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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Really? i disagree. Fans watch stars, love or hate them. It sounds pretty far fetched to say there will be more viewers with jimmy garrolopo playing over tom brady "the golden boy"
  2. No way there is a suspension. Patriots open the season on a Thursday night against pitts, way too much money to lose for the nfl if tom isn't playing
  3. I know this was probably lucky but heath evans predicted the first 15 games for the cardinals correctly last year.. hopefully his bold predictions carry through to us this year
  4. Agree with all of what you're saying with the same teams playing, but I am happy the bills aren't playing sunday night, nothing beats bills football on a early sunday afternoon
  5. Ya i saw the video, you definitely make good points but it only takes one idiot juror to say he is not guilty. I hope your right because he is a scumbag who should be locked up for life but i don't know. Guess we'll see soon! His defence team got huge wins before the trial even started, keeping out huge pieces of evidence and past violent stories regarding hernandez. If he gets convicted it won't be because of their effort
  6. I still think in my opinion that he's going to be found not guilty. Did he do it? Most likely. But no credible eye witnesses, no murder weapon found, no primary motive to do it, combined with his amazing defence lawyers
  7. Why? Our deepest and strongest position is d line. Only reason this is brought up is because he's gay. Our biggest need is o line, maybe you should suggest an o line man who got cut last year that got drafted late?
  8. you would think if there is one thing marrone would be good at, it would be teaching and developing a good o line. couldn't even do that..
  9. I would have clay ahead of at least 3 of those guys you listed, and that is being generous, probably more like 4 or 5
  10. im confused, I've read everywhere that the deal is done with Cameron and the browns but you guys are saying otherwise? http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/03/12/jordan-cameron-heads-back-to-the-browns/
  11. as a bills fan living in Ontario I've been getting approached all the time recently when I wear my bills jacket. can't wait for the season to start!
  12. Too say tom brady was just dinking and dunking yesterday and did nothing special is ignorant too be honest. Seattle's weakness in there defence is the short passing game therefore that was the patriots gameplan. Brady is so much more than just a passer as well and I think that's where you are really missing the point. He's the smartest player on the field at all times and knows where the ball should go on every play. He threw 2 picks yesterday but look what seattles defence has done to every qb this year. I hate praising new England and tom brady but come on sir, gotta give credit where credit is due
  13. I live near Toronto and that's the toronto raptors slogan when opponents come in. "welcome to Jurassic park" it works here I'm sure it will work in buffalo
  14. Even if he is found innocent of this murder he's going to have to serve atleast another couple years on weapon charges plus he has another murder case too worry about
  15. La Canfora is an idiot, I don't believe anything this guy reports
  16. Bill belichick choose to kick off last year against peyton manning because he took the wind. It is a very slight advantage too get the ball first but it is pretty fair overall
  17. Defence is part of the game. If green bay can't stop an 80 yard TD drive in the most important drive of the game then they don't deserve too win
  18. I see your points but i disagree that if you win the coin toss with these new overtime rules that you are given a massive competitive advantage. With the old rules fair enough but with the new rules I have actually seen teams who have won the coin toss kick off first. Bill belichick did that too peyton manning last year. If you have a good defense it can actually be an advantage too get the ball 2nd because if you stop them, you will have better field position plus only needed a field goal too win. Just my personal opinion. I just hate when people think all the rules should revolve around offence (including the nfl for the most part) Agreed, i would hate if they NFL adapted college like overtime rules
  19. Am I the only one who thinks that this overtime rule is fair? I had no problem with the old overtime rule as well. Defense is part of your team, shouldn't be that hard to hold another team too a punt or field goal at the worst. If you want the ball back, stop them. Defensive players get paid too
  20. Gilmore is going to have to play huge this year. If he plays well then this defence is going to be ridiculous
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