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Everything posted by DefenseWins

  1. Just say NO to dogkillers... Some things ARE more important than football....
  2. Hoyer was having a pretty decent season until the game here... He deserves consideration... As does Sanchez.... And if Phila wants to move up in the draft they might be inclined to deal Foles for a draft pick... Lots of considerations here...
  3. my guess is he leaves to join Chan in NY... Use his $$ to help pay hughes...
  4. I am all for doing whatever is possible to give EJ a fighting chance but He must be able to go to training camp and WIN the QB job... In this offseason the Bills should have him working out with one of the QB developers out there... Get him some training from a professional who can help correct his flaws and by all means hire a dedicated QB coach for him and all the QB's on the roster... But if he wants to start he has to win the job - not have it handed to him... He should get plenty of time in preseason to show what he can do... It's not fair to "force" EJ onto the new HC, if that HC doesn't judge EJ to be capable of getting the job done... Coaches are paid to win football games - not nursemaid players who can't cut it... I'd be happy if EJ turned his game around and became the player we would all like him to be...
  5. They are hardly doomed... But this is an important decision that they need to get right... I have to wonder what Polian had to say about Whaley though... Rumor was that AJ Smith may have joined Polian if he had come here... Doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of Whaley to me... So where should Pegula be getting his advice from? Can he really trust Whaley to find the next coach? If Shanahan came here wouldn't he want his own guy as GM? And what are the chances of Schwartz staying if someone new comes in from outside the organization? It's gonna get interesting...
  6. What a start to the New Year... I'm Ok with Schwartz as well... Unless Cowher wants to come out of retirement....
  8. OK... Yes Whaley looks like he got this one right... Although, I have criticized this move up until now... I'm on board with this now... I can't deny Watkins talent --- BUT he better not EVER celebrate early again... I don't want another DeSean Jackson...
  9. http://espn.go.com/n.../2013/ej-manuel Here are EJ's stats from last season... A mixed bag with high points (Carolina, 2nd Jets game, Jax), and low points (Pitts and Tampa)... He had a nice game this game... He made that TD run look awful simple... He was cool under pressure and did what he needed to do... winning on the road is never easy... Hopefully he continues his good play against Miami...
  10. I wish you luck, but I fear you may lose your money...
  11. Unconditional anything is not usually very good... QB's get benched for poor play all the time... ALL players do... EJ hasn't earned anything yet... It's time for him to step up his play... It's also time for Marrone to get the OL's heads out of their a$$e$ and stop "T*tty blocking" the opposing D's... And Whaley should start thinking about what he is gonna say to Terry Pegula when he is asked why he didn't just draft Ebron or Beckham instead of trading away next years #1 pick...
  12. I don't find it surprising that TG hasn't submitted a bid... When he owned the Sabres TG never impressed me as "wanting to win"... Pegula wants to win... That's why I believe Pegula will be the Bills new owner when the smoke clears... Pegula has done all the things right to make this purchase... He hired Steve Greenberg who has real experience in these matters, sold the 1.75B mineral rights to free up $$.... Pegula will prevail...
  13. Maybe Spiderman and Iron Man would have been better longterm investments...
  14. If you are beginning to lose faith in Marrone, how then do you not blame the two guys that HIRED him? And then there is the Watkins move... Was he really woth surrendering next years 1 and 4 picks for, when guys like Ebron or Beckham were available? I want to be clear that I am not necessarily endorsing one move over another. But there are two very different points of view here to consider... Some might consider Whaley's move as a bad act of desperation if things don't work out well.... A change of ownership might be the right time to "clean house"...
  15. First of all, a Billion doesn't sound like it gets the job done against Pegula for one thing. Didn't Pegula just rake in 1.75 Billion in cash? I think he'd have a problem outbidding "The Donald" as well... end of story...
  16. Can Bon Jovi even place a bid given his known plan to move the team to Toronto? And what was discussed at that lunch between Bon Jovi and Roger Goodell? One could envision Comm Goodell, in not so many words, letting it be known that Toronto would stand a strong chance of getting a team when the NFL expands to London etc... so perhaps Bon Jovi's Group decides to not submit a bid knowing that Pegula has both the $$$ and the Will to see this thing through... Financing a new stadium in Toronto is gonna be tricky given current financial constraints there... It doesn't hurt to have Chuck Shumer's influence and the backing of Gov Cuomo either... Bon Jovi's Group may realize that moving the Bills is simply too costly to seriously pursue...
  17. My guess is that there is -ZERO- chance that the Bills draft a QB this year... The plan is to build up the offense around EJ this year... So it just doesn't matter...
  18. They took Cordy Glenn in rd 2 because Stephon Gilmore was more highly regarded and allegedly a bigger need...
  19. suppose The Bills were to trade S.J. to Oakland to swap picks? and grab Watkins?
  20. hmmm... an interesting choice... but I think doubtful that Mack could fall that far...
  21. my gut feeling on this is that the Bills like Lewan at #9 and would simply take him themselves... sorry...
  22. I'd cast my vote for a roof roof... But while I wouldn't rule NF out, I'd still cast my vote with Buffalo/Erie County...
  23. If the talk of a relatively quick sale and transfer of ownship approval by the League is true than this could very well be Marrone's make it or get fired year... Same holds true for Whaley...
  24. I don't see Houston swapping #1st round picks with us for Spiller and next years #1... and are the Bills willing to give Chris Johnson a boatload of cash? I think the Bills will stay put at #9...
  25. You are totally right about D.Jackson... The guy may have a lot of natural ability but is too much of a showboater... Stevie is nowhere near as bad... I'd like to see the Bills draft a WR/TE and an OT 1-2... If EJ can stay healthy we should know what we have in him by the end of this season...
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