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Everything posted by Realist

  1. That's how they got their 2 TD's against Pittsburgh. The exact same play twice. Look for them to get at least one like this on Sunday.
  2. You can blame Clements just as much as you can blame the others. This game was so close any one of these plays would have changed the outcome.
  3. I'd go as high as $1500 but my wife would kill me. I'm sure she could think of "Better" things to do with $1500. Just think of the pictures alone, they would be great.
  4. Definitely an Assclown! I can't stand it when fans act like that at a game. Obviously saying some stuff is fine but whatever this guy said must have been way over the line. The player should never have even thought about throwing the chair unless he felt his life was threatened and I doubt if that was the case. They should have called security to get the guy thrown out. Players and coaches can also tell the umps to get involved and they will get security to toss the fan. I hate when fans act like that and I am extremely embarassed when I'm at a Bills game and its our own fans doing that. I'd like to think that Buffalo fans have better class than that, but they don't. These few idiots are the ones that give sports fans a bad name. People like this shouldn't be at a baseball, football, or hockey game, they should be at a soccer game in Europe where the rest of the hooligans are.
  5. Now lets hope they can do the same to a strong Oakland front. I think we'll have pretty good success running the ball on Sunday as long as they mix in the passing game and don't just try and ram it down their throats.
  6. I was going to mention that too. He looks to be about 10 ft tall!!
  7. Great Pictures!!! Wish I could have been there. Great to see so many players and coaches stop for pictures.
  8. I didn't take the Pats for that very reason in my survivor pool. There are one or two other games that look promising in a survivor pool. The Pats could very easily overlook this one to get to the bye and then Buffalo and Miami next.
  9. My feelings exactly, Rico. Willis showed a knack for getting in the endzone from inside the 5 during the preseason. They should have tried him at least once maybe even twice if they went for it if it was 4th and 1.
  10. True, that was the best he was ever kicking, which could be why TD never considered bringing in another contender. Still, why the hell can't he kic like that during the season.
  11. The only important game on the schedule is the next one. Doesn't matter what we did the week before, only how we do in the next game.
  12. I'd thank the Green Bay defense more than I'd thank Davis. They just manhandled the Panthers on both sides of the line.
  13. By the way, if that happens to the server again, is it a Rosen or a Rubeo?
  14. 'Sunshine' isn't the word I had in mind...
  15. You're shittin me! You've got to be kidding. That sucks, hope you get one of the other offers. Oh and in case you weren't able to do it, lets give this to your ex-boss :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: !!!
  16. My last name has 11 letters! Oh My God! I was born dooomed!
  17. I thought I saw on a pregame show this weekend that he was going to attempt a comeback. And I completely forgot about him coming over to help out this year in training camp.
  18. TD's not blind, he watched the game too and saw RL last season, I'm sure its weighing on his mind. The question is, how soon does he react on it? What were Lindell's kickoffs like in this game, where were they coming down?
  19. He's available and trying to make a comeback but IIRC, there is bad blood between him and this organization.
  20. LOL I'd hardly compare Lindell to a rabid pitbull that bit my kid. But it did make me laugh. I see your point, but I don't want them to make a change just for the sake of making a change. You have to make sure that what you can bring in is better than what you have. I know they can't be much worse, but you can't just bring in anyone. I would like to see what Grammatica can do.
  21. Ummm...What are they supposed to say after a loss like that?
  22. Thats why you bring in kickers today and give him Sunday's game to do better, including kickoffs.
  23. I didn't realize he was that bad! Ugh! Today is Tuesday, the day they bring in different people to try out. I only hope they have a couple of kickers in here today. I'm willing to give him until after next week's game, but if Lindell screws up anything inside 45 yards or the actually have game plan around him like last Sunday, he's gone and we bring in a guy on Monday that tried out TODAY!
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