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Buffalo Boy

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Everything posted by Buffalo Boy

  1. This is a classic example of the coach and players needing to all be on the same page. Last years O seemed to devolve into Josh needs to do everything by the end of the season. If Dorsey calls shorter hitting plays and heavily involves Cooke and Kincaid while simultaneously staying in JA’s ear about taking what is given He has a chance at a record year with YAC making up a much larger percentage of passing yards. If this happens we are a super dangerous team.
  2. What I see, a very good start for a rookie and a line doing a decent job with no plan against some Steelers trickery. I don’t love our line but I feel like it is already looking better than last year.
  3. 1 Dorsey needs to dial up a non stop short game featuring Kincaid, Cooke and ? With the obligatory long ball to Diggs/Hardy/Davis from time to time. Quick hitters like the Rams game last year. Get Josh to deal to the playmakers and keep him safe for the first quarter of the season till the O line figures itself out and the team creates an identity. 2. Have the corners play man, on the line, when it’s 3rd down and jam the receivers , not allowing free release and pitch and catch.
  4. Some guys just aren’t built for it. Nasty looking hyperextention.
  5. Nope Beating the Jets by 40+…. That was the game of his life.
  6. Well, Josh should probably try to emulate Kelly and his disciplined approach during the season
  7. Ethan in Cleveland I see what you mean. No need for knocking the rust off in the preseason 😒
  8. My Mom is dead, so she doesn’t feel anything anymore😘
  9. Just want to say, you are , just about all, a bunch of over reactionary whiners. That is all
  10. True story: My buddy, who shall remain nameless, took his father’s car there to acquire some “ happiness “. His father was a judge and the car had State Magistrate plates. It was the darndest thing but we couldn’t get anyone to hook us up. Ah, to be young and stupid….😜
  11. Bruce would get a soft tissue injury every camp. Miraculously it would heal just in time for the regular season😜
  12. It’s football. They have to get some live reps before the season.
  13. Panthers/Giants Panthers fans have been “ Crowning Dey ass” since the draft. Gushing about their O line being the best in years ….., until last week. Interested to watch this.
  14. That’s about 8-12 too many, per season. Especially with Cook, Diggs and Kincaid, this year.
  15. Scared and stupid are two different things. Designed QB runs in the preseason is the epitome of stupid. Taking unnecessary hits is also stupid in a meaningless game.
  16. We had a land line so we could have DSL . We also had DTV. I got rid of the land line and Frontier DSL and DTV. $200+ a month. I already had three phones on a Verizon plan so I kept the phone plan, got the wireless internet. I got the Disney bundle and YouTube TV . I easily saved $150 a month when all was said and done.
  17. You need to see the “Tooth” of some of my rural southern neighbors…..that’s right ……Tooth
  18. My good buddy has been working there on and off for 30 years. I use to take my Mom there for Mother’s Day when I would fly in from my yearly spring fishing trip with my buddies. That area would be perfect for a group popping in for a long weekend.
  19. Two phrases: Colorblind Tone deaf Some people are willing to sell anyone if they can make a buck doing it. In this ugly world, nothing surprises me anymore….. which is sad.
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