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Everything posted by Realist

  1. Remind me never to join a league you're in. You think way too far ahead for me.
  2. Nothing wrong with us being a low rank in these Power Rankings. No one played a game yet, they could rank us dead last and it wouldn't matter. Come to think of it, they don't matter during the season either. Until the NFL goes to a ranking system to determine the Championship like NCAA, I'm not gonna worry about it.
  3. Actually I think they both raised their play during the preseason and it just made it hard to pick an absolute starter. This will probably play out in the early part of the season.
  4. My step daughter is just a shade south of West Palm and she made it okay. Lost power Saturday but it was back on yesterday. Said it was absolutely terrifying during the night Saturday into Sunday.
  5. I like Matthews experience, I wouldn't even think of St. Pierre.
  6. Who the hell cares which draft picks make the team? There are 53 players now on the Bills, whether they come from the draft, free agents, trades or whatever, every one of them had to have been agreed with by TD. So what if the talent comes from places other than the draft, I don't give a damn if they're all free agents, as long as they fuggin' win!
  7. Simple reason, his me-first attitude. Plus he's not nearly as good as he once was.
  8. I'm no lawyer and didn't spend the night at Holiday Inn Express last night , but to me it sounds like they put that in the contract to protect themselves. Because in dealing with a pool contractor myself earlier this year, they all tell you only a week or two from installation to startup but its always a hell of a lot longer. It took them 7 months to finish mine from excavation until the concrete was in.
  9. This is getting a little too close to the bottom! Hope everything is going well stevestojan! You know what I like best about the new censor? Whenever you want to talk to stevestojan directly, instead of typing stevestojan, you can type s__t. So you're actually saving a little bit of time!
  10. Hey BF, haven't seen you around often, how's it going? By the way, this is one of the best posts I've seen in a long time from anyone. Describes the preseason in a nutshell, perfectly!
  11. This is exactly what you want to do. Definitely go to the BBB and immediately lodge a complaint. The BBB will contact them and try and come to a resolution.
  12. I believe that Sullivan is one of the Charter Members of the Dead Horse Beaters Club. He hasn't wrote about anything except TD and DB for the past two years.
  13. Actually, thats a good point. Foster was okay in spelling Davis during the season then he excelled in the Playoffs and was a major contributor to their Superbowl run.
  14. Just remember it usually takes three years for a receiver to start looking in top form.
  15. I can't say I'm at ease with them but at least its looking up.
  16. If anyone sees my step daughter on the way out of town...grab her, would you please!
  17. My step daughter is in West Palm and refuses to leave. We told her to get the hell out yesterday, but she said it won't be so bad. Today she is freaking out and all roads out of the area are gridlocked. Told her to just get in the car and wait with everyone else, but she probably won't listen. Sometimes you really wish the kids were close by...and not just to hug 'em, but to kick 'em in the ass when they are acting like idiots!
  18. That wasn't until Monday night right? Any word on when it will be rescheduled?
  19. I guess that explains why I haven't seen that much of him, DOH!
  20. I think Burns is going to be gone too. They seem to be playing Williams and Simonton a lot this preseason.
  21. Um...guys this is all you need to know! If we would have picked an OL in that spot, this board would have flipped. Ed has it exactly right. We went into the draft last year needing a Dlineman and came away with the guy that was targeted in that timeframe with our next pick. McGahee was a bonus, in my mind an excellent move. You can all say, well this player was better last year, that player started 16 games, etc. As they say, 'Hindsight is 20-20'. Lets look at this years draft: Lee Evans if he doesn't start "that pick sucks!", Losman broken leg and won't start this year "what a waste." Eli Manning, Philip Rivers, half of the other 1st rounders - they all suck! because they probably won't contribute a whole lot this year. Lighten up people, you draft for the future. One year does not a future make.
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