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Everything posted by sherpa

  1. Moody Blues at their best, at the classic Royal Albert Hall. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8474UHL-dk&list=RDq8474UHL-dk&t=43
  2. Disagree Tom. Running into a pole causes shear damage, forward to aft. His pics look like lateral blast damage.
  3. Part of getting calls is knowing how to get calls. Zay doesn't If he extends his arms and tries to catch it with his hands instead of his body, he gets the call. He wasn't being interfered with early enough to prohibit a catch with his hands. He and Clay. No fundamentals. I have hope for him. Clay I am tired of.
  4. I appreciate your sincerity, but when you make mistakes like this it effects your credibility. FAE damage looks nothing like this. Suffice it to say, if you see the "monkey movie" you would agree that the usual disclaimer that: "No animals were damaged in this project," would not apply. FAE is an overpressure weapon, designed to cause heads to explode.
  5. Tom is quite correct. That is not FAE damage. FAE is an anti personnel over pressure weapon. I don't know what kind of access you have, but if you want to see FAE damage, view what is called the "monkey movie" from China Lake. I noted in the first Gulf War that CNN had a spot showing FAE being loaded on an attack aircraft. Nobody ever mentioned what it was, but I had seen it before. I know it wasn't used, but it was intentionally allowed to be filmed so the Iraqis would see it being loaded.
  6. Ray Thomas was one of the many victims of electronic music. It was easy to replace what he did with the flute, and he had less of a role in his later years before leaving the band. Still a classic part of the early Moody Blues.
  7. Coriolis only effects long time of flight plays, like field goals over 40 yards, long passes and kickoffs. The Bills have bigger problems with short time of flight, non Coriolis kicks, like on-side kicks. So that will be something to watch.
  8. No worries. BUF can handle any modern wide body airliner. The issue has been demand, since it's not a big market. Along those lines, it's quite easy to predict touchdown times, if you know the math. That's why, in the other thread, prior to the Bills boarding the bus, I predicted 12:30am. I'm not into that stuff, but I figured that there might be some New Year's party folks planning to greet them, and it was after somebody else posted a ridiculous ETA. If you believed my post, made about 8:50, before they were on the bus to FLL, you nailed it.
  9. You guys need to stop guessing on this. There are two things that determine suitability for an airport to be able to handle an airplane. One is runway length, which is much more limiting regarding takeoff than landing. In other words, in an airport's runways can handle the takeoff, they can surely handle a landing. The other is the landing gear "footprint" weight. How much weight can the existing runway, taxiways and ramp handle per tire. BUF has no real problem handling a 747.
  10. And the best ex coach news of the year....... Greg Williams, the single most despicable personality in NFL coaching...... 0-16. schadenfreude
  11. No. If they are staying on a coast for an upcoming away game, sometimes they do. But the charter is set and the schedule for the team is sacrosanct. They don't mess with it, and getting home on Sunday night sets them up for the game in JAX.
  12. Not true. They don't "gut them," and the cabins have been updated many times since the 70's. You can't "do a lot better,"
  13. I've done a couple of NBA charters to London. Players sat in 1st. NFL is different, because of the number of people. They really spread out. Catering is great, always a full buffet available. NFL leaves it a mess though.
  14. That's one way. The other way is to discourage it. The Soviets/Russians have always taken a "kill them all" approach. At some point, "human intelligence" doesn't get the job done, so folks decide to take another approach.
  15. The type of idiot that doesn't want to deal with it again. Taking no prisoners is a strategy aimed for the next group that is thinking about something.
  16. They pay for the tickets from their own funds. I flew the Dulles to LA trip for two years straight, just prior to 9/11. The flight that was used to hit the Pentagon. Maxine Waters was on it nearly every Friday when Congress was in session. to LAX, and Monday back to Dulles. Every time, she would have some aid, always a black male, drop a ton of paperwork in her 1st class seat, then head back to coach. She would always board at the last minute and take her 1st class seat. She always left a huge mess. Worse than any passenger I ever saw, and was remarkably rude. So rude that I made it a point to force the issue. Captains usually stand at the door and say goodbye to passengers on front loading airplanes, like the 757. Usually, the 1st class is off by the time you finish your stuff and get up. When she was on, I always got up early and stood there so I could say goodbye to her, and win a bet with others that she would never look at nor acknowledge me, or any other human. She intentionally never made eye contact and never said a word to anyone. Most condescending body language I ever encountered was from her and a few other celebrities that I won't mention.
  17. That is the famous coffee from Cafe Du Monde in the French Quarter of New Orleans. The place is legendary for chicory coffee and beignets. Very good.
  18. It's like watching an intentional accident. You don't have to feel sorry for the victim.
  19. Sometimes your lazy writing is just an annoyance. Other times it's a humorous malapropism. Your misuse of the word "then" instead of "than" reveals that one of your "goals in life" is to eat Ruben Brown, but only after eating "more chicken wings." That's one lofty goal.
  20. One is a storekeeper. The other is an error by the third baseman.
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