because I am not interested, but I just can’t stand listening to Chris any longer.
  6. There are some markets where the ABC affiliate is part of the blackout. Not many but unfortunately it sounds like you are in one of the affected markets.
  7. ABC is still on and the Bills game is on ABC. Only ABC on demand is currently unavailable as part of the negotiations stall. The game will be on no matter what happens.
  8. That was my point about cable companies. They are not losing sleep over video subscribers going away. At least not cable companies that offer DATA services. A company like DIRECTV is going to be gone in 10 years.
  9. Losing VIDEO subscribers, not data subscribers. They are still there as a subscriber, just on a service with much higher profit margins than video.
  10. I work for a major cable company and we are posting record profits. The thought about cable companies “Hemorraging”” customers is ridiculous. Cable companies money makers are data because it is nearly all profit after the cost of maintains the infrastructure. Cable companies are not losing data subscribers. The Other real money maker for some cable companies is now cellular, it is a cash cow. Cable companies are happy to see video go because the cost of equipment and video rebroadcast agreements are astronomical for the cable company too.
  11. I remember this game, it was on this day that the ERA of New England cheating began. If you get away with it keep on doing it. In bed with the refs for many years the patriots were.
  12. MAHOMMES gonna bite his tongue off one day.
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