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DC Greg

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Everything posted by DC Greg

  1. Not that I know of. But I've seen plenty of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8oKJbU5MCQ
  2. I couldn't script it better. I swear I am not actually Security dual posting in order to win my own argument. It's just exactly what I said. This has been put to bed. Go Kyle, Go Bills, have a wonderful weekend.
  3. Visit DC sometime. That's just a baby group. Not uncommon to see 30-40 pink segways rolling deep down the mall.
  4. Yes! I got my bet in for the Bills while they were still 100/1 at the Venetian. $2,000 here I come.
  5. No one is saying the team has been strong against the run. I'm saying you are misallocating blame on one player simply because he's been on the team during that time. Linebackers have been the biggest problem in our run equation. Please rattle off the list of our linebackers since Fletcher and Spikes left and tell me how many of them were even mediocre NFL football players. Complete garbage for the most part. Even last year with some improvement, Kiko was not a run stuffing MLB. He's a Will by nature, and that's where he will excel. Spikes and Rivers back there now with Kiko? I'm not going to start counting chickens, but we may have something here. The blame on Kyle is misplaced and not borne of fact. I understand how it looks to the casual fan, but from someone who played the game at a higher level recently, and someone who is in agreement with the majority of football people who grade player performance, we are in agreement that Kyle Williams is an excellent defensive tackle.
  6. Mostly it rests on what I think of RGIII. Loved what he did in their offense in his first year. I believe his game rests on his ability to run with it. If he is a legitimate threat to take off, defenses have to account for that. Opens up the rest of his game and the rest of the offense. In his second season, that threat was gone. He was rarely going to run, and when he did it was not with everything he had to get to the goal line like the year before. You have to earn that threat by really taking off with it. You can't just trick defenses into coming out of coverage because you 'used' to be a running quarterback. The threat better be real, or they won't respect it. He could break out as a pocket passer I suppose. I just haven't seen it yet. He has an arm for sure, but I'm not convinced. You can say he was still nursing the injury, which is true, but it looked to me that because of the injury, he has made a mental decision to no longer run. Or he was coached not to run. Either way. Aside from him, new coach and a whole new system. Always going to be adjustment pains. Their defense was pretty trash last year. I think the stats hide how bad they really were. Fletcher was getting old but that is some serious leadership lost and a solid presence in the middle. With that division though... who knows. Maybe they have a shot.
  7. Well said. Haters just gunna hate. KW is a big boss hog. He doesn't make every play, but he's a fine player and a great addition to our defense/team. Go Bills.
  8. Interesting take. Not to be negative, but I tend to look at us as more of the wildcard category I guess. We could be a team to watch, but we could easily be 6-10 again. Redskins should be in the crap. I think they will be garbage this year. As bad or worse than last year.
  9. This thread is a goldmine. First of all to your point, yes it's all about the money. I don't think Snyder ever really cared about the name. He's just a billionaire that bought the team. The city hates him, true skins fans hate him, and he knows it. I am of the opinion that he has been adamant about no name change because he wants to appear to be on the side of the die hards skins fans. Now that you threaten his money, however, watch his tune change real quick. He'll make it seem like his hand was forced, of course, and it was... by the threat of lost revenue. Secondly, Real Buffalo Joe, your post if hilarious. Last... well on second thought t's probably best if I just go ahead and stay out of the politics
  10. There are 22 players on the field my friend. His role accounts for 4.5% of this football team, not counting special teams. Just because the team hasn't won doesn't mean he's not a great player and a great contributor. You've registered your rebuttal on the player vote. That has some merit, though I inherently disagree. I'd really like you to read my earlier post about "Grading" and hear your thoughts on that. No tongue in cheek, do you know what that is and how it works? Many fans do not. Do you think that the people who do that are lying? Wrong? Just curious.
  11. Posts like these are why I read TBD. Hilarious.
  12. No sir! Your post was just the most recent point of reference building off the post prior. Pardon my newb message board awareness if that's a faux pas Well who can argue with that. #AnalyticsDepartment
  13. I was wondering when the KW haters were going to come out! I love their "arguments". He sucks. Run D aint good. Bills no stop run. I remember this one time I saw something that looked like a thing. Mungo want Duffs... please reference my earlier argument about independent grading that rates him as one of the most technically sound and elite d linemen in the league. Please reference the source of this thread, the top 100 players in the NFL, as voted by the players. The guys who, you know, actually know what it's like to play against him. Not you.
  14. LOL Antonio Bryant? Study? I think he would either be too high to vote period or would be too conceded to vote because it would give props to someone other than himself. I was more thinking like wideouts being like "Yeah, that tackle is the tallest, has huge biceps, and lots of tattoos. He's clearly the best"
  15. It would be cool if certain positions could only vote for the players that they played directly against. ie Only O-lineman can vote for the best D-lineman and vice versa. I think your right that the wideouts don't know jack about what's going on in the trenches for the most part. Likewise, the fatties (term of endearment for ourselves) don't know the first thing about what makes someone good in press coverage. Everyone on D would still vote on overall positions like QB, because everyone plays against some aspect of the QB (defensive backfield has to defend the pass, pass rushers have to try and bring the guy down). Even just limiting Offensive players to voting for only what they perceived to be the best defensive players and vice versa would probably be more representative. But agree with other posters that it's cool that our players get respect from their peers, the ones who really know how good they are.
  16. Yes, they do a pretty great job at it IMO. Obviously only the coaches can get the grades 100% correct, because they're the only ones who ultimately know what each very specific responsibility was in that defense. By watching film, you can be about 95% sure what every player was supposed to do on any given play, however. You can do this because you know everyone is responsible for a gap, and if there is a gap left unfilled, you can almost always determine which bonehead missed their assignment. Even with complicated blitz packages and line stunts the gaps are covered, and you can break down who should have been where. ALMOST always. Description of their grading system, which is pretty much in line with most coaches I've seen on the college level, so assuming it's very close to most pro coaches systems as well. https://www.profootb.../about/grading/ **Sidenote... Monday morning was always dreadful waiting for those grades to be posted in the locker room. You never knew when a coach was going to think you stepped six inches to wide to the left, didn't get your pads low enough, shoelace was undone (OK, maybe not the last one). You'd be like "Coach, I shed two blockers, made a TFL, forced a fumble, which I recovered, scored a TD, and won the game... and I went to every class this week" He'd be like... you forgot to shave before the game... -1!
  17. I don't know how you could say Kyle Williams is the only "elite" player on the team when you have Mario Williams on that line also, but Kyle is a hell of a football player. Great pass rush, and it's not because he has incredible speed or agility. He has incredible tenacity, a high motor, and great football instinct. He has solid footwork, and always maintains his gap in a gap control defense. I find it comical when fans with little to no knowledge of defensive schemes and philosophy attempt to point to overall stats against the run for the entire Bills defense and say, "Derrrrr, see look, he's right in the middle so it must be his fault". You know nothing, John Snow. Every player on the defense is responsible for exactly one gap. Kyle almost always controls his, does not get pushed off the ball, has a great pop and excellent leverage at all times, usually takes on 2 blockers if he doesn't make the play, which for a defensive grade is equivalent to making the tackle (because it frees another defender to make the play). Really excited to see a hoss like Brandon Spikes back there who should be very comfortable making the stops in the middle with a guy like Kyle eating up those blockers who are trying to climb to the next level. Haven't had true beefcake runstopping linebackers since Fletch and T. Spikes were back there, and that's been the real problem with our run D. Please refer to what are known in world of football (actual football, players/coaches, not fans) as grades. You will see that Kyle Williams is not just the highest graded player on the entire Bills team most games, but one of the highest graded d linemen in the entire league. Players are graded every single play for whether they controlled their gap and completed their responsibility in the 11 man defensive scheme. Do your job, and you get neither a + or a -. Do something that contributes to making the play directly and you get a +, screw up and you get a -. That's a simplified version, but basically that's how it works, and Kyle is one of the most technically sound players we have and also is a playmaker. A rare thing indeed to be both. And he wears my number from college, so obviously I'm a bit of a fan!
  18. The time stoppage rule is a joke as PTR pointed out. Just arbitrarily deciding to extend the game at their discretion? Why not just set the time and that's always how it is. There is no reasonable explanation for that other than it's always been done that way. You're probably right about me liking football better because I've been exposed to it, but I just think I've been exposed to a better sport. Not being able to use your hands in the game seems limited. I think football combines all elements of physical competition, speed, strength, agility, endurance, pain, etc in the most complete (albeit violent) way. To your other point about rules in football... there are a few that bother me. Offensive false starts do not bother me. Don't move until the snap count. You know what it is, the defense does it. Giving them the ability to false start is a horrible disadvantage when they already know the count. If they screw up they deserve the penalty. If they could false start it makes it even more unfairly hard to play defense, which is reacting to a play the offense is in control of. The way the NFL has now made defensive false starts a rule, however, is horrible. If a defender jumps, the onus should be on the O to quickly snap the ball while he's in the neutral zone to get the penalty. That's skill between the center, QB, and a well polished offense. That shouldn't just be a gimme rule for the offense. I hate that change. If o lineman can't stay still until he hears the snapcount, too bad. The O already has all the advantages, they don't need another one. Some of the "hits to the head" in the NFL are a joke. I understand the premise, but it's getting called way too much when QBs get sacked. It's such a game changing call, especially when it happens on like 3rd and long. I understand what the NFL is trying to do, but the real solution for those injuries should be beginning on the lower levels. More flags should be thrown in college, high school, pee wee and coaches should be teaching proper tackling technique AKA never leading with your head but your shoulder. Enforce better safety rules at those levels and you'll be preventing more injuries there and training the future NFL athletes of tomorrow. Believe it or not, you can hit just as hard in high school as you can in the NFL. There are guys that are big and fast and when they hit another guy big and fast running at a high speed the same injuries happen and actually many more. Partly because they also never call the head to head stuff in high school. More calls on the lower level, less calls on the pro level IMO. Those are the rules about today's game that bug me the most!
  19. I'm sure they're still working on the aesthetics. Once the major construction is complete we'll probably get more of a look at what the plan is for that.
  20. I respect that soccer is the most popular sport worldwide. I respect the guys that play it for the endurance it takes to run constantly the entire game. I respect the skill the game requires. I root for the US in the World Cup because I love my country. I hate soccer. I think it's the most boring thing I've ever watched. All the rules you mentioned are ridiculous. I want football to be nothing like soccer.
  21. Houston... LOL Ryan Pickspatrick. Another year older, another year slower. God please let him start for the comedy. I know, I know... real nice guy. Wears his wedding ring in games and millenium falcon t shirts in interviews... gnarly. Sorry to say I'm rooting for some hilarity coming out of Houston at that position this year.
  22. That scoreboard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so awesome. Finally.
  23. I think I really saw him once. A ball was thrown, and I swear I saw him there waiting to catch it. When I looked again, the ball was there, on the ground, but he was no longer there. It happened fast, so I could have been mistaken.
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