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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. It’s simply adults finally standing up and saying we are not playing these stupid games anymore, finally. I listened to the pathetic grandstanding from those being expelled and they’re racist, sexist, rhetoric calling all of the republicans everything under the sun and making them out to be the devil. Finally some sort of semblance of order brought back, some decorum, and the liberals hate that because they’re all about chaos and burning down the system
  2. Chemical castration is better? Left handers = Trans? What the heck are you talking about? You’re off your rocker man. Lolololol
  3. Start? What are the actual number? When you’re talking about 1 homicide in a population of 300, yeah that will make it look much higher. This is the dumbest argument. Give me hard numbers. Then let’s talk. If it makes you feel better give me numbers Vs the population, you’ll see how stupid this argument is. Find a bunch of apples to apples comparisons I.e. comparable population size in a Republican area vs a democrat area and you’ll see the democratic areas far out pace the Republican areas. I don’t expect small minded leftists to understand.
  4. So what’s your suggestion? Take everyone’s guns? Are they using those guns like the Wild West like the inner cities, is that what you’re suggesting? You’d be a fool
  5. What is wrong with you, policing, not getting stabbed, not getting shot, especially in brown and black neighborhoods where the rates are higher for violence is not a cultural issue. It's a safety issue, I don't agree with yours and your ilk's framing, I reject it out of hand.
  6. Anyone listening to Justin Jones at the Tennessee house grandstand like he's some sort of messiah. What a joke, hilarious. Just like those kicking and screaming democrats in NC when the Dem changed to Rep. So much fun to watch.
  7. You don't want to bridge the gap, I can tell by your viewpoints.
  8. Lol, Tiberius, you're the most insane idiots on the board, next to Billstime. You're not worth the time. You know that Biden lies, you know the permits were actually Trumps that he approved but went into Biden's admin and he simply didn't stop them from being in approved status and then counted them as approved permits under his administration, you know about the red tape. You're just playing dumb and then calling the other person insane, attacking the character, just another example of the leftist playbook. Your game is tired, everyone see's through it, yours and all of your leftist lunatics. Happy to see a state congressman on the left switched sides to the right because she saw it in my great state of NC yesterday to create a super majority in the NC chamber. Good things coming here in NC. I'll bet more people will be switching sides in the near future and we can have fun watching you kicking and screaming.
  9. It's funny, I think the same things about what you spew, you can go see other posts where I say the same things about you and your ilk. Here you are... https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-03-07/biden-administration-misusing-facts-on-oil-permits-api-says#xj4y7vzkg
  10. Lol I know exactly what I’m talking about, he allowed more permits but did not allow the leasing needed to drill. Many were approved by the previous admin and allowed to continue under Biden but they count them as “approved” under him, disingenuously. It’s well documented. It’s you who is parroting leftist talking points and know nothing of what you say. Stop talking, you sound dumb.
  11. Lol he’s making a small about face? This is the guy who has for years stalled and made sure that the fossil fuel industry could not do the things it needed to sustain, now he does something because the pressure is on and he are supposed to say oh ok, all is good? 🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣 You’re not smart. Let me see more dedication, a sea change in his tact, his disengaging in villainizing the fossil fuel industry and we can talk. Still all of his red tape everywhere else, hamstringing the industry, but you knew that didn’t you?
  12. Wow, the liberal talking points you just spewed, right from Biden’s tongue. I can give you some of the inflation would happen sure, the gas to the fire of the stupid over the top spending that was not needed for pork projects and socialist agenda has revved it up and blew our economy out of the water. Not to mention dumb energy policy, depleting our strategic reserve for reasons it was not meant for for short term gain before midterms, groveling to opec instead of doing this at home to appease your leftist idiots who think the world is going to end tomorrow everyday they wake up. Fact, renewables are not reliable enough yet, we need fossil fuels, why make us pay more here by getting second hand? Biden and s nonsensical and we are all paying for it. It’s a direct result of ideological capture. You can act rational if not for ideology, Biden has chosen to genuflect to the DEI, Socialist, ESG, All the other alphabet things you want agenda, and the country is going down because of it. Also, it’s not as apparent that other countries have it worse than us as you’re saying. increase police presence, not defund like you lunatics want, there, end of story. That honors them by showing we value them as a profession. Stand up for the police when they are being unfairly ostracized, the left loves to call all cops bastards. Before you say it, there’s a difference between on the street police force and the DOJ and weaponization/politicization of that branch and wanting to clamp down on political prosecutions. In the FBI and IRS too. Their mandate is actually to be apolitical so the investigation into clearly political bias in administration of law (or no -administration) is appropriate. When talking about doing away with these beaureacratic institutions, it’s to rid of political hacks that don’t apply the law evenly. Not to get rid of them completely. These ARE standing for things, standing against terrible policy in and of itself is huge in todays political climate. Get off your high horse, when the country come crumbling down because of Biden’s and the leftist agenda, will you be looking for the next leftist to elect or will you finally admit you’re wrong, by then it will be too late and your pride will have done you in. Your bias drivel is showing.
  13. They’ll just see these things as weak because it doesn’t fit into their agenda. When leftists say Republicans don’t stand for anything they are actually saying Republicans are just not agreeing with what they are trying to get done. Just dumb.
  14. What's Maybin doing these days? I heard he was doing some mayhem with a paint brush or something?
  15. Laugh all you want Redtail, but when Bernie Sanders thinks he has gotten most of what he wants from you, you're a socialist leftist https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3865355-sanders-biden-a-more-progressive-president-than-he-was-as-senator/. When you start adding in ESG into pension/401k plan, you're not working for what's best for Americans interest, you're working for what's best for the interest of your far left agenda. It's all there, clear as day. Carbon emissions, he wants to do away with them, his adversarial approach to all fossil fuels, all from the far left. He's captured. The only thing he's done recently that does not wreak of his far left flank is the push back on the DC policing act, he can see he's losing the policing battle and dems are starting to turn their messaging on that, finally. When I say more centrists need to step up, I mean in the vein of Manchin and Sinema, more of that. We didn't need all that spending last year, it was just the COVID excuse to install their modern monetary theory to blow out the budget, and as we predicted, inflation went WAY up and it's here to stay. We're in a tailspin precisely because of this administration, the banks fail if we go too high on the interest rates and the inflation goes ever higher if we dont raise them, so what do you do? Pefect example as to why a central government (Central Bank) making all the monetary decisions (or any central top down government entity) is never the answer, it always blows up at some point because one person cannot predict the entire economy. Here we are, a bunch of shills like yourself covering for our inept administration and your lefty cronies.
  16. Biden is not a moderate, he may have used to be, but he is captured by his left flank today. He's compromised.
  17. If Biden and his leftist lunatic modern monetary theory idiots get their way, the economy will crash either way, it's crashing already.
  18. Is that the only platform they have? https://budget.house.gov/press-release/smith-republicans-commitment-to-america-will-build-an-economy-thats-strong/
  19. Sure, good nonsense response when you have no good retort.
  20. Yes and yes they are a platform for them, you’ve been listening to too much CNN man. Sorry for your brain rot. The only reason you see these as weak is because YOU don’t see them as important with your liberal BS mindset. You can’t wrap your mind around the fact that others have ideas contrary to yours and they are sincerely held. We are just those to be hated, compared to hitler, or called racist, masogynist etc.
  21. Lol so many issues with what you’re saying. The law recently passed where they felt the need to add in interracial marriage made it so anyone trying to practice their religion outside of religious institutions, say in their own place of business, can be sued for discrimination. That is not religious freedom, religious people don’t only practice their religion in their house of worship. Religion is under fire and needs to be protected in an ever more secular country, but you knew that. Your bias is showing with the Mike McCarthy comment, he’s been doing just fine. Sorry your butts so chapped about him.
  22. You’re off the rails man. There are plenty of things they are running on and are actively being pushed against by the leftist agenda, energy at home, the fight against censorship (it’s a real thing though you want to make it seem like a boogey man), making sure that parents have rights in the classroom and appropriate things are being taught schools for appropriate ages, having a police presence and honoring police rather than demonizing all of them because of a few bad apples, I can go on and on. What the heck are you talking about? I hear this all the time from leftist idiots, as though republicans have nothing they stand for. You’re just lazy. Those are just a few off the top of my head. Religious freedom, another, very important, probably just doesn’t jive with what you like so you say it’s nothing. What I like most of all is a gridlocked government that gets smaller, beautiful!
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