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Everything posted by BarleyNY

  1. In other news, I also would like to be the highest paid player in the NFL. However that is not my expectation.
  2. Sounds like someone is in a contract year. Please note that this isn't snark, it's just how business is done in the NFL. Sammy's agent is doing his job by telling Sammy that this year will be the most important of his career from a career earnings standpoint and that he needs to be completely focused on his performance. His standard talking points are: you're focused on having a great season, you're healthy, you love it where you are and you're not worried about anything contract-related, you're letting that all work itself out. There's nothing wrong with any of that and it just might get us a great season from Sammy. Just don't read more into it than that.
  3. That's a pretty good list. I'd add major improvement in accuracy. He does well with the deep sideline pass, but that's about it. Improvement with accuracy has to go hand in hand with improvement in his anticipation as one is not much good without the other.
  4. Cardale is/was highly talented, but terribly raw. If he wasn't developing - and there has been no sign or reliable inside information that he was - then that's that. I've got no problem with them cutting him loose and maybe getting a draft pick. I won't bash the pick because rolling the dice on Day 3 on a QB with his skill set is reasonable.
  5. I'd be good with a weighted lotto, but the downside is that so many fans will distrust it. Every time a big market or other favored team beats the odds for a top pick fans will lose their s$&t. Still, if fairly executed, it'd be the best way to go.
  6. The Bills prediction seems to be a function of the writer's high opinion of the AFCW and NFCS, the worst team in each being 7-9. The Bills, being an afterthought, get whatever record makes that happen. It is what it is until we change things by winning. Hopefully that's on the horizon.
  7. I agree on both. Glenn at LT, Dawkins at RT (probably to start the season, but definitely at some point) and Mills as backup. Either one of the youngsters makes it on the roster or the team finds another tackle after cut down day and a young player goes to the PS. I see Henderson getting cut when he comes back from suspension barring a slew of injuries at OT. At some point the team has to move on from players that can't be counted on.
  8. Marino, Kelly, Tarkenton, Rivers, Fouts, Kosar, Luck......the list goes on and on.....
  9. I agree wholeheartedly that good BBQ shouldn't need any sauce to be delicious. That's a main tenant of BBQ. Sauce can be an enjoyable supporting cast member, but should never be the star of the show or even needed. All regional BBQ has it's good and bad. Most poor examples just go too far - too sweet for KC, too vinegary for NC, etc. - but there is always some great stuff around if you know where to look or just make it yourself.
  10. That's all true and I absolutely support an end to marijuana testing in the NFL as well as legalizing medical marijuana. I'm also good with legalizing recreational too. But Henderson's issues with pot pre-date his Crohn's diagnosis. He had violations in college and even tested positive at the Combine. His only chance to remain in the NFL is if they stop testing or grant him an exception.
  11. 2 years, $6M including $4.5M guaranteed. Nice money for his limited career production, but SF didn't exactly break the bank in him.
  12. We all know who Goodwin is as a player. At least we all do here. In SF, they will learn soon enough. Supremely fast, often injured and nowhere near a complete WR. He will beat some defenses deep enough to tantalize, but finish with 400-500 yards, a great YPC average and a poor YPT(arget) average.
  13. Kevin Hart is terrible. Even when he tells a funny joke he immediately steps on it by explaining it to the audience. Every single time. Amy Schumer is awful. She rips off funny comedians and ruins their jokes.
  14. The few good looking color rush uniforms were definitely the exception. I remember liking the Lions silver/grey unis. There might have been one or two others. Most were just horrible.
  15. Yup. That's how I see him, too. He's a guy that can be a quality backup for a long time. If he was a bit more physically gifted he could be on his way to being.a franchise guy.
  16. A GM who doesn't have final say regarding contract structure and dollar figures isn't a GM. Ultimately it was Whaley's responsibility or he was only GM in name.
  17. .500 teams at Super Bowl contending team prices. That was a big issue I had with Whaley.
  18. Actually his specialty is press zone coverage and he did extremely well in Schwartz's Cover 2 that utilized him that way. Seattle uses a press Cover 3 and obviously a player like him could always press on the C2 side of a Cover 6. Gilmore has got a lot to offer in a lot of defensive schemes, just not so much when he constantly gets put on an island like in Wrex's dumbass scheme. What I don't know is how he'd play in McD's Cover 3 that calls for CBs to typically use the bail technique rather than press. Between that, him (obviously) wanting to move on and the cap situation the Bills are in I can certainly understand why he wasn't re-signed here.
  19. I'm going to go out on the shortest limb ever and say that Belichick knows how to play Gilmore and that he only paid him that large because he knows he's a great fit in his defense. He played under a stupid, lazy, coach running an obsolete scheme the last two seasons. Everyone on defense looked bad under the mostly retired Wrex.
  20. That's not going to happen as long as Dan Snyder is the owner because the front office will always be a reflection of him. And that's who he is as a person.
  21. Yup. That's a killer. Washington let this play out to a point where they really can't trade him.
  22. The Pats do have Brady, but they've also done a whole lot else right and it's been right in line with what analytics is showing to be advantageous. You couldn't be more wrong about the use of information in football versus other sports - it is absolutely as important in football. I'll just leave it there.
  23. You think the Patriots have won by being more emotional? How can you type that with any sincerity? Analytics is not about blindly following charts, it's all about finding value and advantage by removing emotion from decision making and focusing on expected outcomes. You know, like Belichick has done.
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