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  1. I've always been in the camp of not paying a top end back up, especially when you are paying Josh Allen and the cap is tight. Trubisky at what, 2.5? I think that's perfect
  2. https://finheaven.com/threads/tua-deal-reached.383911/page-5 It is funny Miami fans think it's a bargain😂 Now if I were them I would be happy he's signed as well. But 53 Mil a bargain for a guy who hasn't won a playoff game? 0 chance
  3. In fairness to him, he was spot on when he said the bills were going to get Beckham in 2022...
  4. Doesn't he suck on the right side though? I heard he's a lot better on the left, as of now at least
  5. There's no point proven at all lol. Bills lost 3 games last year when they had a lead with under 2 to go. That has got to be close to an NFL record lol
  6. You go on your random stat that has 0 context to the rest of the league that feeds your bias. For all I know , that ratio you provided is the best in the NFL for Josh, so it proves absolutely nothing. I'll stick to the actual data that confirms Josh is a clutch QB in totality and in the 4th. Have a good night
  7. Exactly. It's a random stat that has 0 context relative to the rest of the league
  8. And what's it Relative to Burrow/Zac Taylor ? Mahomes/Reid? Lamar/Harbaugh? Etc Because you're giving me a random stat without any context to the rest of the QBs/coaches
  9. Man do you know how rare it is to blow multiple leads under 2 minutes ?😂 Of course that's going to be the case. Like I said- Josh Allen has lost 7 games in his career where he's had the lead in the 4th. Tom Brady has played for over 2 decades and has less than that 😂 But sure if you want, go for it- Just make sure to give Mahomes and Burrows numbers as well because news flash... Not all elite QBs come through every game. Your saviour Mahomes threw a pick to Taron in 2022 to end the game. I know that must have been a tough one for you
  10. So your argument is that Josh doesn't give the bills a lead in the 4th? Do you seriously watch the bills? They had 6 losses this year- Jets game- On Josh in the 4th Jags game- was unreal in the 4th and got back to back TDs but D couldn't stop them- Didn't have a chance to give them a lead NE game- left the field with the lead under 2:00 but mcds D couldn't stop Mac jones Cinci game- TD late in the 4th, D couldn't stop to give him another chance to take lead. Denver game- Left the field with the lead, D couldn't hold under 2 mins Eagles game- Left the field TWICE with the lead, D couldn't stop end of regulation or OT So 3 of the 6 losses, Josh Allen left the field by giving them the lead , not to mention the game winning drives. In total he gave them the lead 7 times in the 4th quarter last year. So dude I ask again, do you actually watch the bills? Do you understand how much of an anomaly that is, to lose 3 games in one season when your team has the lead under 2 minutes to play??
  11. Huh?? Your argument is he isn't as clutch as some of us say. This article literally shows he's the most clutch QB in the NFL😂🤦‍♂️ Sometimes you got to know when to cut your losses sir
  12. https://www.si.com/nfl/bills/news/two-metrics-prove-buffalo-qb-josh-allen-nfl-best-clutch-rv3 Theres one article ^ that shows he's the most clutch ranked QB the last 3 years combined. The 4th quarter clutch stat is listed in there as well And Joe Marino listed the blown lead stat on his podcast last week, I can get it for you if you really want the receipt Still outrageous argument?
  13. I just told you the facts - Josh Allen was ranked the most clutch QB in the 4th quarter by far. And told you the facts that his defence blows leads at an insane clip, already more than QBs like Brady and manning who played for 20 years. And your argument is Josh is not as clutch as we think , and McDermotts defence in clutch moments isn't as bad as we think. Correct?
  14. Do you know that Josh Allen Via analytics was the most clutch QB in the 4th quarter by FAR? In his career, he has lost 7 games where he left the field with the lead in the 4th quarter. To put in perspective, Tom Brady had 4 or 5 losses and played almost 25 years. Manning had like 3 or 4. And Mahomes has like 2. (don't quote me on the exact numbers from Brady, manning, Mahomes, but give or take around that) Translation: The defence let's him down in clutch moments and it's pretty obvious if you watch the bills which I assume you do What is your rebuttal to those facts/stats?
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