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Everything posted by wnysteel

  1. how about putting a top crossbar? that would add an element of difficulty (especially for shorter kicks), and also (should) alleviate the (potential) need for a replay on field goals (those instances where the kick is directly over the goal post...what is the rule here?). so you would have to kick the field goal through a box/rectangle. i would lower the goal posts in this scenario, but not necessarily decrease the width. so overall the target would be smaller. just a thought.
  2. if you get the job done and be effective, you will get opportunities. He hasn't shown this (only flashes of it). that's his problem, not his hair. at the end of the day, "NFL execs" want a winner. regardless of appearances. if he consistently has top-5 defenses, he'll be a head coach.
  3. great food, but be warned: service at the bar absolutely sucks, unless you are a regular. i won't go there again for that reason. last few times i've went, my group was absolutely ignored by the bartender. it was atrocious
  4. 6-2 at home, 4-4 on the road. 10-6 and a wildcard spot!
  5. how about the blown call on the missed field goal yesterday in the chiefs-chargers game yesterday? http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/nfl-admits-error-not-calling-penalty-kansas-city-161839908--nfl.html
  6. it could be dumb luck, but kudos to the NFL for having many meaningful games in week 17. there have been one or two in previous years, but i can't recall this many week 17 games that meant so much, to so many teams, ever.
  7. i agree crossman has to go. but that offside was on Dareus. his head wasn't in the game. probably o/t. but it appeared the half-game benching did more harm than good. sit him for the whole game. i spit my coffee out laughing
  8. he can boom them with the best of them, but the inconsistent kicks (shanks) are maddening. there are better options out there. that said, great guy and i wish him the best
  9. stadium was pretty loud given the attendance (around 55,000 actual attendance is my guess).
  10. Brandon said on 550 earlier in the week, that during the 90s, December games sold out 63% of the time. During the 2000s, they sold out 67% of the time. so when the team was good, December games still were not selling out. In fact, the big comeback game against Houston (playoffs no less) was not even close to a sellout. so while people can blame the team being lousy, history indicates this is not true. its really the weather.
  11. just wondering how he goes from being fine, no issues, will definitely play sunday....to OUT in one day. was the injury worse than thought? or he aggravated it during practice?
  12. definitely was a class act and a character guy. agreed on he was never respected.
  13. too many big plays allowed. you look at every game we've played, and if you take away 1 or 2 big plays (that the defense allowed) each game, we are in the mix for wildcard. and that's with no improvement to offensive play. with coaching continuity (i can't believe i just said that), some more depth and a playmaker or two on offense, we have to be in the mix next year. or its time to blow it up all over again.
  14. is there a league rule against that? i could see the team fining him. Of course, the GM is in love with him, so I doubt it. Speaking of the GM, all this mess will continue (i love it) as long as Jerry insists on being the GM.
  15. best paragraph was in the summary: The good news is that Manuel looks poised and generally makes good decisions, despite the fact that he barely played in the preseason and missed part of the year with injuries. Accuracy can be hard to improve, but when coaches can focus on it (instead of explaining Page 3 of the playbook), there's a chance of gaining huge dividends from a tiny mechanical correction.
  16. excellent find. i never would have guessed this. eerily similar
  17. "I promise to do just enough to encourage hope next year" Signed, Russ Brandon
  18. the nfl reached out to Leslie Frazier yesterday to discuss officiating. (usually its the other way around). lots of chatter around other message boards on this topic. so its definitely getting attention.
  19. i hope this will set the precedent for future outdoor (cold-weather) Superbowls. but i doubt it.
  20. Cleveland has had pretty bad luck also. Browns leave, win Super Bowl as the Ravens. Lebron leaves, wins championships with Heat. i think that's worse than never winning.
  21. also, i forgot to mention, that the referee from the bills-bucs games yesterday looked annoyed and/or pi--ed off at times. what is that? you are there to do a job, that 99% of us would love to do. if you get that annoyed and/or pi--ed off about it, then step aside and let someone else do it.
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