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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. I read that he was attached to Kyle Williams hip last night, he couldn't pick a better guy to learn from... Stanford players are smart.
  2. The starting QB teaching his backups.
  3. Getting arrested might hasten a suspension ... Thankfully it hasn't happened yet, and won't. Darkwa would, IMO, be a better #2 than Ivory at this point in their careers.
  4. Marcia has better moobs than I do but that's because I don't do the TB12 scheme to prolong my career.
  5. Half the guys on our team can play special teams including a guy we drafted this year Ray Ray, not to mention Cadet.
  6. How do we start 0-8 when we beat the Ravens week 1 ? This clowns prediction will go down the tubes fast.
  7. He'll sign sometime tomorrow or he'll be sleeping in his car in the SJF parking lot.
  8. That's horrible .... I just want to see him tear his Fallopian tubes.
  9. 56/Yes, as long as it isn't with a Pensacola hooker/ In witness protection
  10. Sounds exactly like my story except one year earlier in 1965.... I was 3 as well.
  11. Who hasn't had sex on a back road ? .... They were in her van, not on the gravel.
  12. Mike Gillislee and Chris Hogan ... Any player that leaves the Bills for the patriots is a traitor.
  13. I'm more offended by the idea that to be a patriot means that you're a cheater... Make them change their name.
  14. We'll beat the Ravens because they suck and we don't suck nearly as bad.
  15. 1. patriots will win the super bowl on a call so bad that congress investigates and determines that the NFL fixes games. 2. The Cleveland Browns get a wildcard. 3. Seattle Seahawks get the 1st pick in the 2019 draft
  16. 1st down - Hand off to Shady for 3 yards 2nd down - incomplete pass 3rd down - Completed pass for 5 yards 4th down - Surrender, I mean Punt
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