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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. If it was week 3 instead of week 16 I'd agree with you, but this guy is a repeat offender, so time to hit him where it hurts ... the bank account.
  2. Bills will win the AFC East. Bills 8-6 beat the chargers and patriots to go 10-6 Dolphins are 10-4 ... This week they play a pissed off Cowboys team, then they go to Baltimore ... Dolphins go to 10-6. The Bills go to Miami and do to the Fins what they did to them in Orchard Park... Bills........ 11-6 Dolphins 10-7
  3. Zero completions to Kincaid, zero completions to Davis, those are the Bills #2 and #3 receivers. I still think we can get a day 3 pick for him, maybe a high day 3 pick. I like wake and bake Monday's.
  4. He has 993 yards with 4 games to go, obviously he's done ... Trade him for a Holiday Log and a bowl of Egg Nog, then eat a main course of dead cap for a couple of years
  5. The idea of him coming back next week if they win today might be enough incentive for the Jests to come out and squish the water mammals today.
  6. Seems like the Bills have to beat the other team and the Zebra's on a weekly basis. It's been that way since the beginning of the 50 year or so reign of the NFL's golden boy and it hasn't ended yet as evidenced by the first half of the Eagles game. Against Murica's team,the Cowboys, Expect to get repeatedly hosed by the guys in stripes ... It's best for the league that way. Go Bills beat the Cowboys ... Go Bills beat the refs.
  7. Go Bills Go NFC teams Go (This is hard to say) Jets The Bills remaining opponents ...(Cowboys, Chargers, patriots, Dolphins) ... The Bills can still win the East. The Dolphins could lose out ... (Jets, Ravens, Cowboys, Bills)
  8. They'll be leaving the warm, dry realm of Jerry world to head into the cold, wet, brutal conditions of Buffalo in December. With the way the weather gets this time of year in Western NY, the Cowboys might spend the holidays in Buffalo. 😉
  9. Josh needs to get the Cowboys to jump Offside a lot. Apparently they lead the league in that category. Our DB's will get flagged often though with this crew.
  10. This game will come down to the RBs, Hall and Cook vs Mostert and Achane.
  11. 1. Baltimore 13-4 2. Kansas City 12-5 3. Miami 11-6 4. Jacksonville 10-7 5. Cleveland 12-5 6. Denver 11-6 7. Indianapolis 10-7 8. Buffalo 9-8 ... Remember that home game they gave to the Jaguars ? ... Bills would've beaten Jacksonville in Buffalo.
  12. I was surprised he returned for the second half last night. Down 42-nuthin at the half he had to know he'd be canned today. At least he got a free flight back to LA.
  13. New HC suggestion ... Ken Dorsey ... you're welcome
  14. Thank you ... So my next stupid question is ... Why would there be a difference to the ball going out of the back of the end zone and the side of the end zone ? ... The end zone is the end zone, you're either in it or you aren't.
  15. What if the ball rolls out of the back of the end zone ?
  16. Can a team throw out the white flag at the half and end the game ?
  17. Not one player on the Chargers has a bit of pride.
  18. 25 minutes into this game and Ekeler only has 2 carries ... Their HC gets fired tonight.
  19. The Chargers need to just snap the ball to Eckler every play.
  20. Allowing them to keep the ball is unfairly gifting the Offense even though they screwed up. Lesson here ... Don't fumble the ball near the end zone or pay the price.
  21. Yes ... If you fumble the ball out of your own end zone you deserve to have your opponent get 2 points and the ball. (which is what I thought we were talking about) If you fumble the ball out of the end zone you're trying to score in you should just lose the ball, opponent gets it at the 20.
  22. If you fumble the ball out of the end zone call it a Safety ... 2 points and the ball for the non fumbling team following the "punt" from the 20.
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