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fergie's ire

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Everything posted by fergie's ire

  1. And the NFL doesn't require teams to hire minority coaches....only to interview them...so why not?
  2. +1 I thought it was a stupid rule when it was first enacted for the reasons cited above...but it was soon clear it worked. One of the problems was not so much overt racism as an ol' boys network. What happened is that front offices would decide on a coach...usually a big name...but be forced to bring someone in for a token interview to comply with the rule...and often they were impressed. Even though they would go ahead and hire who they had predetermined they would hire, they would spread the word that this guy they had in was really impressive...and very soon there were a lot more minority hires.
  3. While I don't think that his problem with the media is what made him quit, I do think that his thin skin led to some of his coaching struggles. He received a lot of criticism about fourth down...and then went for it on a fourth and four early in the game...and when it didn't work out, he refused to go for it late in the game. A number of times, it seemed like Marrone would do something based on criticism he was receiving...but didn't really believe in it and would revert back. He never seemed to have a strong and clear philosophy, which I think is part of his/Hackett's problem. Though, on the other hand, other times he seemed unwilling to "cave" to popular consensus (as with refusing to put Urbik for such a long time). And then there was the weird press conference personality change into a monosyllabic Bill Belichick clone. He just seemed too worried about what the media/fans had to say about him.
  4. I remember Lynch commenting that he was a prisoner in his own apartment in Buffalo. He felt like he was under a microscope and was constantly watched and if he put his toe over a curb he would get arrested for jaywalking. Now, he may not have really been under such scrutiny but he FELT that he was...and made it very clear he was really unhappy in Buffalo. The Bills could have backed up a truck full of money and unloaded it on him, and he still wasn't going to stay here. So, regardless of what kind of runner he has become...it was never going to be for the Bills. The front office managed to get something for him, which, under the circumstances, was about the best we could have hoped for.
  5. He WAS a Pro Bowler in SD, but not only did he suck his first three years, the only reason he had the opportunity to start, and thus make it to the Pro Bowl, was because Rivers held out. The Chargers had already said that they planned to have Rivers start and have Brees permanently sent to the bench, but Rivers missed most of training camp because of contract negotiations. Since he wasn't ready, the Chargers were FORCED to play Brees, who then lit it up....and the rest, as they say, is history.
  6. It's that darn AFC North schedule. It's tough when you have to pull for the likes of Jacksonville and Atlanta to win.
  7. Yeah, I have a hard time understanding why Manziel's was ruled an incomplete pass on review. The only thing I can think of is that they don't think he had full control while bring it back...that it was already coming out before bringing it back. I have a hard time understanding BECAUSE the tuck rule was eliminated. That said, I didn't know anyone thought the refs got the ruling wrong on the Brady play. I remember the day after the play all the commentators reading the rule and saying that with that rule a quarterback could run around pump faking constantly and never fumble, because according to the rule even if the quarterback was pulling the ball back, it was an incomplete pass until the ball was tucked away. Stupid rule...which is why they got rid of it...but since it was in the books BEFORE Brady lost the ball it was the correct call.
  8. So, the point is that in the Manning era the Broncos always lose one home game, but they haven't yet, right?
  9. I agree the guy is a clown and I have no problem with the Bills' celebration...but in an effort to stay classy we should send an apology note attached to a case of maple bars.
  10. Let me preface this by saying that I was one of the wait and see crowd on EJ coming in to this year. I thought I had seen some real promise and that he could develop...but I am starting to think our quarterback just might suck. To those who are defending him based on the 80 yd. touchdown, I'd like people to look at that play again. I don't have the ability to watch a replay...but I will go by memory and others can check it out. EJ gets some pressure and lets the pressure on the right go by him and steps nicely through an opening and rolls to some free space. EJ had seemed unable to find such gaps in the recent past...so that is good, but it gets real bad and real ugly fast. EJ runs horizontally and then angles toward the line. It is on this kind of plays that quarterbacks usually take that big step an really drive into the throw. Even noodle arms like Fitzpatrick can get something on the ball on this kind of play. EJ, instead, takes a weird hop backwards. It's as if a little voice in his head said, "For God's sake, DON'T step into that throw..the ball might come flying out fast. Get your weight on your back foot NOW and throw falling away." Now a look down field. Mike Williams is not wide open. In the NFL getting two steps on a defender is wide open. Mike Williams is completely overlooked by the defense and not a single player is in the same zip code. He sticks his arm up in the air to motion "I'm open" when he sees he has been left uncovered, then he turns to watch the ball....and slows....and stops...and waits. If anyone was even close to him he would have been killed or the ball would have been picked. By the time he catches it a Houston defender has caught up enough to almost cut him off had Mike Williams not been able to out maneuver him with the help of a blocker. In all honesty, in terms of EJ suckiosity the touchdown worries me more than the interception. As for the offensive line problems? There were some problems there, but the "pressure" EJ saw had a lot to do with his own play, too....but that is for another post.
  11. I don't know, if the refs make that call against Woods, they should have made the call against Gilmore when he body blocked the guy about to run past him for a touchdown. The refs allowed them to fight for position...could have called it, but I honestly don't have a problem with the no call...I do have a problem with our teams (and particularly our quarterback's) execution.
  12. Arizona beat the Chargers....and around here the consensus seems to be that the Chargers are the first team that will really test us.
  13. What bothered me most was that it seemed to take EJ out of his rhythm. He looked great on the second drive of the game when they let him throw. In the second half it seemed like every possession was 2 runs and then EJ forced to throw on 3rd and 5 or more. A tough situation and seemed like he just couldn't get going again. I worry because it seems the coaches don't trust EJ. Now, I DO understand why they don't trust him, but if this team is going to win, we need to let EJ play. I don't mean throwing on every down....but more than they are and more on 1st down.
  14. Man, your wife is a bummer. She even pissed in my Wheaties by proxy.
  15. TODAY'S THE DAY!!!!! TODAY'S THE DAY!!!!! I'm a kid and it's Christmas morning.
  16. Pass to Watkins down the left sideline (same play that EJ overthrew in pre-season). 82 yards for the touchdown.
  17. I KNOW this is wishful thinking, but I keep thinking about that Jets team of a couple years ago. Their offense was a joke, had to get some last minute tackle off the scrap heap and couldn't score at all in the preseason. They played us in the first game, and we had just signed Super Mario who was going to crush them. I think the media speculation was about whether the Jets would be able to cross mid-field....and then they went out scored like 85 points against us (at least it felt that way)....I just keep hoping we can have that kind of turnaround from pre-season to the first game and EJ throws 3 or 4 touchdowns. Hey, it COULD happen.
  18. And let's not forget when Thurman Thomas said quarterback was the weakest position on the team. So, Kelly had a few dark moments as well.
  19. Don't forget to include Duke Williams in our Dukies collection.
  20. Thanks Yolo...have been keeping up with those visits....just venting because I am like a kid before Christmas who just can't wait to see what I actually will get. I think the later draft date is really getting to me.
  21. I need a draft.....and I need it bad. No disrespect to anyone posting on here, as your interesting opinions keep me somewhat sustained through these doldrums. However, I keep going to TSW and seeing the same subjects (like this one) about whom we should select. Maybe we need a tackle, maybe we need a receiver or tight end....I don't know....I just don't know. Every now and then there is a fresh bit of info (like the Williams trade) but for the most part I am just dying to read discussions about actual players who will be part of the Bills. Sorry for the interruption....please continue....just needed to vent.
  22. I am also interested to see how EJ plays when/if he can stay healthy. The horrible pass attempt when TJ was wide open (think it was against Tampa) was an eye opener to me. As has been pointed out, his footwork was awful on the play. His chest was facing TJ and so he tried to throw the ball without stepping into it at all. What I have not seen pointed out is what I saw on the play. Pressure comes up the middle but just from EJs left (from the left guard position--surprise) and EJ moves his left leg back and away from the pressure, creating the bad body position. I don't think EJ trusted his line OR his leg....which may have created a lot of the footwork problems.
  23. Yes, the same thing happened to the Patriot's Ridley in our first game this season. Impact with the ground jarred the ball loose but, because he was not "down by contact" and had fallen over his own feet...It was a fumble. As for the Calvin Johnson play, although there are a couple of stumbling steps, he is not "taking steps" in the sense that he is under control. In other words, if a receiver goes up for a ball and "goes to ground" in the process of making the catch, he needs to maintain control of the ball when he hits the ground. If he is under control and "takes steps" of his own volition, even if it is just a couple of steps, and crosses the goal line, it is a touchdown.
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