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Everything posted by HamSandwhich

  1. I don’t know where to begin if you do t see the outsized influence of the leftist agenda by the loud and crazy minority. We just are not speaking the same language.
  2. Here's the sidekick, or is he your sidekick? Who knows. You both have equally terrible takes that make no sense.
  3. Yeah, the emotions you’re showing, the ones where you can’t contest my facts only attack character. You lose every time and then try and accuse the other of what you’re doing, completely melting down and dying on the inside.
  4. That’s all you got, any day junior, give me something, anything that shows you have any sense, just two brain cells to rub together. Just one sign of life in that desolate skull of yours.
  5. “Precious” as though that’s supposed to upset me coming from the likes of a lunatic like yourself. You don’t know my choices, thus you cannot make a value judgment on them. Sit down junior, I’ll teach you a lesson in normal rational thinking. This will take a while, and you’ll likely never get it, but who knows, maybe one day you will.
  6. Insanity personified, we’ll watch Chicago crash and burn more and more everyday, yet the liberals will sit there and wonder why it’s happening and vote another leftist into office. They are insane, get out of the cities. Let them burn, what else can you do? Can’t talk any sense into them.
  7. Again, case in point, you continue to show YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Find a mirror.
  8. What we really need is our congress and senate moderates to stand up and not side with the fringes. To say shut up and sit down when the dumb ideas are espoused on both sides, let the rule of law creep back in to our normal course of discussion. It's ok to be nice to each other, we don't have to see each other through groups or people but rather as Americans trying to work together as one for each other. Not all this division, we need radical moderatism. I could post a bunch of lunatic leftist too, but that would only add to your idiocy, you're part of the problem.
  9. Be louder than them, tell them to sit down and shut up. You will gain my respect. As it stands, their looney ridiculousness is winning the day and their politics are destroying this country. We need the moderates on the right AND left to come together and become the parents in the room again.
  10. Just a few examples from the left: labeling an inanimate object as racist (wall), labeling anything that has to do with any disparity as racist or sexist or what have you, regardless of any other reason that more easily explains the issue, labeling the person has a -phobe, -ist, etc because of their ideas which are not anywhere near what they are labeling, in order to drive hate towards that person and move the person away from the policy. What do you think these labels connotations are? That those people they are leveling them towards are sweet and nice people, no, they ostracize and demonize at every corner to get what they want, they demonize Republicans ALL THE TIME. Have you been living under a rock? it’s laughable to me that you’re trying to turn the tables on what the Dems have been doing for a long time and blame it on the Republicans. Todays society, the selfishness, the me me me, the I don’t have to listen to you society is racist crowd and I’ll let you know about it and ruin your career is squarely on the democratic side of the aisle, not the Republican side. I shouldn’t be surprised, democrats tend to blame the left for things they’re actually doing.
  11. Youre focusing on one specific thing that is a manifestation of all of the bull that the dems have put the Republicans through before social media became a thing. You're being disingenuous. In society, if you're republican, you're evil to the Dems, it's ok if you're hurt, if you're called names, if you're destroyed career wise, you're a republican. Republican leaning view points are the enemy to the liberal controlled media, education system, and powers. Republicans are the counter culture today.
  12. Uh wut? The Dems are always seeing the Republicans as evil, while Republicans disagree with Dem positions. The Dems have turned up the heat in the kitchen, what you're seeing now is the backlash to the zero sum game the dems have been playing for decades now. Don't get it twisted.
  13. What a pathetic response, what are you, 4? Got to bed junior
  14. May not fit the bill in every instance but in this instance I think it does. Would you agree that white people in general are less athletic, thereby drop out earlier in their athletic careers than black people in football? This is not racism, it’s meritocracy. Now, that also means, those who dropped out but love the game still, get a head start on coaching earlier, yes? Hmmmm? Those who can’t, teach. Fits the bill here quite nicely, wouldn’t you say? These are general sweeping terms based on statistics and not meant to be an every instance and across the board scenario for those who feel the need to point that out. There are always exceptions to the rule.
  15. Attacking the character rather than the substance of the argument, great job. Predictable.
  16. That is not a more valid population. You're saying I have to accept the assumption that playing means you can teach as well, that I reject. They are different disciplines all together. Ever heard the phrase, those who can't do teach? The correct way to go about it IS the way I stated, you're trying to make it about race so you'd like to pare down the population to just those in the league. You're parroting the narrative, silly.
  17. Why must it always be a race thing? Why? What bout this then? Percentage of the US population is 13.6% black, 32 teams / 3 = 11%, so it's just about the right mix, you can argue one more but it's give or take one. So, what's the big deal here? Why are the teams so predominantly non-white? Because it's all about meritocracy, the way its SUPPOSED to be! My goodness people are not smart, just go along with the diversity narrative.
  18. I don’t know man, I haven’t seen him on Snapchat or anything so I am skeptical
  19. No HE wasn’t but you betcha bottom dolla’ Da’Rick was! He just needed a chance, the Bills blew it!
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