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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. I find PFF a joke personally, the scores they give to some players just do not make sense. Aaron Rodgers threw 5 touchdowns and got over 300 yards against k.c and got rated a negative score
  2. That's too bad. I'm from Canada and in the gold medal game In 2014 against Sweden in the Olympics the bars were open at 6 in the morning across the country, it was a crazy experience with the bars being open so early
  3. You are right that it is far from over but it is hard to be optimistic when the bills do the same thing over and over again. Can't move the chains for over a quarter and commit stupid penalties game after game
  4. I really think rex just over thinks his schemes. Belichick has a saying "just do your job". and right now it seems like rex is asking his stars to do things they are not used to like Mario dropping in coverage. Simple is a lot more effective sometimes, let the players do the jobs they are comfortable doing
  5. They showed a replay, he was offside but wasn't by a wide margin. And I agree with you, it does seem like every kickoff someone is offside
  6. I still love tasker. I know he's not the greatest analyst but hard not to like his bills biased
  7. I think the bills get way too amped at home and that results in stupid penalties and being over aggressive with pursuit
  8. Overall I wasn't too upset by the officials besides the corey graham penalty. For maybe only the 2nd time this year, they didn't really screw the bills
  9. I think if someone told me the bills would be 3-2 after 5 games and were without Watkins and McCoy for pretty much 3 games, I would sign up for that
  10. Ya for the most part they were ok, a couple stupid mistakes like the offside at the beginning of the game and the Gilmore P.I but definitely a big improvement from last week
  11. agree with most of what you said but I wouldn't say mariota picked them apart.. 200 yards I think he threw for with 13 points and they had a lot of short fields
  12. If they lost today I think they would be done. Can't afford to lose back to back weeks against average/bad teams
  13. i was screaming at the tv for that. if it's incomplete it doesn't matter. That drove me crazy
  14. Take it week by week. As we saw last week, projecting wins and losses always changes especially considering injuries. Let's just get the win against the titans and worry about the next opponent when the times comes
  15. Football refs are terrible. Constantly over officiating games with too many bad and missed calls. Doesn't help when so many rules in the NFL make no sense whatsoever
  16. I think the Bills had 70 yards of offence in the 1st half. Sometimes the best thing to do is cut your losses and re group at halftime. If the bills were going to try and get points at the end of the half, it probably would have resulted in a turnover or getting tyrod taylor killed
  17. Roman was off today. Not too sure what he was trying to accomplish but it did not workout in the first half that's for sure
  18. I meant big picture. Ya they sucked today but so far they have been much better than last year
  19. I thought tyrod was still descent today. For sure he had a slow first half but he got no help with 2 playmakers being injured as well as o lineman, had terrible play calls for him, and the penalties were a disaster. Loved the way he responded in the 2nd half the kid doesn't quit
  20. I do agree that he played well in the 2nd half but he struggled early
  21. You think Gilmore was good? I think he had a good 2nd half but he was beat pretty consistently in the 1st half including the first touchdown
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