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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Hope you feel better soon Ice. Looking forward to hearing about your conversation with TD.
  2. You and your wife will be in our prayers. The power of prayer does work.
  3. The game in a nutshell. Very good summation.
  4. I tried too last Friday and wasn't able to, even one as small as 8. My current avatar is just one from the site archives.
  5. Thats what I would like to know. Everyone's bitching about Lindell but no one is making any suggestions on who is out there that would be better. I, for one, do not know who is currently available and why are they not working?
  6. Yeah, I had like a 40 point lead going into last nights game and my opponent had Priest Holmes. Needless to say, I lost by 2.
  7. O my God! Write this down VABills actually impressed with something TH did!!! Just Kidding VA.
  8. Game was in control up to that point. I did not see the game, but Villarial claims he didn't hold. Did anyone see it clearly enough and was it a hold that is usually called or was it a bum call?
  9. I don't get it Mike, you work hard to get a good reputation on this board then you come back and try to pin the loss on DB. This is one game you can't blame on Bledsoe at all. If you want to blame one player on Offense it would have to be Moulds. I think next week the O goes deep a few more times. To me this was a statement game. We ran the ball pretty well against a solid run defense team. With good crisp short passes thrown by DB. Do I think we're good enough to beat the Pats, not really, we'll need some good luck thrown our way just as Jax got yesterday.
  10. This is what I was thinking. 9 times out of ten the Bills win this game. For some reason, everything fell the Jags way on that last drive. stevestojan happens, go out and get the win next week.
  11. 2 reasons I can think of, they felt they could beat Jax by controlling the clock and wanted to get the OLines confidence up before resorting to the deep ball. Although, one or two would have been nice just to keep them thinking. I bet we go deep a few times next week.
  12. Actually I would rather have had McGahee in there. During the preseason he had a knack of finding the end zone on runs inside the 5. I believe we would have scored if WM was in the backfield.
  13. I've criticized Jerry Sullivan and his writing just as often as most on this board normally I can't stand his TD sucks and DB sucks littany on a daily basis. But this time I think he actually watched the game before writing and I believe he actually tells it like it is in his article today. Congrats Jerry on some decent writing for once. Sullivan Article
  14. Yeah that UM and FSU game sucked Friday night...Well at least until the OT!! Thanks for reminding me of that and brightening up my gloomy Monday!
  15. I'm starting to see this team as the Panthers of 2 years ago. They finished 7-9 and lost many close games. Why, because they didn't know how to win them. Last year it was just the opposite. They won all those close games and ended up in the Superbowl. I don't think any of us saw the Bills as a Superbowl team this year and I'm sure none of us see it now. Throughout this year they will learn how to win and possibly contend for the playoffs, but I think next year will actually be the start of something great here. I do plan on enjoying this year even with all the ups and downs.
  16. How dare you bring common sense to this board on a Monday morning after a loss. Don't you know we're Doooooomed! There was some good out of yesterday's game. How often is Moulds going to fumble in the redzone? Penalty on 3 and 2 that would have iced the game for us if converted. Clements going for the pick instead of knocking it down. Those things are all correctable or unlikely to happen again. This team will come together. On a positive note the OLine looked better than we thought it would. Defense played great for 58 minutes. Henry and McGahee looked pretty good against a tough defense and Bledsoe looked better. On to Oakland to kick some Raider A$$!!!
  17. Thats exactly right. It doesn't matter that the O only scored 10. There is no excuse for the D not stopping them on the final drive.
  18. Pittsburgh had that game won, it was no shootout. Raiders had two TD's on pump fakes where the safety bit and the WR was wide open deep for the TD's. Raiders scored 21 on 2 long balls for TDs an XP and a 2 pt conversion and 2 field goals. Pittsburgh pretty much dominated except for those two long TD's.
  19. 42 yarders aren't exactly gimmes. Now if that was 32 yards...
  20. 1. Manning 2. Brady 3. McNair 4. Culpepper 5. Favre Delhomme would be a very close 6th but I'd like to see hiim do the same another year. Pennington, Hassleback, and Vick haven't done anything yet to be on this list.
  21. He looked good in the preseason, I see no reason to believe he won't to just as well during the regular season.
  22. Greg Aeillo (sp) from the NFL was on the Dan Patrick show on ESPN Radio and said they cannot show Friday or Saturday games on television, whther network tv or otherwise, due to competition with High School and College football. It goes back to a long standing law from 1961.
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