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Pills -N- Bills

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Everything posted by Pills -N- Bills

  1. Nice 3 n out to start the game. Spikes presence is gonna help a lot with the run game.
  2. Aaron Williams looks BAKED, its only against the rules if you get caught lol
  3. Who cares??? Man I bet your one of those people who B word about the president no matter who they are or what they do. It doesn't matter who is on the left or the right because "we the people" are stuck in the middle and are going to get screwed either way. I have been saying this for a few years... And it has cost me a few usernames lol
  4. First time I ever heard of this, and it def made me LOL while I was dropping the kids off at the pool.
  5. Whats the deal with EVERYONE around here thinking that they are a moderator and BITCHING everytime someone starts a new thread on something they believe needs its own thread. FFS its a forum.
  6. This makes alot of sense. Just because they have weed in their system when they do the autopsy of someone injured fatally in a car crash, means the weed caused it?? Recently started growing my own. Alot of people say its too risky but personally I find the risk to be less than going to buy it every few days or weeks. I live in a state where it is still illegal. In other states people get weed perscribed to them for the condition that i have. I am a 100% disabled veterean with ptsd and tramutic brain injuries. Weed not only helps me sleep, eat and help keeps my anxiety down. But it also helps me with my patience when dealing with my 2 kids. best part about growing it yourself is that you can order your own seeds and you know exactly what your getting and where its coming from. For example it hasnt been smuggled across the border in someones gas tank.
  7. I'm playing right how with all updated rosters madden 15 ratings. Sammy is a beast already. His rating is 82 right now but I'm only one game into my first season. I can't wait till the 26th when the new one comes out. I'll be on ultimate team soon as I get the game . If anyone wants to hit me up on xboxone gamer tag is:n3wyork13
  8. Whatever happen to the day when men walked around like they had a pair. I applaud you sir for having the balls to walk up to him and let him know who the real team in New York is. Personally I don't see anything wrong with what you did and who's to say that if the guy you said it to got all pissy that he wouldn't be the one getting his butt kicked??!!! Go bills
  9. Could trump make a deal offer say...$950 million and he also agrees to pay for Half of the new stadium???
  10. A lilttle phrase i learned in the service, when we were being taught how to enter and clear rooms while pushing through the objective. SLOW IS SMOOTH, SMOOTH IS FAST
  11. Well i just moved. Been with DTV since 2011. WHen i called and told them i was moving i got the movers deal. They gave me Free upgrades to genie in 3 rooms. and i got nfl sunday ticket this year for FREE. A long with hbo and cinemax. I only get the free movie channels so i can watch hardknocks and my girl can watch Trueblood. After those 2 shows are over i cancel.
  12. Thanks for filling me in on that. I was born in 85. So he's really been doing his since I was knee high. To a grasshopper lol
  13. I love the JMS. Being that I live in louisiana it's really the only bills related tv or radio show I can listen to. If there was no JMS people would be bitching that the bills don't even have a radio show. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I would be lost without the JMS to listen too while I'm slinging 80lb boxes of fireworks around the warehouse all day. Hopefully he keeps up the good work!! And can improve a little on the way he asks questions. No one is perfect and this is only his 2nd or 3rd year I think on the air.
  14. The possession charge is bs, you can buy the "illegal substance ur talking about at any gas station. The law in Alabama is crazy harsh for the spice. He's not going to face feloby charges as they will most likely reduce them. He's not a "moron" he's a young kid who has millions of dollars has lost key members of his family I t he last year and is going through some tuff times. Everyone makes mistakes lots of them especially in there early to mid 20s. Dareus is looking for something to blow off some steam and probably that makes him feel more alive. Sorta like you know football. Give the kid a break
  15. Cut him?? Seriously?? The guy got into trouble for drag racing and possession of spice. Ts not like he beat his wife, got Caught with guns or got into a fight out late one night a bar. These are non violent incidents. And very petty ones aswell. If he got got with real weed, would we even be having this conversation??? Thank god no one got hurt when he wrecked his car. If someone would have gotten hurt then I could almost understand cuting him.
  16. My son had school today. He goes to the best school around here. Its a Catholic school and he had school today.Really pisses me off that he had school today when if it was Saint "insert name here" day he would have had the day off. I'm an OIF Veteran i served In Tarmiyah Iraq from Halloween night 2006 until Jan 15 2008. I lost 32 people from my company. Some of my best buddies, and some of my "newest" best buddies since the others had been KIA. To me todays not a day to me happy, or have a big bbq with my friends and family. Todays a day i reflect on my buddies who died for no !@#$ing reason. your not over there fighting for your country or "serving" your country. your there trying to live from one day to the next, and do what is best for you battle buddy next to you. RIP Lt Gwilym Newman SPC Chase SPC Ayala SSG Jimmy Malone SPC House Lt Dan Riordan SPC Mack PFC Chase SPC Paton SPC Colon SPC Calhoun
  17. This guy is an absolute BEAST. That clip of him early in the video running through past and between like 7 panthers is AMAZING.
  18. You wrote two and a half sentences bitching about what some one posted on a forum that is here to create discussion to prove what??? Again??
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