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Everything posted by FleaMoulds80

  1. If you've actually watched the games, you'd think differently. This is where stats are deceiving. There's a reason why Matt Flynn, Matt Cassel, and Kevin Kolb were highly chased after their tenure with their old teams. They played well in their last years of their contracts.
  2. Regardless he brought in a lot of talent. A good coach takes control of his team. Parcells never had me first players when he was coaching? Of course he did. He was just a my way or the highway kinda guy that wouldn't take that kinda sht on his team. Rex never disciplined his players and look where its gotten him. You can have me first players on a team if you have the right coach.
  3. I'm not talking about his 1st 2 seasons. If you're comparing Kolb's entire career, then why don't you compare Vince Young's career stats to Tarvaris Jackson's career stats? I'm talking about Kolbs last year in Philly, he played LIGHTS OUT. His first 2 career starts, he posted over 600 yds and 6 TDs, and he was the IT QB. I'll use Matt Flynn as another example. Look at how he played last year in Green Bay. Look at Matt Cassel in New England. Do you really want me to go on? All 3 QBs played lights out their last years with their old teams and have completely BOMBED with their new teams. So you're still gonna compare numbers like that? It means nothing. If stats were any indication of how they'll do with their new team, Matt Flynn would be starting and Matt Cassel would have the Chiefs in the playoffs every year.
  4. You can't be just pointing out THIS YEAR. Rex has had how many years to take control of this team? Regardless of year, Tannenbaum has given Rex all the tools to succeed and all Rex did was poop it into the shtter. Rex didn't just lose this team last year. He lost this team 2 or 3 years ago.
  5. No I won't include those bogus numbers. A QB is to throw the ball, not run the ball. Sure Cam had his record setting 14 rushing TDs but what I saw is a rookie QB that threw for over 4,000 yds, over 20 TDs and completed well over 60%. I want a QB that knows how to throw the ball first, then run it as an added bonus. In what way was Jamarcus Russell/Ryan Leaf overrated and overhyped? Sure they were drafted 1 and 2 but beyond that, the media and fans SQUASHED them. Vick is still talked about as if he's an above average QB that can bring the Eagles to the show. Maclin, Jackson, Celek, McCoy, Avant. If you can't lead that offense to a Super Bowl, you're worthless. They have SO much talent on that team it's a joke.
  6. Well we've all learned from the Norwood thread, that it's never the kickers fault if we lose from a missed field goal.
  7. This is not the GMs fault. The GM has brought in tons of talent on both sides of the ball, but Rex has lost complete control of his team. Tomlinson (even though he was slightly past his prime was great talent), Dustin Keller, Santonio Holmes, Plaxico, Nick Mangold, Ferguson. They had players to succeed. This is all on Rex and no one else.
  8. All I'm saying is Tarvaris might play better than those stats indicate. Or he could completely bomb and be the worst QB to wear a Bills uniform. It means nothing. Different QBs play well in some systems and others don't. Look at Kevin Kolb. He looked like a STUD and his numbers in Philly were amazing. Well...just look at him in a different system on a different team. So you're still going to go off his numbers he put up in Philly?
  9. Ooooh so if he makes it, he wins the game, but if he misses, he didn't lose the game. Makes sense. So I guess Adam Vinatieri never won those games. Tom Brady won the game by putting Adam in great position to nail a 43 yard kick
  10. All legal stuff/personality aside, talking strictly QB. No he's the most overrated/overhyped QB to ever play. Andy Reid makes QB look better than they are. Michael Vick, a QB who's only surpassed 3,000 yds twice in his 9 years of playing? A QB who's only surpassed 20 passing TDs twice in his 9 years in the NFL? I'll pass
  11. Well what did they expect was going to happen? I have many Jets and Giants friends and all the Jets fans were sick of Rex's antics about 2 seasons ago.
  12. Just because his numbers were like that in Seattle doesn't mean his numbers will be identical in Buffalo. Different team, different system, and how he adapts will tell how well he plays. So you can compare numbers all you want but it doesn't mean anything.
  13. So if Norwood made the kick, he wouldn't have been responsible for the win? Then who would be?
  14. Ummm. Trent Edwards didn't beat out ANYONE in Philly especially VY. I don't know where you came up with that bogus statement. Vince was signed to a 1 year contract last year and wasn't resigned after the season. Trent was picked up in Feb. In what way did Trent beat Young?
  15. You couldn't tell just by watching Vince play this preseason that he's playing bad? You needed a chart to figure all this out?
  16. Who gives a crap where they're drafted? GIve me players who produce regardless of where they're taken.
  17. Madden 13 says Fitz has a THP of 82 and THA of 85 where as T Jax has a THP of 95 and a THA of 74. There. I ended the conversation. Lets move on.
  18. Sorry but I prefer Hagan over Gaffney. How can you even make those assinine comments?
  19. Yes we were outcoached, but a kickers job is to make a kick. So if Norwood misses, it's someone elses fault, but if he makes it he's a hero? I don't buy it. This is why Vinatieri is so clutch because he makes those pressure kicks. Norwood was a great kicker for us but he choked when we needed him the most.
  20. I never had big expectations to begin with. Sure our d-line looks great on paper but we've yet to play a down. We're always starting hot and then just collapse towards the end. Lets see if we can finish strong this year.
  21. They can call themselves NY all they want but they're a NJ team.
  22. Not sure if this has been brought up in this thread. But the New Jersey Giants?
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