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Pills -N- Bills

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Everything posted by Pills -N- Bills

  1. I fell into a burning ring of fire I went down, down, down and the flames went higher And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire The ring of fire
  2. Being a Bills fan living about 40 mins from new orleans this SICKENS me. Seems like the saints have a farm system for their secondary-The Buffalo Bills. Jabari Greer and now Byrd. I don't like the saints because when i first moved here no one gave a rats ass about them. Then they win the SB and their are saints flags and jerseys in front yard and home. Hell my sons Catholic school even lets him wear a saints jersey every friday during the season. That started after they won. I think the saints window is closing and brees only has a few years left. Hope he fails miserably. Marrone and the Payton have ties...i cannot for the LIFE of me see why the bills dint tag him and trade him to new orleans....
  3. It's a forum for people to speak thier mind, your whining about the whining. Get over it
  4. Its a damn message board people are or SHOULD be able to say whatever the hell they want, i was just venting and expressing my opinion at the current time, isnt that what message boards are for? People get so caught up in what other people say on a forum. Like there is some sort of white collar proper forum etiquette.
  5. Byrd's a scumbag and so is his agent. I hope he blows his acl and mcl the first PRESEASON snap of the year, douche bag.
  6. They didn't almost trade for him hell they didn't even try to trade for him, it was merely a discussion that came up and never amounted into anything. What would they trade for him? The city of Cleveland? Lol
  7. My feeling is that schwartzy will bring some of it with him from Detroit, now I don't spect dareus to start crotch stomping people but I do expect more personal fouls for roughing the qb or unsportsmanlike conduct.
  8. Tell you what man during the season after the monday night game, knowing theres more football to watch on thursday makes the week go by soo much faster
  9. I'd like to see them take an Oregon approach, and have a bunch of different uniforms. Something new, hip, push the boundaries a little bit.
  10. Man reading this thread is like listening to one of my gramaws young and the restless "programs" back in the day
  11. Seems like the cowboys have suffered from thier own lil curse since winning those superbowls against us
  12. We'll you see when I made the name I felt it had 2 meanings to it 1. One pills and bills go hand in hand because you almost need pills to deal with the last 15 years. 2. Most people in the world have these two things in common ( everyone's takin a pill at one point in their life or another and everyone's paid a bill at one time or another in their life)
  13. We'll they are definitely going about coaching on the offensive side of the ball differently then they did last year.
  14. He was horrible in SF as the OC and nothing too good in Baltimore as a WR coach Torey Smith only name that comes to my mind. I read that he has worked with tommy steerer before.thjnk he was with Marrone while he was with the jets
  15. I think he could work on the bills roster, Marrone is a former linemen who could coach him up. Also you never know how much the bullying situatuion played apart of his struggles in the nfl. He would benefit greatly from a change of scenery. What do we have to lose??
  16. Sounded to me like he was taking a few shots at buffalo saying he doesn't even know why he was brought here and That he doesn't even remember the year that he spent here in buffalo. Stating that "it was a good to be in a situation where he is winning games again and that he's glad that situation in buffalo is over with" Sounds like the the winning culture in seatlle and the culture here in buffalo are night and day and that he sure as hell he is glad to not be apart of buffalo"s losing ways. Has the culture here in buffalo really changed? According to T. Jax sounds like we have a long way to go.
  17. This year will be a wash for the browns no matter what. They have a young team and are about to get even younger will all the picks they have. They are fielding a rookie hc all new coaching staff will most likely have a rookie qb. After Next year depending on the QB they draft and how he develops they will still be learning how to win. So I doubt they will contend that year either. 3 years from now (if he isn't fired by then) we will see how capiable of head coach he is.
  18. Man I thought the same exact thing when I was listening to the presser , did WGR omit Marrones part of it? Or did I just tune in to late? I like that Jim said we will be an attacking defense not a read and react one and I also like his attitude I think he has a chippy/cocky attitude to him that lets hope the d plays that way I wouldn't mind at all for our defense to be nasty right on the edge of dirty is fine with me. Yea the pissed me off man they cut away from it to Talk about ringo star.....seriously?!?!
  19. I highly doubt the bills get a crack a graham but Do u think we would offer him a contract if we did?
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