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Pills -N- Bills

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Everything posted by Pills -N- Bills

  1. The bills have been playing it safe for 14 years. Bout time we showed some balls. Not just with the Watkins pick, but with all the trades, FA signings and the bringing in of guys with some off the field issues. You have to take risks to reap the rewards. Sounds like a bunch of old men sitting around bitching ab the weather
  2. I fought for whoever, whenever and wherever to be able to express themselves, just because it is their right doesn't mean i have to agree with watch it or enjoy it. Its a big story because of people like YOU who try and call out people who do not enjoy watching it.
  3. The bills brought in someone from the University of Buffalo that was a Basketball player. I dont think they signed him, but they worked him out.
  4. Its called freedom of speech. You dont have to like gay people or root for them in their endeavors. Personally i find it disgusting. But thats just my opinion. I dont believe NFL network should have showed him kissing his boyfriend. I found it quite offensive personally. But again thats my opinion and i am entitled to it. I dont hate gay people or Michael Sam. I just dont agree with his lifestyle or the media's insistence on making this a big story.
  5. You said it best mock drafts are what they are. Nothing, they are absolutely worthless..I always get a laugh when people say look at my mock draft from fan speak. Wouldn't it be cool if this Happen. No one cares about fanspeak mock drafts, that will never happen. ( not saying you did a mock draft or am I trying to bash you for enjoying them) hell madden is more realistic then all the mock drafts that float around.
  6. If you dont like it dont come to a forum where the point is to DISCUSS....
  7. You will fit right in. Majority of the saints fans didn't give 2 ***** about them until they won the Super Bowl.
  8. People can B word about Donald all they want. I bet he will make a great owner. He sure as hell will get us a brand new state of the art stadium. Which means jobs. With the stadium comes top of the line hotels ( to host a Super Bowl, NCAA tournament and wrestle mania) look up how much money New Orleans just made off wrestle mania. Trump is good at developing properties. People want Bon jovi over trump seriously? Trump is a business man and I guarantee he won't put up with the losing that Ralph did for decades.
  9. Trump would be perfect man. He has the money and smarts. He could get us a new stadium and with his connections we go from playing one game a year in Toronto to develop that fan base...to playing a game in Yankee stadium every year and trying to develop that one !
  10. Those of you saying that we already have a player with his skill set in Marquise Goodwin. Goodwin isnt Desean Jackson. Yes he has the potential to be but if we sign Jackson he will immediately be the best WR we have on the roster. Its totally obvious that the culture has changed at OBD. In years past you would have NEVER heard the bills interested in Jackson. Half of the people we have signed since Marrone has been here would have never been given a snowballs chance in hell to go to the bills. Whaley and Marrone are ALWAYS looking to upgrade the team no matter what the situatiuon is. Im happy with the Bills even kicking the tires on Jackson.
  11. So what. These threads are made for the discussion. After all that's what the sites all about..
  12. No difference in throwing the signs or doing the dance. It's still representing the same thing. And disrespecting the same thing.
  13. I hope Eddie debartolo buys the bills. It's a long shot and I have no link or proof he has interest in the bills. But I would love an owner like that in buffalo. He has the money that's for sure and he hadn't ruled out buying another team.
  14. I thought i was the one that was so pose to be poking you?
  15. lol been waiting for this... Let's not get into a hood pass pissing match
  16. Yea weezys been trying to lay low since his overdose. I live in louisiana. And anytime he drops a new song it's on every station. Even the rock stations. lol they play it over and over and over.
  17. I hope we extend him. Attitude is something he bills have lacked for a long time. Whether you like it or not. I think attitude and cockiness only adds to competition and the will to succeed
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