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Everything posted by GoBills!

  1. You don't need a ticket but I'd buy club levels they are not much more and much better crowd with all the luxuries if you need a place to sit and watch the game while he nurses. I have taken my son to bills dolphins games and never had an issue but it's a different scene...
  2. Kiko doesnt get hair cuts he just snaps off the hair with his hands..... Kiko balls don't grow hair because hair cant grow on steel....
  3. Per Adam schefter and pro football talk @ProFootballTalk: Bills haven't made decision yet, but prefer Pat White to Dennis Dixon http://t.co/hj7xXltqM5
  4. @AlbertBreer: Fred Jackson says he suffered a slight sprain to his MCL, and that he'll be able to manage it and play Thursday.
  5. I agree, paying for NYC issues is hurts all of NY besides 100 miles radius outside NYC....The school system of NY is great...we have to use private here in FL because of so many issues with the public schools...the college is fair value for in state residents which is great....I am happy to visit NY for 2-3 weeks a year to get my fix and head back to FL...
  6. maybe not same amount but both generally cost hundreds of millions / billions..my inusrance is higher because I live on the gulf of mexico inland is pretty cheap..but the occurance level lately seems to be about the same...plus the north gets hurricances as well... i.e. Sandy..
  7. As someone who lived in Rochester, Buffalo and now florida. I can say its a wonderful place to live in WNY but I wouldn't trade the florida lifestyle for it any day. Taxes alone can make a huge difference. Even if you make 70k a year take away all your state tax thats another 3-5k a year in savings, no heat bills, cars last longer with no salt or rusted frames ( ofcourse you have to wash and wax still to keep the paint from fading). Fresh seafood of all sorts caught local. Property taxes are a huge difference my place I pay 4k a year for county and school taxes on a property worth 650k while my mom pays over 3k for a 170k home in rochester. Hurricanes arent as common as people worry about I haven't been through a bad one in over 5 years of being here.. the snow storms and ices storms are of equal damage and occurance. Clean air and clean swimming water of the gulf vs dirty erie and lake ontario. You will find more honest workers and hard workers from the north vs down here, marble, tile, are dirt cheap here but wood is expensive. Homes are made stronger (obvious hurricane code reasons vs wood frame homes of the north ). Overall I miss my friends, but they love to visit, all the deep fried unhealthy foods of WNY, and once in awhile a winter day and soft grass..our is what people call crabgrass very hard sharp grass blades. The heat doesnt bother me I work inside so 15 mins in the heat is no big deal we all have pools and a gulf of mexico which reaches close to 85 degrees in the summer is wonderful. Rain is only for 15 mins unless a tropical storm is passing through...
  8. I remember back when everyone thought this was the guy to go get on offense, well he was a dud in SD and is now a free agent again...Cant believe we missed out on signing him for 9 million !!! They still owe him 5 million for this year...suckers... Now on a serious note..any room for him on the squad ?? Thoughts ??
  9. I moved from a single family home to a condo....At the time the movers deal didnt include the free sunday ticket but did include the genie so I was SOL...What I like to do is juice up my programing a couple of days prior to calling so they think I spend 120 a month on their services... When I spoke to the rep I just said when the did the movers deal they said I can get the genie now but have to wait for the sunday ticket deal to be added in about 2 months so I when I called.. I told them I was told to call when the deal was released to have the bonus offer sunday ticket added in....they did not question it and found ways to save my fake 120 month bill another 10 bucks a month....later on I was back on my usual 65 a month plan... I brag to my wife that the savings goes towards my beer for the season...Last year the viacom deal got my free sunday ticket and the year before was my first year...and I got it again this year..I love their service and the fact they look for ways to make you happy even if they know you blowing smoke ...also I have comcast for internet so I dont like all my eggs in one basket if service goes down..
  10. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Bills-lease-agreement-approved-by-NFL-owners/95734442-975b-4de1-b463-48c0a6a2c0c2 Just recieved the late night text....10 more years !!
  11. well im in florida...and I dont have your tv service provider on hand so I just left it at NBC sports
  12. Byrd is a guest staring on NBC sports The Crossover tonight...in case you wish to tune in....
  13. Cowher has said he won't come here..no way his wife would move to buffalo..
  14. My dad got tickets and asked if I wanted to go to my hockey game or go to the bills game. We went to the bills game. We sat in the 100s and were hit with snow balls by the oiler fans all game..by half time my dad asked if I wanted to go and I said no lets stay (also thought dad drank too much) so we stayed through the end and I remember walking by and seein all the people beg to come back in by the end of the third quarter. I still have my ticket stubs to this day..
  15. Flacco prob gets franchised....Rivers, Vick, maybe Matt Flynn is let go ?...Jason Campbell ( everyone wanted him years ago) Leftwich... One I would like to see come in is Chase Daniels he did pretty well in preseason and we know how well Saints are with Qbs... Chase Blackburn top of the list of FA LB....Shaun philips out of SD... Dbs... Revis, trufant, rhodes...all would be helpful...non likely to sign...
  16. I always like houston after they moved...or bengals because I feel for them its like Bills sister
  17. Matt Flynn..the hawks clearly like what they got in wilson why sit on flynns big pay day....No thanks on Alex smith or Colin simply because 49ers are a system offense and Id rather keep my 1st or 2nd round pick then pay the ransom for one of those two...Also you can have Rivers for free soon why not ? He is still young and was a top 10 qb in past seasons might need a new home soon...
  18. Yes I'm crazy because I follow the medical world not just what a doctor or the tv tells me..go outside the us and you will see major diff, Europe is way ahead of us in many medical procedures..which is why you see athletes leaving the US for treatment ..... My doctor has 7 kids all who are unvaccinated..he isn't allowed to say don't vaccinate by law but rather says it's your choice.. My kids go to school like the yours..you just sign a form it's against your philosophical or religious reasons / beliefs . I lost my grandfather to cancer, my cousin has breast cancer, I had a good friend have breast cancer as a child.... So I'm no different then others I'm just looking outside our gov and country at alternative methods....seems odd autism, SIDS, CP, are all on the rise when we are suppose to be advancing and curing these diseases... Flame me away ! Not saying I'm better just know your options and read for yourself ... Ps a good friend on mine works for a large pharmaceutical company and is on the board..kids aren't vaccinated...weird...
  19. This is not going to go well for me ..I have church tomorrow...I'll add it to the collection basket....
  20. I hate to say this but these non profit are nothing but for profit people...they hire their own companies pay themselves well and even get loans with your donated funds..want to help donate your time to someone who needs help during treatments.... Cancer is curable just not in the US and with big pharm companies running our gov....look up cancer is a fungus by dr.Simoncini .....live fruits and vegetables can do wonders along with no mushrooms or processed foods and drop the pop, cigs... As a child I think I had maybe 6-8 shots now there is over 32 by the age of 2... My kids aren't vaccinated and are ahead of most vaccinated children because they can focus at age 6 and not be ADD , ADHD or any thing else they claim.... Do your homework everything on tv isn't true and you have options ...pharm pays doctors - doctors write scripts ....pharm pays gov - gov says you need these shots
  21. I'd be shocked if there isn't a clause to have the 3rd become a 2 and the 7th be a 4th if he signs extension
  22. I would trade 2nd and 3rd if he signed a extension then use our first for a qb...rarely do you have a pro bowl calibre guarantee in the 2nd or 3rd with the chance to sign him long term..this way we can use the first for a qb or trade this years first and another pick for a real deal qb higher up in the draft
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