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Everything posted by FleaMoulds80

  1. Unique like Vick, Kaepernick, Locker, Russel Wilson, RG3, and every other mobile NFL QB?
  2. It should totally be changed. If I were a native Indian, I would seriously take offense to this. Might as well have a team in the NFL called the LA Blacks and have a picture of a black guy on their helmet, or maybe we can have a team called the Anaheim Yellowskins and have an Asian guy on the helmet. Before you come blasting me, i'm not racist and it's pretty much the same thing the Redskins are doing.
  3. This guy hasn't played in forever and from what I heard he's down to 155-160 lbs or so. Horrible idea
  4. No one can predict the weather anymore. Speaking from someone that is within a 30 minute walking distance of the Meadowlands, it can be 40 degrees and sunny or 5 degrees and snowing for all we know. Just because it's Feb doesn't mean it'll be cold anymore. We f'ed our planet to the point where it doesn't even know what season it is Almost all NFL playoff games are played in freezing temperatures, so why should this be an exception? Because of the money, that's why. Screw that. Let the SB be played outdoors and you can have your precious halftime show indoors somewhere outside the stadium.
  5. Stevie just put up back to back to back 1,000 yd seasons with a SHT QB. Put him in the Patriots offense and he'd be putting up 1300 yd 10 TD seasons easy
  6. Michael Jordan played golf almost everday and hit the casinos every other day. So what? He produces on the field during games and is only as good as his QB. What does he have to do to shut you guys up? Seriously?
  7. Let's trade for Doug Martin while we're at it. Maybe they'll throw in Vincent Jackson too
  8. You obviously don't understand how these things work.
  9. Pettine already said that we're staying a 43 so I don't see the point of this thread.
  10. I wouldn't touch a USC QB with a 5000000000000 mile pole. Actually I wouldn't touch any of these QBs with a 70000000000000000000000 mile pole
  11. This is total BS. You don't improve overnight and it takes more than a couple monthes to improve. If your theory was in fact true, then every backup QB in the NFL would have a legit shot of starting somewhere. Where do people come up with this stuff?
  12. In all honesty, his style fits into the Patriots offense so much. A guy who gets off the line and gets open quick and a great short/intermediate WR. If he had Brady throwing him the ball in that offense, He'd be a 1200-1300 yd WR and wouldn't be surprised if he got around 10 TDs every year. Easily. He's honestly the best WR ive seen on this team since Reed. Yes I'd say better than Moulds. Give him a real QB and we'll see what kinda numbers he puts up.
  13. We can afford to cut all those guys. While they're at it, cut Mark Anderson too.
  14. I don't think he will. I think we'll trade for another QB and draft another one unfortunately. Start fresh. Signing him to that extension was one of the biggest mistakes ever.
  15. Okafor in the 3rd? LOL. This guy has top 15-20 written all over him. This guy is KILLING it in Senior Bowl practices and his stock is skyrocketing right now. Keep dreamin. I wouldn't mind taking Okafor at 8 and line him opposite Mario. Cut Kelsay and Anderson for the love of god.
  16. Dude has put up back to back to back 1,000 yd seasons with Fitzpatrick throwing him the ball. I really don't have to say anything else.
  17. You need to get off Stevie's nuts. You obviously haven't seen him play this year or last year. Whoever his QB is greatly impacts him so he has every right to voice his opinions.
  18. None of these QBs are going to succeed in the NFL. I'll pass on every one of them. Just trade for a better stopgap QB and draft one next year.
  19. Not a huge fan of the Hackett hiring, but LOVE this one. Way to get er done
  20. Highlights against USC looks worse. Maybe because it's lack of talent around him? I have no clue but I'm still not impressed.
  21. I'm dissappointed in the OC hire but I understand why it was done. The key to all this is who he hires at DC. This will completely make or break my thoughts on the Marrone hire.
  22. Definitely don't like this hire. I've heard talks of us installing a no huddle attack before. Numerous times, but I've yet to see it in a regular season game.
  23. This again means nothing. The HC will never persuade the team's front office and entire organization to draft this guy because "I coached him in college." If he blows everyone out of the water at the combine, pro days, then this may hold water. We won't be drafting him just because we got his college coach and OC. That's just ridiculous if you ask me.
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