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Everything posted by eball

  1. I think everyone shares the blame. Benjamin was a different receiver after the 2nd knee injury. Whaley totally buggered the Bills' cap and over drafted Watkins. Woods, Hogan, and Goodwin left in free agency. Nobody looks good with respect to the Bills' WR situation. But McBeane did find Foster, and Zay made strides this season. And they drafted Allen, although I know you're still on the fence about that. We're all in agreement it is on McBeane to fix the problem, regardless of what share of the blame they deserve for causing it.
  2. Stop worrying about whether or not the Bills keep Shady next season -- his cap number is already figured in and they still have tons of money. Whether they keep him will depend solely -- as it should -- upon his perceived talent and value to the team.
  3. To think the Bills went into this season relying upon Benjamin and Holmes as significant members of the WR corps...ouch. I don't care who you blame -- Beane, McD, Whaley (for the cap situation) -- that's just awful.
  4. Mount Jasper? Man, I remember the days when we hoped he would become our next Jason Peters, with Leif Larsen anchoring the D line.
  5. Nice list @DC Tom; I've only seen one or two of them. I will make a note to see the others.
  6. Just read the Buffalo News piece on Kyle's week at the Pro Bowl...his comments certainly lead one to believe he is interested in being a part of the organization in some capacity. He's a born leader. You know what I'd like to see? He starts his coaching career in Buffalo as an assistant, rises through the ranks to become DC, and in about 10-12 years after McD retires with his five Lombardi trophies Kyle takes over as HC.
  7. The Bridge on the River Kwai is a classic. Watching the British commander actually change his allegiance over a damn bridge is fascinating.
  8. I'll agree with Misterbluesky here...I only watched about five minutes of action but I was disgusted with the undisciplined, heave-it-up-regardless-of-the-defense brand of basketball UB was playing. They certainly deserved to lose -- maybe it will be the proverbial "wake up call."
  9. So much random conjecture here it's stunning. First of all, Farwell didn't "run the show" at Carolina -- he was an assistant. So now we hang the ST rankings on the assistant coach? I guess McD is also an idiot for keeping Smiley on the Bills' staff since he was their assistant ST coach last year. "Mediocre-looking hires" -- according to whom? The guy was a ST all-pro, won a Super Bowl, and played and coached under a great organization. Where is this spotty track record of which you speak? We all know it's his first shot at being "the guy" but aside from that, where are the red flags?
  10. Yeah, it’s a shame he had to work with all of that sub par talent at OSU. That school just can’t catch a break.
  11. Defendant: "Sober me and drunk me are two different people, Your Honor. If you want an explanation for what I did that night you'll need to take it up with drunk me. Sober me wasn't there and has no idea what happened."
  12. You had me with you up until this last statement. The Saints still had ample opportunity to win the game even after that horrendous call. The league doesn't fix games -- they just have refs who occasionally make bad calls. I am a 100% proponent of a "New York review" team, similar to what they do in Toronto for the NHL. Take it off the on-field refs completely.
  13. I read this post four times and still have no idea how anyone who actually watched football this season could post it. I mean, you actually typed "I just don't see a very bright future for our Josh" -- think about that. The Bills went 4-3 with Allen over the final seven games (which could easily have been 6-1), and the guy accounted for five TDs himself in the final game of the season. So the VERY LAST TIME we saw Josh Allen he provided the best performance by a BIlls QB since Jim Kelly. Please don't get behind the wheel of a car, and make an eye doctor appointment ASAP. It's obvious you are nearly blind.
  14. As could have Sean Payton. Yes, a couple of extremely bad calls were made, but the coaches of both teams had opportunities to overcome them and failed to do so.
  15. Yes, and no. The LA Rams did get to a Super Bowl, though -- they lost to Pittsburgh in the late 70s.
  16. Wait, they didn't have Lamar Jackson going first after his amazingly successful rookie year?
  17. This is another one of those scenarios under which I have no clue why people are upset or critical. Do you need to be "excited?" No, but why would you "poo poo" the situation? Jordan Palmer has made a name for himself as a QB coach/instructor. He's building a business of working with young QBs to get them ready for the next step in their football careers. Josh Allen -- until the end of his last college season -- never really received solid one-on-one coaching regarding mechanics and the art of playing the position. Palmer helped him immensely last year, so he's going back to continue to work on things and this is a bad thing? I can imagine Palmer sitting down with him, now, with actual NFL game film, and working things out. That's good stuff, and Palmer can do it because he's not directly affiliated with the Bills or NFL so there are no contact restrictions during the offseason. I just don't get the negativity.
  18. Ok, you have your preference. I think it’s weird. In my mind “drama” is not waiting for what mistake an official who is not playing the game will make. Call me crazy.
  19. ^^^ Gross overreaction. Don't know what got in your craw but you can knock it off any time!
  20. C'mon, dude. That's no longer an acceptable position given the technological world we live in. There is literally NO reason not to eliminate egregious judgment errors by officials.
  21. Don't talk to me until they sign Kwame Cavil and Kamil Loud.
  22. I remain convinced the Rams will give Brady* and the Pats*** all they can handle. Wade isn't going to make those mistakes.
  23. Oh please let this happen. Will guarantee us KC won't get over the hump.
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