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Everything posted by Billsguy

  1. In Buffalo? Prove it! Unless there is empirical evidence to the contrary, the statement must be considered false.
  2. I know it's two weeks later, but any room left on that bandwagon?
  3. Don't forget the Jets already drafted two players before they took Smith. If they took him first, the comparison would be more valid. Neither has played a real NFL game so it might be just a little early to tell.
  4. Rock bottom. Desperation! He makes Sanchez look like a Hall of Famer!
  5. Pre-season is definitely the season to overreact. The same people who were praising the Bills the first two weeks are now re-considering. Here is what we know. The Bills finished 6-10 last year. They are still a 6-10 team until proven otherwise. They will have a new unproven QB in Buffalo. They will have a new rookie head coach and a new rookie offensive coordinator, They will have a new defensive system to be learned by players who were terrible last year. They have major problems in the secondary. They have a woeful group of linebackers. They have a seriously under performing defensive line. They have many other defiencies too. This team has way too many question marks to seriously consider themselves playoff contenders. Right now this year looks like another transition year. Year number 14 without the playoffs is highly likely. However, if every one of the question marks works out for the best, they may win 8 games. The chances of everything going perfectly is about 3%. There are some signs of light at the end of the tunnel for sure, but not yet sorry to say.
  6. The kicker and punter. What does that tell you? Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose!
  7. I think its reasonable to jump to conclusions after two pre-season games. He might as well retire now. It's over.
  8. Yes. I was there. i still have the commemorative items from the game. i thought the Bills would have won a Super Bowl by now. I hope I live long enough to see one. I used to live so close to the stadium I could hear the crowd cheering.
  9. Sheppard for Hughes looked good from the start because Sheppard wasn't good at all. Unless Hughes sucked also, it was a win for the Bills.
  10. I doesn't matter. Pre-season is meaningless, therefore all else is meaningless. After at least four regular season games it will be more legitimate.
  11. Oh, there will be room and plenty of time too. As you are one of the biggest cheerleaders on this board, I would refer you to some of your own posts over the last few years. Time for a reality check I think.
  12. Every year in pre-season every team in the league believes they are going to the playoffs. Every year in pre-season the fans get excited about their team's prospects for the new season. Bills fans are no different. Each year for the last thirteen seasons Bills fans have had similar feelings. You can search the archives and literally cut and paste the comments from previous seasons into this season and nobody would recognize the difference (except for the name changes) The Bills must prove they are not losers in the regular season and playoffs before many fans will jump on the bandwagon. After one pre-season game with mostly substitutes and a lot of players who won't even make an NFL roster, I'll reserve my bandwagon seat for meaningful games. I'm hopeful for the future, but I've seen this movie before.
  13. Wouldn't it be reasonable to wait until he does it against 1st team competition in the regular season before jumping to conclusions?
  14. I was pleasantly surprised. (Too bad it means absolutely nothing.) Very impressive performance against the Indy's camp fodder. The real test begins in September. Until then, any conclusions made after one practice game are conversational, but irrelevant, Let the overreactions begin! (I mean let the overreactions continue!)
  15. There is a reason Buffalo has to overpay for free agents. This is not breaking news. Fortunately, professional athletes work for money.
  16. from WGR550.com "Gone are Chan Gailey, Dave Wannstedt, Kelvin Sheppard, Nick Barnett, George Wilson, Mark Anderson, Spencer Johnson, Chris Kelsay, Kirk Morrison, Kyle Moore and Terrence McGee." The Bills are better now that these players and coaches are gone.
  17. This was a mistake from the start. Its not an accident the Bills organization has been spinning its wheels for over a decade. Tarvaris is not an NFL QB. What were the Bills doing when they picked him up?
  18. Babe Ruth or Barry Bonds? It's pointless. Who cares?
  19. Exactly right. Thank you for pointing it out that Memorial Day is a remembrance for those who have died in service.
  20. ESPN will probably cut all the low level staff people so that they can hire another 250 ex-jocks to provide "analysis". ESPN receives $5.15 per subscriber per month. This is outrageous!!! The satellite and cable systems don't have the balls to stand up to them. Every time ESPN demands an increase in fees, the providers put up no resistance and just pass the fee down to the little guy. ESPN and Disney are greedy and wasteful.
  21. The Kool-Aid flows mightily this time of year. The past season is far enough away so that the pain has subsided and spring has sprung! Just remember that the Bills went into the draft needing to fill holes at QB, WR, LB, CB, TE, OG, and S. They may have patched a couple if everything goes well. The bar has been dropped so low for the Bills that even signing a journeyman free agent gets everyone excited. Does that sound like a team ready to contend? I don't think they are even close.
  22. Agreed. He would be a very, very big dark horse to make the team. Too small. This is the NFL.
  23. I don't know if Jerry Hughes can play, but I do know that Kelvin Sheppard can't. Sheppard was AWOL on so many plays it was not surprising how bad the Bills defense was over the last year(s). You need a middle linebacker that is going to be significant and Sheppard was insignificant. The best part of a new coaching staff is looking at the personnel with fresh eyes. The Bills must have looked at the tape and said this guy (Sheppard) doesn't make any plays! I still think the best acquisition the Bills made since last year is Mike Pettine as DC. Hopefully Hughes can play well, but he is a mystery to me.
  24. I like some of these UDFA's more than some of the Bills draft picks.
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