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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. I watched it last night after reading this board crap all over him. I fully expected to see a EJ level crap fest.😜 While I wasn’t blown away by his performance, it wasn’t the atrocity that I was led to believe it would be. He was overly jumpy in the pocket twice. He hit a bunch of decent passes. He had some egregious drops. We all know JA is our only path to the promised land. I’ve seen Barkley look much worse, in the past, than KA yesterday. Barkley looked relaxed and dialed in like it was the Jets game years ago so I guess KA looked terrible in comparison 🤷‍♂️
  2. Watched Darnold and K.Allen here in Clt. I wouldn’t choose one over the other. So, stick with Allen as he is here and further along in the process. I don’t get the absolute bashing K Allen was taking. It’s a new offense and first preseason game. He made a bunch of decent throws, a few which were dropped ( Shakir)
  3. Some places you can visit, stay on a conveniently located central location and access many things, often on foot or short taxi/Uber. Buffalo/Western New York region is not such a place. “ Buffalo” is actually a myriad of towns and villages that are suburbs of the downtown area which itself isn’t a compact area offering walking distance attractions. As SoMAn asked, What are you looking to do, what interests you and are there age or health limitations? For me, if I’m bringing someone to the area who’s never been there it going to be a mix of sight seeing and eating. If they HAD to do the pedestrian thing and be able to walk out on a Main Street and hit shops, restaurant and bars, I would suggest somewhere on Elmwood in the Elmwood district. East Aurora and Main Street Williamsville would also suffice. Elmwood = Hip East Aurora and Williamsville might be a little more buttoned up…a little. Niagara Falls is a must. If you all have passports, going across the Peace Bridge to Fort Erie ( hit one of the Chinese restaurants/ Ming Te, Happy Jacks ,for lunch, amazing food) and drive along the River up to the Canadian side of the Falls. It is a beautiful hour ride up there. Canadian side of the Falls is nicer as well. After that, it would be about food. There are a bunch of restaurant threads on here, hit the search button. The food is amazing in the area with hundreds of good mom and pop restaurants that are worth eating at. Gotta do a Friday Fish Fry , a million choices. Wings, Buffalo Pizza,Beef on Weck and Texas Hots round out the top five “ must eats” while in the region.
  4. Dude got his surgically repaired knee rolled up on. That isn’t injury prone if he was walking it off. Might be a blessing in disguise that gets him over the mental hump.
  5. No way that’s Beasely. There was YAC
  6. And the Panthers erected a statue of him outside their stadium!
  7. The problem with calling his absence the cause is he wasn’t the only , or most important, starter (s) who was missing from the middle of last years D. We truly have no idea how this years D will look compared to last. While Edmund’s absence is a notable change it may well be not even be a top 3 difference compared to last year. Because teams never over pay for talent and it never blows up in their face 🤔
  8. Sadly, it isn’t as fun for me. This happened during the Kelly years too. The season became a slog to get through so we could make the SB and win it. I think IF we win it soon the regular season will be more fun for me again but unless we are dominant ( which we weren’t for most of last year) it’s just kinda stressful .
  9. Verizon is offering Free NFL Ticket with their Homeplus internet plan. I had Home wireless internet already so I bumped up $10 a month and got the ticket. $120 isn’t bad considering how DTV bent me over the last 4 years because I had Verizon and not AT+T.
  10. This would be my absolute first choice . I literally never considered it or have looked at it. Make it so
  11. I used TickPicK last year for nine seats at the Dec. Jets game and again this year for Tampa Bay. The last time I used StubHub I got the tickets hours before the game after some hassle. Never again. It is absolutely BS the way any of this Fee structure crap is allowed. Corporate Scalping
  12. This is my kid’s favorite joke from college 😜
  13. The friendly banter and ubiquitous claim of : “You beat me to it” or something along those lines. Not being pejorative, it works for me. I’ve been coming here since 2000 when I got my first desktop. The OP asked where to go for Bills info. As soon as I see anything of import NFL wise i immediately come to TBD and check TSW. It’s my go to.
  14. He hit the literal Jackpot with his rookie contract. He hit the “ Life Jackpot” last year. If he doesn’t cut it, he should be let go. I never feel bad for young 20 something millionaires who’s dream didn’t quite hit.
  15. Here! Since Yolo bowed out it’s a competition amongst a few to get stuff up on here ASAP. Enjoy the ride
  16. We watched last night. They showed three screens full of dates and I swear there wasn’t a single Bills game shown.
  17. Which is why it was infuriating they didn’t get him the ball more down the stretch. He could have a breakout season from outta nowhere, not saying he will but he’s got Thurman hands to go along with running abilities. Been a while since we’ve had a back look this ( possibly) complete.
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