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Everything posted by FleaMoulds80

  1. That still means NOTHING. He's not our GM. OC has no say in this process. He said this to say that he really likes Nassib. That's it. This was said before Marrone was ever our HC and before he even interviewed for the Bills. This means nothing. Maybe we will go after him. Maybe not, but nowhere in this video indicates that he's our QB for sure.
  2. If we take Nassib because he's "comfortable" with the system and the coaches worked with him in college, that is a PISS poor reason for taking him. I want no part of any QBs coming out of this year's draft.
  3. Says nothing about us drafting him in rounds 1 or 2. Just because we got the Syracuse coach doesn't mean we'll be drafting Syracuse guys. Basically says he's tough, loves the cold, blah blah blah. Don't see the connection. We'll be drafting him because he likes the cold?
  4. How has he proven this? Sure his defense has always been top 5 if not top 3 in the league almost every year, but you can't ignore the fact that he's NEVER fixed the holes on the team. Every year, that team has struggled at QB play and offensive line play. Playing OC carousel every year like he's never the guy to blame. Sorry but I've never liked Lovie as HC. Great defensive mind but he's the same as Rex Ryan but with different personalities.
  5. Hilton and Allen's success had everything to do with Andrew Luck. I bet if Graham played with Luck, his numbers would be similar to that of Hilton's. That's what a great QB will do for you.
  6. Give it up dude. It's a fact. Every major sports site is reporting that Marrone is our coach.
  7. Go Colts. If you're not cheering for Pagano to win, then get outta here. #CHUCKSTRONG!!!
  8. You don't want Lovie Smith because of his underwhelming personality and performance but you want Andy Reid? Have you ever seen his pressers? This guy is the epitome of no personality and as for success? Lovie Smith has a ring. How many does Reid have as a HC? I'm not saying I want Lovie Smith because I don't but if you're going to give a reason for not wanting Lovie, make sure your reasoning makes sense.
  9. I would take this guy over any QB in this year's draft.
  10. This is one of the worst QB classes in recent memory. I wouldn't touch any of these guys with a 50 foot pole.
  11. And if it wasnt for McDaniels, they'd still have Cutler and Brandon Marshall. They never would've gotten Peyton Manning. Eric Decker would be non existent. Thomas probably wouldn't have developed the way he has the last 2 years. They'd never win in the playoffs with Cutler. He'd be b*tching about his teammates. Headaches galore. Kinda sad that you don't see where I was going with this. You are laughable.
  12. McCoy would be my first and only choice. This guy is going to be the next great HC
  13. Yea those Broncos are struggling so bad right now. Josh McDaniels was the best thing to ever happen to Denver.
  14. This year's class has the worst talent of QBs IMO. I am hoping to god that Monti Te'o is there for us at number 8
  15. Chip Kelly is going to fail MISERABLY in the NFL. Guaranteed.
  16. Mike McCoy from the Broncos. If he can take the Broncos offense with Tebow into the playoffs and then adjust that offense to a Manning offense in a year, he has my vote for most creative offensive mind.
  17. That's an ignorant comment. Head coach isn't all about X's and O's. Any coach can teach plays but the best coaches in the NFL are people persons and understand people and how to motivate their players. Jim Harbaugh, Tomlin, Belichick, are among the best at motivating their players. If you don't have this skill then you'll fail as a coach.
  18. Another divisional loss. Good thing we beat the Chiefs and Browns though...
  19. I think some people have too much time on their hands and need to get a real job.
  20. Fitz's stats/rankings means NOTHING. Stafford, Brady, Rodgers, Brees, Peyton are all having down years so far. Not sure what's going on in the NFL this year because nothing is making sense.
  21. It was out of his range? Last time i saw he had PLENTY of distance on his kick. Maybe we were watching different games? And if you learn how to read and pick up some comprehension skills, I already said he's been a great kicker for us...but he CHOKED when we needed him the most.
  22. And like I've said good coaches know how to control players. Being a coach isn't just about X's and O's. It's people skills too. Like i said before, Parcells had a lot of egos to deal with when he was coaching but nobody messed with him because he had control of his team. GM gave him the tools to succeed and Rex didn't get the job done.
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