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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. It would've just given them something else to think about. Lining him up as an eligible TE would've done the same. Keep them guessing.
  2. Should've at least lined Kyle Williams up in the backfield.
  3. I lost my trust in the process when they traded Watkins and Darby ... I was wrong and will give them the benefit of the doubt in 2018.
  4. As far as #9 goes there was a big difference between the two plays.... 1. The play Koyack made today was against the Bills 2. The play Benjamin made two weeks ago was against the patriots That is all that really needs to be said.
  5. Getting rid of both would be preferable. If the choice was just one I'd have to send Dennison to the pit of misery because the OC can't be benched, the QB can.
  6. QB - Do what you need to do to get Baker Mayfield OC - Since Caldwell was fired from the Lions I'd expect that Jim Bob Cooter should be available
  7. 17 games ... I get nervous when you nuclear guys can't count right.
  8. The streak didn't reach voting age so that is a successful season for this franchise. It also happened with a rookie HC and no real QB.
  9. How apropo that Taylor's last set of downs as a Buffalo Bill ends with a 3 and out.
  10. Bills playoff gameday .... Been way to long since those words were spoken ... GO BILLS !!!
  11. For sauce I go with Open Pit BBQ sauce, a little water to thin it out a bit (just a little) and a tablespoon or two of cayenne pepper.
  12. I'd go with OJ.... He could slice and dice his way through the Jags defense.
  13. Billy Buffalo is Russ Brandon ... I believe they both came about the same year ... Coincidence ?
  14. Tolbert up the middle for two yards ... Dareus sprains his ankle and doesn't return.
  15. In my opinion they should go their separate ways. Kraft should get a new HC and QB. Bellichump should take the Giants job. Brady should retire from football and take a job modelling skirts for men.
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